Gee I wish someone had informed me that the mullet was out, next you will
be telling me that my cuffed corduroys, platform shoes and double-knit
shirts are no longer the pinnacle of fashion.
>From: "Thompson Family" <mthomps5(a)>
>False shock and sentimentality went the way of the mullet. Just ignore
me if
>you don't like me.
>I just signed on with a mover yesterday and it's going to cost me a ton
>to move my butt and my family to a new house, much of it because of the
>thousands of pounds of computers and related items I've got stashed.
>Hell, the reason we're moving is that we're out of space! :)
My wife just told me last night that "We are not taking that sh*t with us
when we move". She was refering to the piles of computers I have in my
I'm still trying to figure out who the "We" was referring to. :-)
On May 16, 3:55, vance(a) wrote:
> I usually see isopropanol rather than methanol at the pharmacist.
It may depend on the pharmacy, and methanol is more likely to be in the
back room than the front shelf. IPA is sold as "rubbing alcohol" in
the States, "methylated spirit" for a variety of purpose is commonly
available in the UK and most of Europe -- it's a mixture of ethanol and
methanol (plus dye). The point, however, is that methanol is a better
solvent for felt-tip and ballpoint pen inks than isopropanol is, and
that's what the original reference was about, IIRC.
For glue residue (incl. duct tape), though, what we call "white spirit"
or "turpentine substitute" (not to be confused with cellulose paint
thinner) in the UK, is better than any of the common alcohols.
None of the above will have any effect on most plastics, unlike
toluene, MEK, acetone, ..., all of which are solvents for many plastics
(in fact, for most non-waxy plastics, which leaves little but polythene
and PTFE).
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
I have quite a bit of software on cassette tapes for 1980s home computers.
Does anyone know of a simple method (without having to design and build
myself a dual-tone decoder circuit + write suitable PC software) of getting
this information onto a PC? I guess the home computer emulator pages on the
web must have done this.
Maybe I could record it as a WAV file then write a program to decode the
WAV? Or would MP3 encoding be capable of compressing and reliable expanding
the audio data (MP3 is of course designed to compress music which these
squeaks and whistles clearly are not, even if they lie within the audio
> >I just signed on with a mover yesterday and it's going to cost me a
> >to move my butt and my family to a new house, much of it because of
> >thousands of pounds of computers and related items I've got stashed.
> >
> >Hell, the reason we're moving is that we're out of space! :)
> My wife just told me last night that "We are not taking that sh*t
with us
> when we move". She was refering to the piles of computers I have in
> barn.
> I'm still trying to figure out who the "We" was referring to. :-)
Fortunately my wife is as big of a packrat as I am. She's got
her "junk" and I've got mine.
Hopefully you work out who that "we" is pretty quickly!
On May 16, 14:27, TeoZ wrote:
> How many people keep something as nasty as MEK in their house?
> Generally if your trying to disolve something then pick a solvent in
> same family as the ink is made out of. like disolves like is a
general rule.
MEK isn't particularly nasty. Less nasty than acetone, and you'll find
that in many houses (in the guise of nail polish remover). Less nasty
than some of the things found in various paint thinners.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
On May 16, 15:28, Joe wrote:
> MEK has all but been banned in the US and is just about impossible
for an
> individual to obtain. Besides it EATS plastic!
I believe it's still commonly used for certain industrial processes.
Yes, it does attack plastic -- that's it's principal use :-) Ditto
for actone.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
From: Thompson Family <mthomps5(a)>
Date: 05/15/2003 6:37 PM
> If you can't be unkind and unfair in speculating then why speculate at all?
> Lighten up. You make a cryptic statement and naturally people are going to
> react to it. Rushing to be mister sensitive is more annoying than cycinysm..
> and not nearly as entertaining.
Jeffrey Sharp has made a tremendous contribution to this list, and therefore,
to the cause of classic computing in general. There was nothing cryptic about
his statement -- he simply stated what he is going to do.
Additionally, people do not "naturally react" to another person's statement --
you chose to respond in the way that you did, and I certainly agree with Don's
assesment of your choice.
Don Maslin wrote:
> > I think it is unfair and unkind to speculate like that. Just
> > accept what he said and let it go at that.
> > - don
Brian Roth
Network Administrator
Network Services
First Niagara Bank
(716) 625-7500 X2186
>>> rigdonj(a) 05/16/03 03:30PM >>>
I'm moving into a new house in three weeks.
My wife keeps taking about the lawn and flowers.
The basement is all mine. <grin>
Where do you live? I'll come and help relieve you of your "burdon". :-)
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