test-drb July 2019

  • 138 participants
  • 116 discussions

5 1/4 diskettes available
by wrcooke@wrcooke.net
5 years, 2 months

M7819 DZ11 boards and others for parts
by useddec@gmail.com
5 years, 2 months

DEC MS630/M7609 Question
by w2hx@w2hx.com
5 years, 2 months

cctalk Digest, Vol 58, Issue 9
by athornton@gmail.com
5 years, 2 months

Email delivery protocols / methods.
by cctalk@gtaylor.tnetconsulting.net
5 years, 2 months

KL10-A/KL10-B differences
by jnc@mercury.lcs.mit.edu
5 years, 2 months

Lots of Apple 1 computers @ VCF West
by cctalk@snarc.net
5 years, 2 months

QEMU sparc with networking that works
by dave@661.org
5 years, 2 months

sun microsystem manuals
by fedorkow@mit.edu
5 years, 2 months

ALGOL-60 obit
by mark.kahrs@gmail.com
5 years, 2 months
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