its a beauty, 60hz refresh, it dithers nicely, is 21in or more! got several.
i want to run them in semidark areas. i know they work well on the vt1200
terminal. i can send u the xconfig file. but they have a slight
flicker/moiree and mostly the shadow strong white casts makes them virtually
unusable in linux/sync on green. i really dont know what else i can do them almost running....too bad
Xvidtune doesnt help.
maybe i should try to run them in 1-bit mode only?
do u know of anybody who got the old toshiba 2400(?) gas plasma displays
they had on these black portables going in linux? thats probably pretty
close to the vre01 screen!
----- Original Message -----
From: <THETechnoid(a)>
To: <classiccmp(a)>
Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2000 10:42 AM
Subject: Re: VRE01 Gas Plasma Display
Never seen that particular flat panel. Have you tried
opening a terminal
window and runnign Xvidtune?
P.S. If you know how to SAVE the changes made in Xvidtune, clue me in will
In <06a601c072d4$58ed8c10$0100a8c0@jack>, on 12/31/00
at 10:42 AM, "Fred deBros" <fdebros(a)> said:
Originally used on a VT1200 Display
anybody have a svc manual or experience hooking
it up to a sync-on-green
matrox card?
or running it on xfree86?
I got it going on linux, but it throws a nasty
shadow in dithered mode.
Jeffrey S. Worley
Complete Computer Services, Inc.
30 Greenwood Rd.
Asheville, NC 28803
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