Al is right. AFAIK, the CHM has never made an official announcement regarding
the release of the LISA OS. Perhaps the confusion comes from this email from
Al to the LisaList:
Al Kossow
Dec 24, 2017, 7:49:23 AM
to lisa... at
Just wanted to let everyone know the sources to the OS and applications were
recovered, I converted them to Unix end of line conventions and spaces for
Pascal tabs after recovering the files using Disk Image Chef, and they are
with Apple for review. After that's done, CHM will do an @CHM blog post about
the historical significance of the software and the code that is cleared for
release by Apple will be made available in 2018. The only thing I saw that
probably won't be able to be released is the American Heritage dictionary for
the spell checker in LisaWrite
I have no idea of "why" by this date the CHM hasn't released the code. Al
probably has a better handle on that than anyone. But be aware that the CHM can
be somewhat "opaque" at times, with no evil intended.
(I can say that, I'm one of the "Founding Members" of the CHM ;)
On Tue, 6 Apr 2021 17:28:45 -0700
Al Kossow via cctalk <cctalk at> wrote:
On 4/6/21 5:14 PM, Michael Kerpan wrote:
So what happened to cancel the release?
It hasn't been canceled, it just hasn't occurred.
Also, there was never an official announcement about this from CHM.
73 NM6Y
Bickley Consulting West
"Black holes are where God is dividing by zero"