Michael B. Brutman wrote:
Jules Richardson wrote:
Re. testing, is there any way to write something
that runs on remote
systems and just hammers the network stack / telnet interface on the
PCjr, or does nothing like that exist already? It seems like so many
TCP/IP stacks have been written for various machines over the years
that it surprises me nobody's come up with a solution for automating
some of the testing.
Testing exercises what the test writer expects to break. I've tested
quite extensively already, but every once in a while I need to get
outside help to try to break things in new and exciting ways.
Sure - I suppose I've just surprised that there isn't already something in the
public domain that can't flood a system, generate bogus/corrupt packets etc.
in order to test a stack out; it still wouldn't catch all bugs of course, but
might give a faster response to most problems than asking the list.
Btw, everybody must have testing fatigue .. We're
only up to about 50
connections since I fixed the suspected bug and restarted things. Feel
free to telnet back in again with whatever you've got handy ...
I'm recovering from Saturday night... :)
Anyway, on the telnet interface side it'd be nice if the system kept track of
nicks and didn't allow a nick that was already in use, and if messages could
be sent to a nick rather than a session number (similarly if received messages
showed the nick that sent them, rather than the session number). But that's
all "UI stuff" rather than fundamental issues with the server itself...
I did try breaking it by sending huge amounts of data or odd control sequences
and so far it seems to be holding up well.
I'm seeing lots of what look like Windows clients
and Xterms (Linux or
Putty probably).
Yeah, telnetting from a GUI shell in linux gives me a type of 'xterm', but
telnetting outside of X just shows a type of 'linux'.
Oh, what is the deal with backspace/delete? Backspace does nothing, whilst
delete echos some form of control code to the screen. ctrl-H seems to work as
the erase character, though (and genuinely does erase from the string that
gets sent to the server upon <return>). Is the PCjr doing something
non-standard with the handling of such keys, or is it just that other telnet
servers generally hack such keypress processing to accommodate modern clients?