Maybe in a hundred years... when they are actual
antiques. I know
the feeling, though. I've got an old Monroe (Litton) OC-8820, possibly
the finest CP/M machine ever made in one package. I saw one on eBay,
I am not sure what you mean by 'in one package'. I personally think the
Epson QX10 is one of the nicest CP/M machines ever, but that has a
separate monitor and keyboard so it might not be 'one package'.
I'm also partial to the RML380Z, but mainly becasue that was the first
CP/M machine I used )at school).. And to be honest, CP/M was a let-down
after the LDOS I used at home on my TRS-80 Model 1.
Oh, by the way... This is my first post. (Just
throw roses...)
Welcome to the list!
I'm an oldie, and feeling at home already.
Besides modern stuff, most
don't have all that much space. I'm a true
expert in CP/M, and 8080 and
I would be careful about saying things like that here. There are some
very knowledgable people here (I am not one of them), and it's worth
being very sure of your facts before starting a flamewar.
6809 assembly language. Am currently looking for a
repair manual for
the Monroe, as it has crapped out. I have *** ALL *** the software for
Produce your own repair manual. I've done it (but not for that machine).
It's not that hard to trace out schematics of a classic computer [1],
it's then not too hard to interpret what they mean and what should be
In any case, you might not need a schematic. What does 'crapped out'
mean? Have you checked the power supply outputs (at least the 5V line
should be easy to find)? Is there a clock signal at the CPU? Are the
buses doning anything? What about address lines on the DRAMs,
it, both CP/M and that oddball Monroe Op/Sys.
At the risk of being branded a heretic with my first post, I have to
say I'm a fan of the 2.8 megabyte DSL I have now, compared with the 110
baud Teletype 33 KSR I first used... In computers more than any other
field, time improves the process. On the down side, I was secure in
that NOBODY knew any MORE than I did about an 8080 machine with CP/M.
There were quite a few people who knew AS MUCH, but nobody knew more.
It's not like that any more -- it's WAY more complicated, by several
This is one reason I stick to the older machines. I understand them. I
know what every last chip a PERQ CPU does. I can see the connections, hang
my 'scope and logic analyser on them and sort it out.
orders of magnitude. Gone are the days when you can
just whip up your
own O/S for a computer you designed and built, and have it compete. At
Why? Nobody's stoping you using old chips, surely?
any rate, I'm glad to be here.