>Ah but to answer the question with out philosophy - NO.
>In reality (with philosophy 8-) Yes! It is called networking 8-)
>Linux has been used in the Beowolf configuration where (I think)
>16?? machines were/are set up for parallel processing. You could
>net-research this and find a bunch of stuff.
>I have done it using Perl on two machines, one running a 6532 emulator
>and the other running a 6502 emulator.
(Sigh!) Well, it seems that I need more explanation. I was wondering if
this would be a more resource-conserving way to do it, and
technologically easier. I would do this with network cards if I had
them. Serial ports might be good, as well as parallel. Is there a way to
make the computer do TCP/IP via serial or parallel port? So, could you
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From: John Higginbotham <higginbo(a)netpath.net>
Subject: Re: C-64c probs
>>Assuming the drive's device number has not been changed from eight, then the
>>correct command is LOAD "*", 8, 1
>What's the differenct between "$" and "*"? I've seen both used in this
LOAD"*",8,1 loads the first file off of a disk to it's recorded start
address in memory (This is usually the way you boot commercial software
disks, rarely anything with various programs on it.) Loading the
directory is done by loading "$", you can add file spec wildcards such
as "$pac*" (load the first program with a filename starting with 'pac')
> How does one change a device number? I'm not Commodore expert. The
>only other Commodore product I've had is a C-16, and that seems like ages ago.
Via software is pretty complicated, the hardware method requires you to
open the case of the 1541 and look for two 'jumper pads' on the circut
board and cutting one or both 'jumper' connections to change the number.
>>changed to 9, 10, or 11, then you will get a "device not found" error. Try
>>the other numbers in place of 8 until you find the correct one. If the
>>cable is bad or not connected properly, you should get a "device not
>>present" error.
>I'll give it a try. How long should I wait for a device not present
Should be an immediate response.
> It's just sitting there looking for the floppy. I've got both the
>C-64 manual and the 1541 manual, but can't see anything that'll help me.
They are OK, but many people don't take them seriously...
>>PS: I've got all kinds of 1541's if you really want/need one.
>I'd like to get a second drive if this one is good, or two drives if this
>one is bad, but I think the problem is just me sitting in front of it, and
>not the drive.
Visit our web page at: http://www.goldrush.com/~foxnhare/
Call our Commodore 64 BBS (Silicon Realms 300-2400 baud) at: (209)
From: Fritz Chwolka <Chwolka(a)nt-gmbh.de>
Subject: Re: C-64c probs
>John Higginbotham wrote:
>> What's going on here? Drive misalign? How do I realign? Bad drive? Bad cable?
>> Anyone have one or two extra 1541 floppy drives they want to sell?
>I have my indos not by hand but I nelieve you must type
>type LOAD "$",8,1
> ^^^^
NOOOOOOO!!!! That will make the drive do a 'non-relocating load' with
the directory starting at memory location 1025 ($0401) which is screen
memory on the 64. The load address of $0401 is remenants of 4040/2031
code left in for use by people with PETs whose BASIC starts at $0401 and
cannot do any sort of relocating load.
use just: LOAD"$",8
Larry Anderson
Visit our web page at: http://www.goldrush.com/~foxnhare/
Call our Commodore 64 BBS (Silicon Realms 300-2400 baud) at: (209)
Since there seem to be a few folks who want to save their classics from
their kids, let me stray off-topic long enough to say my girlfriend is an
educator (best in the business, honest) so if any one wants suggestions for
kids software, let me know and I'll pass on her recommendations.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad
roger(a)sinasohn.com that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California http://www.crl.com/~sinasohn/
At 11:29 AM 2/1/98 -0600, you wrote:
>I'll try it next time I get the system out to play with it. We've got an 19
>month old running around now, and something like the Commodore with it's
>multiple cables and pieces is a prime target for her.
At 19 months, she's definitely ready to start using the computer! (Be it
classic or new.) Lemme know if you need software recommendations.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad
roger(a)sinasohn.com that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California http://www.crl.com/~sinasohn/
Joe <rigdonj(a)intellistar.net> wrote:
> I wonder what a "virtual terminal" is?
I'm thinking that the "virtual terminals" are the workspaces.
> Do you remember how they moved text between windows? Is it a cut and
> paste operation like MS Windows?
Um, no. As I recall it used the logging function. You set up the
"to" device to be a workspace and then turn on log top or log bottom.
E.g. if you turned on log bottom, then as each line was received
it would be copied (by the terminal) over to the workspace set as
"to" device, and if that workspace is attached to the other datacomm port
then the line gets sent out that port.
So I don't think you can cut-and-paste very easily, but you can set
the thing up to do simple data logging.
-Frank McConnell
>>Is it some kind of "Super CGA" that wasn't really supported by anyo
> >
> > I know some game companies "tweaked" certain memory registers or so
> > so that standard CGA could do 320x200x16 colors, but as far as I'm
> I never heard of 320 x 200 x 16 for the CGA - I seem to remember 160
> 200 x 16 - surely it would not have had the memory for the other?
I have an ATI Graphics Solution board that does:
40x25 character
80x25 character
320x200 color graphics
640x200 color/graphics
600/200 b/w modes
plantronics color/graphics
ati 640x200x16 color graphics
640x200x4 color
320x200x16 color
132x25 color text mode
IBM mono (MDA)
Hercules graphics mode
132x25 mono
132x44 mono
Off hand the 6845 could likely be programmed for other more odd modes.
<You talked about a system where the bus had to be arbitrated, that
<wouldn't necessarily be needed if you went through SCSI, would it...
I've done it with shared memory, SCSI, and most buses. SCSI worked well
with AmproLBs. the physical medium does not determine what networking
protocal is or can be used only the physical layer. So IP over scsi
is doable as is DECNET in shared memory or simple async serial lines
At 08:53 PM 2/2/98 -0700, you wrote:
>I think John's on to something here. How about connect together a
>S-100, EEEI-696, EISA, MCI, PCI, VME and Multibus plane and create a
>monitor that will allow CPU and memory on each system running
>concurrently with mix and match boards as you like (or have) running
>Concurrent CPM?
>To play PONG on.....
Pong? Pong? At least have it run Spacewar, for pete's sake!
-John Higginbotham-