Any of our UK folks interested in this? If so, please contact the
original author directly.
Attachment follows.
-=-=- <snip> -=-=-
From: Robin Birch <robin(a)>
Newsgroups: alt.sys.pdp11
Subject: For Sale uVAX 3400
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 1997 10:17:14 +0000
Organization: Ruff'n Ready
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <4Op+yKAqWNp0Ew2c(a)>
X-NNTP-Posting-Host: []
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Newsreader: Turnpike Version 3.03b <YSkKJATYm0AxAbv6xwlBrCeVCW>
Lines: 16
Xref: Supernews70 alt.sys.pdp11:2921
Dear All,
I offered this a few weeks ago but didn't get any replies. Appologies
if someone did answer but it didn't get through :-(.
I have a uVAX 3400 that works ok but I don't want any more. If anybody
is interested ten get back to me and we'll haggle, no reasonable offer
refused. Buyer collects it'll go very cheap to a good home.
The system is in GLoucestershire outside stow on the wold.
Robin Birch robin(a)
M1ASU Old computers and radios always welcome
-=-=- <snip> -=-=-
Bruce Lane, SysOp,
The Dragon's Cave BBS (Fido 1:343/272)
kyrrin2 {at} wiz<ards> d[o]t n=e=t
"...No matter how hard we may wish otherwise, our science can only describe
an object, event, or living creature, in our own human terms. It cannot possibly
define any of them!..."
On Wed, 2 Jul 1997, COMMPUTERSEUM/Kevin Stumpf wrote:
> >Sam Ismail wrote:
> > One of the
> >> systems he mentioned he had was a Video Brain. Apparently this is a
> >> video game system. I *think* I vaguely remember hearing about this
> >> system. At any rate I'm curious about it and was wondering if anybody
> >> knew what it was as we both had too much tequila for him to describe and
> >> for me to comprehend it.
> >Video brain was made by a firm called UMTECH, used a microprocessor
> >called F8 and had 1 to 4K of RAM memory. It was possible to store the
> >data on cassette and, you are right there, it had many plug-in
> >cartridges with games on them. It was sold mainly through departments
> >stores and specialty electronic stores (at least that is what "A
> >Collector's guide to personal computers" book has to say about it)
> >I remeber reading a little blurb about Video Brain in the April 1981
Creative Computing. Essentially, by that time the company had gone out
of business. . .
I have in my posession a Video Brain home Computer, It is in mint
condition, however I cannot find anything on the internet about it.
I see listings on some of the collectors web sites but no pictires or
even anyone that has one in their posession.
Can you help me find information on this apperently rare home computer.
Thank you for your input..
Phil Clayton
I have just been offered a pile of PC/Xt stuff, along with a couple of
things I wanted. If anyone is interested in old cards, MFM hard drives
and the like, and are in Sydney, I could pass on the email address of the
person making the offer - he wants a bit of money for it all, but not too
much - I just already have more XTs than I want. :)
We just received the donation of an NEC APC, (built in monitor, two 8"
floppy drives, MSDOS 2.11) for our museum collection. It works, but
naturally no documentation. Can anyone give me information on the pin-outs
for the com port and printer port? (Both look like Centronics connectors)
Best wishes to everyone, and thanks for all the help you have provided
over the year.
Charlie Fox
I am the owner of a Kaypro 10 computer kindly left to me by a deceased
friend, unfortunately I have no manual which restricts my use of the
computer. Can you help me with this predicament please?
Please reply to: e-mail JJCN.Garrett(a)
tel: 0181 667 1349 (England)
With details of cost and postage charges etc.
Hello.... I've found a PS/2 with a 386SX 20 processor, etc. but it has no
battery. The person that has it says that "he doesn't have a battery, and
damage is expected." does anyone have a spare that they could trade or sell?
About how long does a battery last, how much time, and what kind of damage
is likely? (I'm thinking LCD-screen)
Tim D. Hotze
OK, for those of you that have been waiting for an opportunity to get
a VS2000, here it is -- if you happen to be near the New York area. ;-)
Please reply TO THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR, not to me. I'm just forwarding
what I found on Usenet.
Attachment follows.
-=-=- <snip> -=-=-
From: Nathan Keir Edel <edel(a)best.com_SPAMBLOCK>
Newsgroups: comp.sys.dec
Subject: VS2000: Free in NYC
Date: 26 Dec 1997 05:19:19 GMT
Organization: Forte Systems, Inc.
Lines: 21
Message-ID: <67veon$sek$1(a)>
X-Trace: 883113559 29140 edel
X-Notice: Remove SPAMBLOCK from return address to reply via email.
x-no-archive: yes
X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 unoff BETA 970424; i386 FreeBSD 2.2.5-STABLE]
Xref: Supernews70 comp.sys.dec:58593
Vaxstation 2000
Configuration questionable. Booted when I put it into storage.
Running some version of VMS. HD/RAM?
Some cables. Probably not all of them. Keyboard if I can find it. Big
greyscale monitor too. No manuals.
Also an AT&T 3b2/310, if anyone wants it.
Both 100% FREE in Queens (near #7 line) NYC, if you pick them up.
Not interested in shipping them or cash offers. If nobody picks them up by
1/31, they go in the trash. First come, first served.
If interested, email edel(a) BEFORE 1/2 or
after 1/3
Nathan Keir Edel "In this world of delusion, #6: Which side are you on?
edel(a) never turn your back on a #2: That would be telling.
friend..." -- Iron Maiden -- The Prisoner
-=-=- <snip> -=-=-
Bruce Lane, SysOp,
The Dragon's Cave BBS (Fido 1:343/272)
kyrrin2 {at} wiz<ards> d[o]t n=e=t
"...No matter how hard we may wish otherwise, our science can only describe
an object, event, or living creature, in our own human terms. It cannot possibly
define any of them!..."
Hello, all:
I got a Kodak digital camera for Christmas, and I was suprised at the
quality of the pictures. But, I anticipate lousy battery life from repeated
downloading, picture taking, etc.
The docs say that I can use a Mac Powerbook 140/170 AC adapter to power
it. Does anyone have a spare that they can sell me?
Rich Cini/WUGNET
<nospam_rcini(a)> (remove nospam_ to use)
ClubWin! Charter Member (6)
MCP Windows 95/Windows Networking
<that a PC drive could eat its children before 360k became standard. I
<don't know enough about head technology, though I assume that the head
It's littly to do heads ot specific systems. *ALL* drive before the
3.5" sony standard were capable of the dasterdly deed.
Reason, the line known as write enable not. This is an active
low(ground) line and when power went you had the head in contact,
some power and a command to write a logical transistion at that point...
BANZAI!!! Some systems were better in they would lock out write commands
if power were failing (assuming both used the same power.). My NS* has
such a mod and it's allowed me to avoid early bit disks! It's fairly
trivial to put in a system where the drive and all run off the same
power supply/switch. The TRS-80 and like systems were prone due to each
being seperately powered. FYI the safest was powering off the drive
FYI: for a while I was using 360k drive on non-PC and the risk was
always there, unless hardware prevented it external to the drive.
The 3.5" drives put power fail on the drive avoiding all the pain.
> I recall a warning about the datadrives or the Adam in general: don't
> turn on the Adam with a datatape in the drive, the drive will send out a
> pulse that may damage data stored on the part of the tape next to the
> write head (some said up to a few feet away, I don't know about
> that...:/ )
I remember my heathkit (H-89) had a similar warning about starting up with
a disk in the drive.