I think I found the programming specs:
According to that page, it speaks 9600 N81 and the input and output
sequences are trivial.
I have two samples .. both are behaving the same way, which is to me
'non-functional'. I thought I had a cabling goof so I started with the
multi-meter and started tracing things.
To make a long story short, I think the cabling is fine, and the units
are just goofy. (Although they are both goofy in the same way, so I
suspect something else is wrong.) I can't get any output from the units
- not even noise.
Sridhar - what position is the switch on the backside supposed to be? I
think it is supposed to be set to the 'lightening bolt', and that the
other symbol means loopback.
Is yours connected via a serial style cable, or the round DIN connector
to a graphics input feature adapter? If it is serial, would you mind
connecting it to a PC comm port, setting the port to 9600 N81 (no flow
control), and seeing if you can get some output when a key is pressed?
Glen - the HP button box you describe is amazingly similar, but the case
is a bit different. Those buttons don't look like they have lights ...
the IBM version does, and the lights are controllable from the host