test-drb January 2004

  • 290 participants
  • 643 discussions

Odd PDP-11 tape related question
by bqt@update.uu.se
20 years, 11 months

oddball televideo problem
by pete@dunnington.u-net.com
20 years, 11 months

DEC MINC-11 question
by Steven_R_Hutchins@Raytheon.com
20 years, 11 months

RA81 spin-up probs
by julesrichardsonuk@yahoo.co.uk
20 years, 11 months

Microvax III Hardware
by jeff.kaneko@juno.com
20 years, 11 months

Citizen 120D+ - service manual?
by philpem@dsl.pipex.com
20 years, 11 months

IDE-Qbus/Unibus was:Re: Old IDE hard drives
by aek@spies.com
20 years, 11 months

[ebay] DEC Infoserver 150 with disk and CDROM
by lists@microvax.org
20 years, 11 months

Battery connections on laptop.
by r.mueller@fz-juelich.de
20 years, 11 months

Great BYTE magazine cover prints on eBay . . .
by MTPro@aol.com
20 years, 11 months
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