If anyone is looking for a LA36 there is one at the surplus exchange at 1107
Hickory Kansas City Missouri. Not-for-profit office equipment/computer
equipmnent recycling.
Not with a dehumidifier and insulation. Also radiant heat helps.
Brian Roth
Network Administrator
Network Services
First Niagara Bank
(716) 625-7500 X2186
>>> teoz(a)neo.rr.com 05/16/03 04:25PM >>>
>I keep alot of my collection in the basement also, any long term problems
>with computer parts and slightly higher then average humidity?
>----- Original Message -----
From: "brian roth" <brian.roth(a)fnfg.com>
To: <cctalk(a)classiccmp.org>
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2003 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: Leaving the hobby
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FN:roth, brian
ORG:;Network Services
Greetings folks!
As many know, I have been working on an emulator (hpemu) for the HP 2100
type computer systems for some time. An incredible amount of progress has
been made, however, I only have so much time I can dedicate to this project.
More importantly, I've wanted to find other people to "join the team" and
help work on it, but I needed to first get the API's and structure well
defined, coded, and tested first. That is certainly now done. In addition, I
finally decided the project will be released "open source". Actually, it
will be "dual licensed", with individual use being free and under the GPL
(just like the mysql license). Complete source code is available (as of the
pending alpha release) and free.
As a result, I wanted to query the folks here to see if anyone was
interested in helping with the development. People wanting to help work on
the code should have a working knowledge of programming in C on unix
platforms. The emulator makes heavy use of SYSV style message queues, and
BSD style pipes and sockets - so familiarity with these is pretty essential.
All of the code is non-blocking, so familiarity with that type of
programming environment is a big help. Of course, knowledge of the 2100
machine language would make things a lot easier for you.
The cpu module is tested and running, as are several devices/interfaces.
Most of the work needing to be done now involves adding functionality to the
configuration options processing, optimizing existing code, error reporting
and logging, and most of all coding additional devices that use the API to
tie to the cpu. Of course, ideas/code for new/better features is welcome.
Perhaps someone would like to take the 2100 module and enhance it to make a
21MX module?
If anyone is interested, please contact me off-list.
Jay West
From: Thompson Family <mthomps5(a)columbus.rr.com>
Date: 05/15/2003 6:32 PM
> What is a BBS?
ROFLMAO! You're serious, aren't you?
May I ask how old you are?
> Go out and buy all sorts of old computer crap. Fill every inch of
> living space with it. Go broke dragging the stuff around with you
> move and trying to find a place to put it.
I just signed on with a mover yesterday and it's going to cost me a ton
to move my butt and my family to a new house, much of it because of the
thousands of pounds of computers and related items I've got stashed.
Hell, the reason we're moving is that we're out of space! :)
Another solution would be to buy a 12 to 120V converter
and rewind the transformer to have the needed output
voltages for the PC. I've rewound one to create voltages
for my 20's battery powered radio. It isn't all that hard
to do. This way you only have to one stage of conversion.
The units for $200 are only that way because of the small
demand. Combining a PC power supply with an inverter by
rewinding the transformer is relatively simple.
>From: "David Woyciesjes" <dwoyciesjes(a)comcast.net>
>"Cini, Richard" wrote:
>> Hello, all:
>> This is a bit OT (because of the PC being used) but I believe that
>> the application of the solution is timeless :-)
>> Anyway, I want to run a "book" PC on 12v while I'm outside using the
>> telescope (the PC will run the CCD camera setup). I gave some thought to
>> simply using an AC inverter, but converting 12v to 120v AC and then back to
>> PC power supply voltages seemed horribly inefficient.
>> The power supply is rated 12v/5.5a and 5v/1a. It's an NLX-type
>> motherboard, so the 12v is converted to 5v for various peripherals at the
>> point of need. The 5v from the power supply is to support system standby
>> mode only.
>> I went hunting for DC-input PC-form-factor supplies but they're
>> upwards of $200. I thought about directly connecting the battery to the PC
>> and using a small DC-DC converter for the 5v, but the battery voltage isn't
>> really 12v (it's more like 13.8v) so a regulator would be necessary.
>> Any thoughts as to a simple, low-cost yet efficient solution?
>> Rich
> Have you looked around http://www.mp3car.com? A site for putting PCs in
>your car, as a music source. Here's some DC-DC converters you could
> I vaguely remember seeing somewhere on that site a couple different
>plans for building your own supply...
>--- Dave Woyciesjes
>--- ICQ# 905818
Hello, all:
This is a bit OT (because of the PC being used) but I believe that
the application of the solution is timeless :-)
Anyway, I want to run a "book" PC on 12v while I'm outside using the
telescope (the PC will run the CCD camera setup). I gave some thought to
simply using an AC inverter, but converting 12v to 120v AC and then back to
PC power supply voltages seemed horribly inefficient.
The power supply is rated 12v/5.5a and 5v/1a. It's an NLX-type
motherboard, so the 12v is converted to 5v for various peripherals at the
point of need. The 5v from the power supply is to support system standby
mode only.
I went hunting for DC-input PC-form-factor supplies but they're
upwards of $200. I thought about directly connecting the battery to the PC
and using a small DC-DC converter for the 5v, but the battery voltage isn't
really 12v (it's more like 13.8v) so a regulator would be necessary.
Any thoughts as to a simple, low-cost yet efficient solution?
>Aww - what fun is that? How about this:
>Bill's Top 10 Reasons to Leave the Classic Computer Hobby
That is the funniest s* I have read in a while. You should think about
sticking it on a shirt and selling them at the next VCF! Humm... mind if
I make myself a shirt?
Hello fellow vintage computer fans,
A few weeks ago I announced the creation of the Vintage Computer Forum
(http://www.vintage-computer.com/vcforum) and since then the response
has been excellent! In just a few weeks we?ve had thousands of visits
and hundreds of messages posted by dozens of new members with many more
people coming by to have a look around.
I promise that I won?t be posting my invitation repeatedly (I don?t
want to spam the list), but I would once again like to encourage anyone
interested in vintage computing topics to swing by the VC Forum to see
what it?s all about and, hopefully, to sign up and participate in our
Topical areas have been created for a wide variety of interests
including Apple, Atari, Commodore, DEC, CP/M, S-100, Vintage
Programming and many more; including some off-topic areas for those so
inclined. Additional topics will be added as they are requested by the
VC Forum community.
Best regards,
Erik Klein
Subject: 5362 computer
Subject: IBM 5362
Subject: Re: Intellec 8 Etc.
These really look like address miner queries. I wonder
if the people sending these queries even know what
they are asking about? I don't recall cctalk(a)classiccmp.org
as posting adds.