Exactly. I recall some real-time applications that used CGA to
graphically display the state of a process and MDA as the text-mode
interaction with an operator. From a programming standpoint, beats
the hell out of (small "W") windows interface. Some early CAD
systems, I believe could also do a similar thing.
I have used an electronic CAD system where the th schematic or PCB was
displayed on an EGA monitor and the menus and help text on an MDA monitor
on the same PC. (An EGA card se to a colour mode will co-exist with an
MDA card, I beleive an EGA card set to the mono grpahics mode will
co-exist with a CGA card).
I also heard of an early PC based CAD system which had a special display
controller and colour monitor conencted using a serial interface. The
normal PC video system was used for menus, etc.