test-drb May 2003

  • 284 participants
  • 500 discussions

Need HP9830A Calculator service manual
by vcf@siconic.com
21 years, 7 months

In search of Christopher Willis
by mail.list@analog-and-digital-solutions.com
21 years, 7 months

Intellec 8 Etc.
21 years, 7 months

Univac 9200 in Minneapolis
by yakowenk@yahoo.com
21 years, 7 months

Teletype 33-TU in Kansas City at surplus exchange
by mmcfadden@cmh.edu
21 years, 7 months

IBM 5362
by robbiej600@hotmail.com
21 years, 7 months

5362 computer
by robbiej600@hotmail.com
21 years, 7 months

VAX 6610 available in NJ
by cmcmanis@mcmanis.com
21 years, 7 months

Pagemaker 3 for the MAC (and other MAC-related things)
by ram_suganthi@hotmail.com
21 years, 7 months

Kilobaud magazine issue # 1
by ib-o@online.no
21 years, 7 months
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