Up at Apex, what did I see, part 2:
Not too spectacular, just some old reel tapes in (luckily)
weather-proof containers. BURROUGHS. 3200 fci, so not too ancient.
Stuff like this (minor) scattered all through the place.
I've been posted to England for a bit, and I wondered if maybe one or two
of the UK list members would give tips on good sources for systems and
components in the South East. I collect mainly IBM midrange, Atari and
UNIX flavours, but I'm toying with learning PDP11. Are there any good
swap-meets, favorite skips, etc. you could clue me into?
Colin Eby -- ceby2 at csc.com -- tel. 01252 813921 -- mobl. 07917 643 322
CSC - EMEA Northern Region - C&SI -Technology Architect
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delivery. NOTE: Regardless of content, this e-mail shall not operate to
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agreement or government initiative expressly permitting the use of e-mail
for such purpose.
This is a very difficult databook to obtain. It took me about 4 years to
obtain one. Contains info and tech notes on the A1xx class of INMOS DSP
processors including the IMSB009 Quad-A100 + transputer processing board...
While images are nice, for CP/M there is another alternative that may be
more widely useful and easier, although it's less historically accurate.
That is just to copy the files over to MS-DOS disks, where they can then
exist in folders on a modern hard drive or be put on CDs or DVDs. I can
really see no advantage to a strict "image", as long as one has the files.
The issue that this leaves out is the system tracks, but that is easily
dealt with: Runs "SYSGEN", exit, and then do a "SAVE 34 SYSTEM.COM" and you
have the system tracks as a disk file in a format that is easily restored
simply using SYSGEN.
This method also has some actual advantages, in terms of being able to
actually use the software with a CP/M emulator on a PC.
Since I'm not aware of any CP/M programs that did copy protection or any
other type of manipulation that would require an exact disk image, I don't
really see the drawback of this approach.
Jon Titus is auctioning his IMSAI 8080 on the Vintage Computer
High bid as of now is $10!
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger http://www.vintage.org
[ Old computing resources for business || Buy/Sell/Trade Vintage Computers ]
[ and academia at www.VintageTech.com || at http://marketplace.vintage.org ]
>I am doing a bit of research on Computer Terminal Corporation terminals
> I am looking for a picture of the Datapoint 3300.
I found a good scan of an 8 page brochure on the Datapoint 3300 and clipped
an image.
Here a a work in progress on the TV Typewriter history.
Michael Holley
I'm sure some of you guys have the exact answer to this :
I've got a VAX 4000/705a without any disks.
I could of course get some DSSI disks but I would rather have some
SCSI disks attached to it. My question : how can I make this VAX SCSI able ?
And second question, can anyone help me get any needed hardware to for this ?
Subject: FREE Commodore 1541 disk drives (3)
I have three Commodore 1541 disk drives that were used on the
Commodore 64 computer back in the 80's. They are rather old and I am
unable to test them but have been told that they worked the last time
they were used.
They are FREE for the taking but they must be picked up in Spring Hill Florida.
please respond to ygehrich at yahoo.com
Dear Bill,
I cam across your name in an old web site relating to your having a few
CBM 4040 drives. I wonder if these are still available?
Jerry Buckwalter in PA