Jules Richardson said:
Stan Barr wrote:
* In 1982 IBM PCs were advertised at "from
2,800 pounds" (at about 2 dollars
to the pound, I think) for a dual floppy machine with monitor.
Hmm, I have two, an original PC and an XT. *one* of those cost around 4000
pounds circa 1984, but unfortunately I don't know which.
I was quoting from an advert in "Practical Computing", April 1982.
I well remember the sharp intakes of breath at IBMs prices at the time,
but I imagine they dropped sharply if you bought enough machines.
They were certainly cheaper a year or so later when our firm bought
their first few.
For comparison, a 48K Apple II cost 650 pounds, a double floppy 550
pounds and a monitor 99 pounds - 1299 pounds total, plus the dreaded VAT.
A 128K ACT Sirius with CP/M86 or MSDOS was 2395 pounds + VAT, so IBMs
prices weren't really _that_ outrageous.
Stan Barr stanb at
The future was never like this!