The phosphor compositions are not secret, only the way they are made!
The old monochrome green P39 is made of Zinc Silicate activated with
Manganese and a trace of Arsenic to extend the persistence,(Zn2SiO4:Mn:As)
which is the main difference between that and P1 (Zn2SiO4:Mn).
The old monochrome orange "LA" phosphor is made of Cadmium Chlorophosphate
activated with Manganese (Cd5(PO4)3.Cl:Mn). There are not always
equivalents between the two codes. We stopped making LA phosphor for the
far eastern market in the mid 90's because of environmental issues and the
rise of colour monitors.
I hope this helps
David Pendrill
Head of Research and Development.
Phosphor Technology
If I understand it well, I could use one tabletop TK50-GA I have :-)
That's right ?
Oh, another more thing: Could I take one complete image of one
backup tape to put it in a "virtual tape image" format ?
I have one backup of Oracle for VMS (very old) and I'd like to recover
it and mount under one simulator like SIMH or so.
----- Mensaje Original -----
Remitente: "Greg Elkin" <beermat(a)bouncy-castle.demon.co.uk>
Fecha: Martes, Abril 16, 2002 11:32 am
Asunto: Re: Assorted goodies & TK Question
> > Has anyone ever gotten a "TK50-Z" in a 'TK SCSI' encosure to
> work with
> > any 'normal' scsi controller on a PC or something?
> >
> Yup, got a stripped one sat on a desk at the moment ;
> TK50 (ver E4) from a different system
> the SCSI-TK50 drive adaptor board from the (scrap) enclosure, set
> to ID5
> PC AT PSU to drive the adapter board & TK50 drive
> PC with Adaptec AHA1540CF, running DOS6.22 & Adaptecs DOS driver
> (ASPI4DOS.SYS) loaded.
> Using the ST program (v1.1, by John Wilson) I can read & write
> images from/to
> TK50 catridges happily.
> I have the thing nekkid as I need to clean the TK50s head using a
> Qtip with
> IPA on every few tapes I play with as they get gunked up from
> reading the old
> tapes quite quickly.
> Now, if someone happens to have an image of the Mvax-II full
> diagnostics that
> could be usefull...
> greg
Lawrence wrote:
> On the Rainbow I saw mention of either an EPROM mod (it's documented
>according to www.old-computers.com) or choosing the OS on start-up. I can't
>remember the boot-up choice on my 'bow and it's buried right now.
Boot-up choice is made by telling the system which disk to boot
from. But you don't get to that choice unless you modify the boot PROM (I
think not EPROM) to account for the V20's faster (fewer cycles) execution
of a timing loop. The modification is documented, I think it's in Rainbow
News and I can dig it out in a couple weeks if anyone is interested.
For purposes of the original thread, modifying a Rainbow is
needless, because it already includes a Z-80 (4 MHz) in addition to the
8088 (4.mumble MHz), and will run Dec CP/M-80/86. It probably makes a
pretty good platform for anyone wishing to cross-develop from MS-DOS (up to
3.10b) to CP/M.
For hot-rodding purposes, the V-20 mod is recommended by Rainbow
News as a good way to get more speed out of the Rainbow.
- Mark
but it won't help with the current distribution problem. The PSU
who's output after the diode drop is the highest voltage will end
up sourcing all the current. Not what you really want.
Not quite, the forward volt drop of the diodes will even
out the current between the individual units. Even
shottky barrier diodes have a vf of >0.4v at the curents
that would be involved.
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Has anyone ever gotten a "TK50-Z" in a 'TK SCSI' encosure to work with any
'normal' scsi controller on a PC or something? I picked one up for a few
$$ today, and just realized the enclosure has a 220V power supply...
Also, how do I get the disk out of an RRD40 without a computer attached?
If anyone's interested in this stuff, reply off-list:
DEC RRD40. I don't have anything but the drive and whatever is stuck in
the drive with the CD in it. In a 110V external enclosure.
DEC TK50-Z. In a 220V external enclosure (IEC power connection)
DEC RZ55. In a 220V external enclosure (same one as TK50-Z)
DEC DEBET. 110V/220V switchable ethernet 'bridge' I think.
PowerMac 6100/66
PowerMac 7100/66
PowerMac 7100/66 'chipped' to 80MHz
- i don't know the specs off the top of my head for these, will have to
look. mostly 250M-500M hard drive and 8M-24M of RAM
Quadra 660av
Quadra 610
Mac IIci
Mac SE
Sun SparcStation 1
- 40M RAM, 240M HDD, CG3 video
Sun Sparc IPC
- 40M RAM (IIRC, will check), NO HDD, builtin video
2xNCD 19r XTerm, upgraded memory. One with AUI/10B2, one with AUI/10BT.
2xIBM 3191 terminal (going on EBay if I cant find a buyer this time
2xApple //e, one with 128K and DuoDisk, one with 64K and single Disk ][.
-- Pat
Well, I just acquired a 5' x 3' x 2' IBM AS400 drive cabinet. F--n
Now, to mount equipment in it, I need to find some more of those
clip-on T-nut kinda things, which clip on around the hole in the rails, so
you then use the supplies screws to mount your equipment. Some older DEC
racks used the same thing.
And, as you can guess, the guys at the local Home Depot just gave
me funny looks.
Anybody know where I can get a dozen or two of these screw mount
sets? For a reasonable price? And what are they called?
--- David A Woyciesjes
--- C & IS Support Specialist
--- Yale University Press
--- mailto:david.woyciesjes@yale.edu
--- (203) 432-0953
--- ICQ # - 905818
Mac OS X 10.1.2 - Darwin Kernel Version 5.2: Fri Dec 7 21:39:35 PST 2001
Running since 01/22/2002 without a crash
I just downloaded and built simh V2.9. I was able to boot the
RA90 disk image I created for Charon-VAX. No timeout, full
source, with Ethernet support coming. There's supposed to
be a couple of bugs, but I haven't found them yet.
Eric Dittman
Check out the DEC Enthusiasts Club at http://www.dittman.net/
I recently acquired an HP 13215A PS (power supply for a 7900A Disk
Drive) from the local university (they junked
an entire system and sold it for scrap piecewise). I can see that one
of the terminal strips is labled with the output voltages (I assume) but
other than that, I have no idea what this unit provides or requires. I
would like to use this PS to power a FC array I have, but I don't know how
to energize the PS, nor do I know the current ratings.
Nathan Gallaher