Hello, all:
I began posting my "Altair Scans" to:
You can see from the overall list that there is a lot of info there.
Also, I posted some PDP-11 stuff to:
If anyone has any information to add to the list, let me know. I still
have to take an inventory of my docs, but it's about several Xerox boxes
Rich Cini/WUGNET
- ClubWin!/CW7
- MCP Windows 95/Windows Networking
- Collector of "classic" computers
<========= reply separator ==========>
I agree. I think sometimes, it's good to get a bit off-topic. Even WAY
off topic (sometimes) isn't bad. Just as long as it's not spam, like on
the OCH. A break from the ordinary is good.
* Jason Willgruber *
* (roblwill(a)usaor.net) *
* *
* http://members.tripod.com/general_1 *
* ICQ#-1730318 *
* /0\/0\ *
* > Long Live the 5170! *
* \___/ *
> From: Bill Richman <bill_r(a)inetnebr.com>
> To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
> Subject: Re: Noise levels increasing and have become deafening
> Date: Monday, October 26, 1998 8:04 PM
> Boo hoo. Personally, I *enjoy* some "chatter" in the group, as long as
> it's from people who are into classic computers and the like. As often
> as not, I will read a message and think "Y'know - that's exactly what
> happened to me/how I feel about that/where I'm at in life," and it feels
> good. I hang out in the rec.crafts.metalworking newsgroup a lot, and
> you'll never find a group lower in spam or more willing to help anyone
> who wanders in, whether it's a question about how to best move a 3,000
> lb lathe or the best snow tires for a Volkswagen. It's like the old
> guys who sat by the wood stove playing checkers in old-time hardware
> stores, except there are about 500 of them. I've seen this group giving
> each other some (occasionally much needed) "attaboys!" and general moral
> support, and it's kind of neat. If I want cold, hard facts, I generally
> look elsewhere, but if I want to read some personal anecdotes about
> classic computers and the lives of those who collect them, I come here.
> Relax, have a cup of coffee, and slow down a little. People with tunnel
> who demand instant gratification are most of what's wrong with the world
> today!
Oh yeah - I forgot about that one.
* Jason Willgruber *
* (roblwill(a)usaor.net) *
* *
* http://members.tripod.com/general_1 *
* ICQ#-1730318 *
* /0\/0\ *
* > Long Live the 5170! *
* \___/ *
> From: SUPRDAVE(a)aol.com
> To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
> Subject: Re: Noise levels increasing and have become deafening
> Date: Monday, October 26, 1998 7:47 PM
> no, i think the one about firearms outdid the throwing up thread...
> In a message dated 10/26/98 7:35:55 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
> roblwill(a)usaor.net writes:
> > Or the one about the drinking Hydrochloric acid and throwing up.
> > -- that may have been a bit *too* far off-topic....
> > --
no, i think the one about firearms outdid the throwing up thread...
In a message dated 10/26/98 7:35:55 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
roblwill(a)usaor.net writes:
> Or the one about the drinking Hydrochloric acid and throwing up. Although
> -- that may have been a bit *too* far off-topic....
> --
I hate it.
Sniped just seconds before the end.
They should realy change their policy about
ending time - these (automatic) snipers are
realy not the way it should be.
sorry to use the list, but I had to cry ...
I was happy until 5 minutes ago ...
Ich denke, also bin ich, also gut
Or the one about the drinking Hydrochloric acid and throwing up. Although
-- that may have been a bit *too* far off-topic....
> From: Max Eskin <maxeskin(a)hotmail.com>
> To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
> Subject: Re: Noise levels increasing and have become deafening
> Date: Monday, October 26, 1998 6:33 PM
> I just want to say that the sort of people that assemble on this list
> make almost every discussion interesting _for me_, even if off-topic.
> Like the discussion we had way back about telephones. Sure, it's not
> on topic, but I think this list is more of a meeting place for old
> computer collectors than a natural-language-queryable encyclopedia.
So I corrupted you? I have just learned to keep my eyes open for all
University surplus stores. You just are lucky enough to have them sell over
the counter. Down here everything has to go through the state sealed bid
process. (except what you are willing to dumpster dive for) Not that I
would ever do such a thing.:) ( I have made several thousand from such dives
over the years)
Also Tim be sure to check their dumpsters routinely. They are very bad
about dumping good stuff.
> http://www.inform.umd.edu/PURCHASE/terptrad/
>They usually have a good assortment of workstations and PC's
>in the showroom, and they often have some interesting
>scientific and test equipment as well. (Thanks to Dan Burrows
>for taking me to this place the first time!)
O.K. After 5:00, it started working. must have just been a loaded server
or something.
> From: Marvin <marvin(a)rain.org>
> To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
> Subject: BOFH
> Date: Monday, October 26, 1998 11:23 AM
> For sysadmins and everyone with a perverted sense of humor, you might
> this site. A friend of mine turned me onto it a year or so ago, and
> always puts a smile on my face! The URL is
> http://www.networkweek.com/bofh.shtml.
I just want to say that the sort of people that assemble on this list
make almost every discussion interesting _for me_, even if off-topic.
Like the discussion we had way back about telephones. Sure, it's not
on topic, but I think this list is more of a meeting place for old
computer collectors than a natural-language-queryable encyclopedia.
>> What does a 64 bit Z80 have to do with old computers
>Not a helluvabunch. I have to agree with you there...
>> What does gripes about EBay have to do about old computers
>Lots. Many of the rare (and not so rare) machines are being valued out
>our hands.
>> What does a modern college education have to do with old computers
>OK, again, not much.
>> I have been watching closely what has been comming though and I have
>> that by just looking at the heading I trash 95% of all messages, spot
>> checks have shown me that there is nothing worth while reading.
>That sounds about right. Horrible s/n on this list, but at least no
>William Donzelli
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
>Tim Shoppa seems to do pretty well based out of Bethesda (I have been
>to get up early some Saturday morning and see if I couldn't shadow him
>and discover his "sources" ;) ).
I may be based in Bethesda, but haven't acquired an awful lot from
the immediate area - most all the equipment that I use to make my
living was acquired on the Left Coast.
Of course, I've also been trying to cast off
what I don't need, too! Do any of us truly have the problem of
"not enough stuff"??? :-).
One decent source in the area is the Terrapin Trader, the University
of Maryland's surplus outlet in College Park. For more info, see
They usually have a good assortment of workstations and PC's
in the showroom, and they often have some interesting
scientific and test equipment as well. (Thanks to Dan Burrows
for taking me to this place the first time!)
There are some pretty decent "full-line" electronics shops
in Beltsville, just a little bit further out than College
Tim Shoppa Email: shoppa(a)trailing-edge.com
Trailing Edge Technology Voice: 301-767-5917
7328 Bradley Blvd Fax: 301-767-5927
Bethesda, MD, USA 20817