At 04:55 PM 12/23/97 -0500, you wrote:
>How do you get in the cmos on a Grid 1660????
>Some body brought it to me and said it could not find A drive and when I
looked it had 5 drives A.C.D.F.H. And when I got rid of H drive it took the
Operating files with it. now I got disk error and I want to get into cmos to
see if I can format the drive and start from scratch.
Hold in the "F" key while booting. You'll then be able to boot off a disk in
drive A.
- John Higginbotham
I'm looking at picking up an Olivetti M10, but I don't know too much about
this one. I'm told that it has neither a floppy nor a hard drive. Can
someone enlighten me, or at least point me in right direction for more
Cliff Gregory
> PG Manney wrote:
> > Small belts are available -- there's a company in NJ (Winifred M. Berg)
> > that specializes in small stuff. I can dig up the address for you if
> > want.
> Yes please! Although ordering all the way from the US is a last
> Philip. or 516-599-5010
(800-232-BERG in the US)
> Thanks for letting us know! Yes, Christmas is on everyone's minds
> right now but more importantly, HAVE FUN AT IT especially at
> christmas day!
Sorta like the little kid who got the "Our Father" prayer slightly wrong
..."Forgive us our Christmasses..." he prayed.
Christmas is hectic for me, 'cause I run a store.
How do you get in the cmos on a Grid 1660????
Some body brought it to me and said it could not find A drive and when I looked it had 5 drives A.C.D.F.H. And when I got rid of H drive it took the Operating files with it. now I got disk error and I want to get into cmos to see if I can format the drive and start from scratch.
<My VAX is working! And it talks TCP/IP!
<DNS is out, but I can send mail (by telnetting to port 25 of the mailse
WHat OS, what IP software?
What kind of vax? An ever curious vax user.
I saw one of those at the UW-Madison surplus sale a few weeks ago,
at a similar price, but passed it up. It looked like an A/D box of
some kind, I too saw the apple logo and wondered if it wasn't for
the Apple II era - Isaac Newton, get it? I definitely saw A/D converter
chips in there, maybe they were on the expansion cards. No CPU necessary,
it could be driven by TTL logic if it was just spitting data.
- John
Jefferson Computer Museum <>
Many thanks to all who responded with advice, part numbers etc. I have
passed the part numbers on to my colleague - I shall try Don Maslin's
suggestions for a web search next.
Joe Rigdon (?) wrote:
> I have access to a HP-85 repair manual. I can get the HP part number for
> the belts, but I doubt they're available anymore. I have a couple of -85s.
> I'll open them up and see what size belt they take. I probably won't be
> able to do either one until next week.
I think I have an 85 as well - in fact I know I do (somewhere) - I must
look and see what state the belts are in, and if I can measure them...
If not some measurements off yours would be very useful.
PG Manney wrote:
> Small belts are available -- there's a company in NJ (Winifred M. Berg)
> that specializes in small stuff. I can dig up the address for you if you
> want.
Yes please! Although ordering all the way from the US is a last resort...
At 06:14 PM 12/22/97 -0800, you wrote:
> The Adam did have some expansion beyond the second datadrive you could
>get a disk drive controller to hook in an external drive.
You could even go with an IDE hard disk and 2400 baud modem if you could
find them.
>pulse that may damage data stored on the part of the tape next to the
>write head (some said up to a few feet away, I don't know about
>that...:/ )
That part is totally true. It was aggravating trying to remember to take the
tapes out. I ended up ruining 1 or 2 that way.
- John Higginbotham