test-drb February 1999

  • 178 participants
  • 709 discussions

S100 boards
by cswiger@wilma.widomaker.com
25 years, 11 months

1130 has been claimed
by jdykstra@nortelnetworks.com
25 years, 11 months

Euro on old computers
by cswiger@wilma.widomaker.com
25 years, 11 months

RT-11: ?DIR-F-Invalid directory
by healyzh@aracnet.com
25 years, 11 months

S100 boards, including Electric Mouth, 2650 processor card, RAM
by dogas@leading.net
25 years, 11 months

Xerox 800 ?
by dogas@leading.net
25 years, 11 months

Daily Laugh!
by Philip.Belben@pgen.com
25 years, 11 months

KL power question
by DSEAGRAV@toad.xkl.com
25 years, 11 months

IBM 9075 - the PC-RADIO (OT?)
by roblwill@usaor.net
25 years, 11 months

PDP paper tape - PC04/PC05 (offer to trade)!
by jlwest@tseinc.com
25 years, 11 months
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