"William Donzelli" writes:
I think it was the early Cray-1 line. Four chip types
- 2 gates, a
flip flop, and a memory chip.
To me, it seems like a really dumb idea. [...]
Richard wrote:
To me it seems like a smart idea. Concentrate on a
few chips so that
you can get the manufacturing yields up, the cost per component down,
While you two duke it out over the manufacturing practicalities :), I just have
to add that my interest in a processor made from a single gate type was just
for the esthetics of a 'universal machine made from a universal gate', or (to
be high-falutin' about it) a physical embodiment of a fundamental principle.
While the Cray-1 may have been a little late for such a design philosophy,
apparently there was a period in IC development where it made practical sense.
Aside from the AGC, I have an application note from RCA from 1967 for a small logic
family (ECCSL Emitter-Coupled Current Steered Logic) composed of just 3 IC types:
CD2150 dual 4-in gate
CD2151 dual 4-in gate (different output drive specs from 2150)
CD2152 8-in gate
The app note includes diagrams for building standard functions (flip-flops, shift
register, counters, adders, etc.) from only those ICs.
No idea what equipment/machines they may have been used in.