At a auction today I got a lot that had a Canberra Series 35 Plus model 3502
something in it? I checked google and really found knowing that help figure
out what this unit is? Anyone have a glue? Thanks
Vintage Computer Festival <vcf(a)> wrote:
> I may well be in San Diego in a couple weeks, but that's too far south.
Too far south? San Diego is exactly where I am! Escondido specifically.
E-mail me if you do come down here in a couple of weeks!
Vintage Computer Festival <vcf(a)> wrote:
> > Where are you located?
> The Bay Area (the REAL Bay Area ;)
Well, then maybe we can meet next time I attend the annual Bay Area UFO Expo
(every September), or the annual Conspiracy Con (held in the same place by the
same people every May). Unless you come down sometime to South California where
I am.
I doubt that I will be able to locate a
schematic given that I am having so much difficulty locating just
a manual.
Emulex sold the rights for their disc product line to a company in
Guardian Computer
Fred N. van Kempen <waltje(a)> wrote:
> This (no more low-level tech hackers) might very well be a reality,
> yes, if the current trends keep up. Scaring thought...
According to the plan my girlfriend and I will start living together when she
finishes high school this May. If we get married and I beget a son, I'll teach
him how to be a low-level tech hacker and a ClassicCmp-er (among many other
things), so there will be at least one. Heck, if I beget a daughter I'll teach
the same to HER!
I have an opportunity to pick up a HP 2114A with the 2155A I/O Expander
and a 7900 disk drive. It was SUPPOSED to be complete and working when it
was pulled out of service. The CPU is FULL of cards but only three cards in
the IO Expander. What's something like this worth? The current owner wants
some of my nicer areospace parts for it. Oh yeah, There's supposeed to be a
good size stack of docs with this machine. We looked today but didn't find
them. Anybody care to tell me more about the computer, expander or disk
Congrats on getting your system back up!
I have a favor to ask. Could you give us times for Access to run these HP benchmarks. HP was kind enough to give us times for a number of other systems, but Access was not around when these numbers were published. I guess we should know which CPU type your Main is too.
Were you able to get the HP2000 Access running under SIMH? It sure sucks a lot less juice than real hardware, and that translates directly into heat. The heat is reusable in the winter (free heat) but in the summer you have to pay a second time to get rid of the heat (AC).
I have a number of other HIB tapes that I need to get converted and tested. Are you in a position to convert dot-tap files back to real (reel) tapes? If so I can post things for you and send you a URL for them. Otherwise I would have to get some scratch tapes and cut them here and mail them.
How much disk are you running? We'll have to set up HIBE tapes that will fit on your system. We usually run 2 simulated 2883 disks for an Access simulation (50 MEG total) but that could be pushed up if we need it.
Keep us posted.
10 REM HP benchmark taken from "E" IMS. Rekeyed by MWG.
20 REM
30 REM System Time to Run
40 REM C' 2 Min. 2.8 sec.
50 REM F 1 Min. 16.5 sec.
60 REM C 2 Min. 2.5 sec.
70 REM E 1 Min. 23.6 sec.
80 REM Access Unk. Jay? Want to help out here?
90 REM
100 READ L
110 IF L<0 THEN 999
120 DATA 60000.
130 DATA -1
150 X=0
160 X=X+1
170 IF X<L THEN 160
180 PRINT "X=";X;"STOP=";TIM(0)
190 GOTO 100
999 END
1 REM HP benchmark from "E" IMS. Rekeyed by MWG
3 REM system time to run
4 REM C' 1 min. 58.2 sec.
5 REM F 1 min. 16.4 sec.
6 REM C 1 min. 58.2 sec.
7 REM E 1 min. 15.4 sec.
8 REM Access Unk. <-- Jay? want to help here?
10 DATA 5000
30 K=0
40 PRINT "start=";TIM(0)
50 I=0
60 J=50
70 I=I+J+100*(I-J)^2
80 I=I+I+I+I+I+I+I+I+I+I+I+I
90 J=I-J+I-J+I-J+I-J
100 I=J^(-2)+I*I*I
110 K=K+1
120 IF K<L THEN 50
130 PRINT "STOP=";TIM(0)
140 END
Fred N. van Kempen <waltje(a)> wrote:
> Geez, you should have lunch with Sellam, Michael.. :)
Sure! Sellam?
And Fred, what happened to your plan to come to Long Beach? I want to meet you