Since we've not seen any code for the 6502 yet, this may not be a problem,
but since Apple didn't exactly make it easy to exchange diskettes with other
systems, how would you propose to transfer a file, binary or otherwise
between systems? Though I haven't gotten into it, I figured on
cross-assembling from a PC to a PROM. That makes it easy for me, but how
will others do it?
It's enough of a problem transferring files from, say, a CP/M box running a
Z-80, since PC's don't read 8" disks.
How should this be dealt with?
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Ford <mikeford(a)>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Thursday, April 22, 1999 3:17 AM
Subject: Re: z80 timing... 6502 timing
>>> Some things in this contest that sound reasonable to me;
>>> Input and output are to memory resident buffers.
>>> Inline code is too boring, and subrountine calling too important, so the
>>> "task" should require perhaps modules; maybe make the contest half a
>>> subroutines which get called from a contest defined main program (using
>>> some typical non asm language like C or pascal).
>>> Contest submissions could be a simple binary file, file length,
>>> jump table for subroutines, the actual code. Some third party, can run
>>> code and time it on the hardware of their choice.
>>Nice, but with these things, like internas of the system for input/output,
>>binary and similarities, you tie again all down to a single system to
>>use - we loose the idea of a cross platform competition where only basic
>>processor features are measured (see also the subject).
>I don't see what you mean. By setting some basic format for the file
>structure you make it PORTABLE, not restricted. Each target system then can
>read the common format and arrange it however is best suited to that target
>system prior to execution of code.
Here are the model numbers/descriptions of the Wang system
I mentioned back up the list aways:
Wang VS7110 with
16MB mem
(2) SMD disk controllers
(3) 928 Workstation/Printer controllers
(1) Multiline TC controller
(2) 2295V Disk Storage Cabinets
First one:
(1) 75MB RSD removable
(1) 454 MB SMD fixed
(2) 314 MB SMD fixed
Second one:
(2) 454 MB SMD fixed
(2) 5573-1 300 LPM Band Printers
(2) third-party terminals.
A note attached to the inventory sheet says that the CPU will not
IPL due to bad disk in console SCU; disk cabs power up and pass self
Printers not tested, no cables.
PLEASE NOTE that I am awating the last corporate 'OK' on this
stuff pending our Purchasing Department finding out that, in fact,
no one is going to buy the gear. No one. Trust me folks.... ;}
I imagine I will know Real Soon, because the stuff has to moved
prior to May 10th.
Again, I am listing this for those who need/love Wang gear... it's
not for me. If there is no reasonably positive interest, I will
most likely turn it down, and thus it will hit the skip. I can store
it for a while if need be. Shipping is on you...
(Why couldn't it have been an 11/780???)
In reality, I recall that though TI didn't market their products the way
Intel does now, they did market their home computers back in the early
'80's. What's more they advertised their electronic toys more than all the
other fellows you've mentioned combined. The TI salesman called me as often
as any of the others, if not more. I was, after all, a user of many of
their products, since they had more than any other single manufacturer, and
their efforts to make their products accessible to small developers were a
great help.
-----Original Message-----
From: Allison J Parent <allisonp(a)>
To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
Date: Thursday, April 22, 1999 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: z80 timing... 6502 timing
><Now I know that many people didn't consider it a reasonable computer, but
><the TMS-9900 did make a memorable appearance in the TI-99/4/4A of blessed
><memory - 16K if I recall correctly. Once you added a PEB, RS-232 card, 32
><memory card, 2 HH DS/SD floppies and an Extended Basic cartidge, it was a
><fine computer.
>Not quite true. There were the TI business systems, the ti990-xxx boards
>that could be systems or used as SBCs and after the TI99/4a there was the
>Geneve system that was marketed. Another was a ti9900 board for S100.
>Also Technico systems had both the basic Super starter system as a SBC
>and expansion boards for it as well.
>It didn't make the impact because TI didn't market it like intel, moto or
>Mos tech.. Actually they didn't market it at all until the were an also
>ran. Shame too as it was the fist 16bit single chip and vastly better than
>8086 considering it was 4 years earlier.
<My first thought was something like a small compass near each bit. I want
<to avoid lights since I think they are less engaging, less an indicator
<that something has happened. Ideally this should be an attractive looking
<toy, that sparks curiousity.
The ferrite would not show enough external field change to be a reliable
indicator. However when the wires were driven they indeed would!
<What might a drop of ferrofluid do if placed on a core?
Show the fields induced by the wires and some of the remnant field (no
current magnetic material is perfect magnetic conductor).
<Now, I have a decmate III, and that looks like a microcomputer to me.
In effect it's the same damm thing. While the PDP-8 I'd concede is
a mini of micro size it was not a single or multiple "chip based"
system. That has to wait in the commercial realm for the 8008.
<Exactly, yes I do define a microcomputer in those terms. it was a new
<'era' in computing, just as the switch from mainframes to minicomputers
Figures, retro revisionism.
<microcomputers. One possible observation is that they cannot be
<mounted in a 19" rack (as many minicomputers can be). Sure, you
<can get a minicomputer in a non-rack mount version, but show
<me the person or company that bought rack mounted apple ][
Well the Altair, IMSAI, and even apple were available as rack cased
and mounted as such. For the real rack king the OSI systems as most were
rack frames in various forms.
Again a rack doe not make it a mini as the LSI-11 was available as non rack
and rack systems. The non rack would be PDT-11/1xx series and the racked
would be the LSI-11/03. For the moment I'll for get the PRO3xx, Qbus and
the Unibus systems that used the F (2-3chips) or J11 (one chip) versions
of the PDP-11 mini.
<Do we at least agree that there was a microcomputer era that
<started either near the mid 70's or early 80's (depending on how
<you define microcomputer)? If not, what do you call the change
Microcomputer in 71 at the latest with the commercial deliver of the 8008.
(there were non commercial systems before that). By the 80s the arguement
was form not mini/micro as they were litereally the same in most cases.
<that occured at that time. And what was the first computer or
<computers that started ushering in that change (even though at the
<time, they didnt realize it was a significant trend)?
Well, I'd easily identify as for as 5 major trends and likely more in the
span from the intro from the pdp-8 through the start of the 32bit era.
Your forgetting I worked for NEC from 79 through 83 and before that TANDY
Computer(z80), Hazeltine(8080 and 8048 in terminals), Automated processes
(8008). I was one of the first 1000 (SN#200) to buy an Altair. If anything
I not only realized the eras I was out there making them!
In a message dated 14/04/99 16:32:06 Eastern Daylight Time, max82(a)
<< Actually, you might see 486s also. I spent half an hour last saturday
smashing all kinds of computers, from PS/2 Model 30 to DEC 486. They were
being trashed, and we decided to have some fun while we were at it. We
stomped on them till they were practically pancakes (the drives had been
removed). It was quite fun :) >>
that was a rather stupid thing to do. All of those computers could have been
of some use, if not to just be salvaged for parts to revive other computers.
Hi all
My name is Wouter, I'm new here, and I never throw anything away.
<everyone>Hi Wouter!</everyone> :-)
From: "Richard Erlacher" <edick(a)>
>I saw one ad for an
>SC/MP, in '77, but that one was a homebrewed model. Other than that, it was
>not of much interest here. Was that not the case in Germany? The processor
>was still in National's data book, but I really wasn't then and am not now
>of any operating system or application software for it. I don't believe I
>ever saw a real SC/MP based computer.
Warning: pages in progress!
<Now I know that many people didn't consider it a reasonable computer, but
<the TMS-9900 did make a memorable appearance in the TI-99/4/4A of blessed
<memory - 16K if I recall correctly. Once you added a PEB, RS-232 card, 32
<memory card, 2 HH DS/SD floppies and an Extended Basic cartidge, it was a
<fine computer.
Not quite true. There were the TI business systems, the ti990-xxx boards
that could be systems or used as SBCs and after the TI99/4a there was the
Geneve system that was marketed. Another was a ti9900 board for S100.
Also Technico systems had both the basic Super starter system as a SBC
and expansion boards for it as well.
It didn't make the impact because TI didn't market it like intel, moto or
Mos tech.. Actually they didn't market it at all until the were an also
ran. Shame too as it was the fist 16bit single chip and vastly better than
8086 considering it was 4 years earlier.