>Subject: Re: Early 3.5" Floppy Drives
> From: Chris M <chrism3667 at yahoo.com>
> Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 16:16:02 -0800 (PST)
> To: "General Discussion: On-Topic Posts Only" <cctech at classiccmp.org>
>--- Allison <ajp166 at bellatlantic.net> wrote:
>> I
>> also have a two
>> edition article describing what it would take to put
>> MSDOS (V3.3!)
>> on a NON-PC 8088 system.
> 3.2 or .3 was available for the NEC APC III and the
>Rainbow (I think). I'm not absolutely sure the NEC
>version was APC III specific, though probably. The APC
>III had a compatibility board called the SLE (Software
>Library Expander). The thing I saw on ebay could have
>been vanilla ms-dos but I kind of doubt it.
Basically MY first comment was if you've the time any format
is possible.
I know for a fact and have seen MSDOS 2.11 running on S100
crates with mixed drives (both 5.25 and 8") using nothing
but serial lines (no monitors).
Used to be a time where you could buy the programmers kit
and customize MSDOS just like CP/M-80. Then MS decided
they didn't want that.
>Subject: M8189 boot rom need burned
> From: "Wolfe, Julian " <ISC277 at CLCILLINOIS.EDU>
> Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2005 18:09:00 -0600
> To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at classiccmp.org>
>I was wondering if someone here could burn me copies of the latest
>(KDF11-BP?) roms for the M8189. They include the ability to boot from
>MSCP and TK50, and I could really use this ability on my 11/23+
>Currently my system has the original roms on 2716s (the part on the
>chips is NM2716Q), and it's a real pain entering in the boot strap every
>Can anyone help me out?
We've already seen this poat and the traffic resulting.
The M8189 used an odd motorola 8K part for MSCP boot not 2716.
I've just received images of the Cromemco SCC ROMs
(Z80 Monitor and 3K BASIC) which I know a number of
people have been looking for for some time.
I've already got them posted to my local copy of my site,
and will move this to the live site sometime this morning.
Should be available by noon (EST).
Site URL is in my sig below, click on the "S-100" heading
near the top, which will take you to my S-100 cards page.
Scroll down to the Cromemco section and find the SCC
entry. By noon there should be a "[ROM IMAGES]" link
dave04a (at) Dave Dunfield
dunfield (dot) Firmware development services & tools: www.dunfield.com
com Collector of vintage computing equipment:
>Subject: Re: Early 3.5" Floppy Drives
> From: Scott Stevens <chenmel at earthlink.net>
> Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2005 21:08:04 -0500
> To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at classiccmp.org>
>On Mon, 12 Dec 2005 15:22:19 -0800
>"Chuck Guzis" <cclist at sydex.com> wrote:
>> On 12/12/2005 at 1:42 PM Fred Cisin wrote:
>> >Numerous machines came out with 3.5" drives using "customized"
>> >versions of MS-DOS 2.11.
>> ...and let's not forget a few systems came out with 5.25" 96 tpi
>> drives running MS-DOS 1.25 or earlier. These certainly would
>> support 3.5" 720K drives.
>> Cheers,
>> Chuck
>I have heard of (but not seen) machines with 8" floppies that run
>MS-DOS 1.x (not real sure what version). I could probably
>contrive my MicroMint MPX-16 to behave in that fashion if I
>installed an 8" drive on it to do the conversion. (would be
>tricky getting it to support 5-1/4" and 8" simulatneously, and
>maybe even impossible).
I have MSdos on 8" unknown format but likely something native to a
Compupro DISK1A with a CPU85/88 as the engine. I also have a two
edition article describing what it would take to put MSDOS (V3.3!)
on a NON-PC 8088 system.
Supporting 8" is not hard you need 250 and 500khz data rates
same as 5.25 360k and 3.5" 720k formats.
RE: "I have heard of (but not seen) machines with 8" floppies that run
MS-DOS 1.x (not real sure what version)."
Well, the Heathkit / Zenith Z-100 ran MS-DOS (called Z-DOS -- it was not PC
compatible at the hardware level) and also supported 8" floppy drives (in
fact a very nice accessory external dual-drive 8" floppy was offered).
Also, again not PC compatible, but the CompuPro (Godbout) systems had 8"
drives and in some configurations ran MS-DOS. Also, the Seattle Computer
Products systems. And there were 8" controllers for early PCs.
On Dec 14 2005, 0:58, Jules Richardson wrote:
> wow, no I hadn't. They make that rather obscure!
I only discovered it recently. I'd almost given up using it, for all
the reaons you gave. As I see it, Google itself is easy to use, gives
you the information you want by and large, in a sensible presentation.
Google Groups doesn't fare well by comparison, so I use it
> well, I stand corrected. I might have to start liking Google again :)
I wouldn't go that far :-) I said it "mostly" works. And the
interface and layout still sucks.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
I just thought I'd let y'all know that anyone who doesn't have an EPROM
burner that can burn 68764/6 chips, I do, so if you need 'em erased &
programmed, I can do that as well... if you send me Intel Hex or S-record
format files.
(The software can do binary files, but I don't trust email for not munging
it... ;-)
By far the "hardest" (read: time-consuming) work is extracting the chips
>from the carriers...
I'll see what I have directly at hand (read: without needing to dig 'round
the attic) for '66s and email y'all tonite or first thing tomorrow.
I'm cheap, no minimum order, I throw extras in for free (if you order 2,
you'll get 4 "just in case" ;-) I take paypal or if you can get away with
it, foreign to the US coin/currency (usually at a great discount - I've
collected coins longer than computers, and I have a pretty decent foreign
collection, especially for a dumbass American!
;^> [[ For clarity's sake: "decent" != "expensive" - I ain't rich, and
never will be! ]]
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- SysAdmin, Iceberg Computers
zmerch at 30below.com
What do you do when Life gives you lemons,
and you don't *like* lemonade?????????????
I've just purchased a second hand 3Com CS2600 terminal server, but it was
sold without its software does anyone have a spare, unloved copy of the
Multiprotocol Communications Server software? 3Com are only interested if
you have a pre-exisiting service contract :(
Please see our website the " Vintage Communication Pages" at WWW.G1JBG.CO.UK
>And I admit to being curious as to what "new 3D interface" means. Or is that
>just marketing speak for "we added shadow effects to the buttons"?
You got it. Although to be fair, it does look nicer than "flat"
buttons. Frankly, it's that big an innovation though. 3D buttons were
in OpenGEM 3 and were taken out from version 4 as the implementation
as of 2003 or so meant that it took up too much memory. Clearly they
either fixed the memory problem or just don't care anymore.