I checked out the VT100 at Weirdstuff. Here's the scoop:
1. I powered it up and the screen is clean and in focus. Setup "A" and
"B" work.
2. I did not have a BOB with me so I didn't test the comm port.
3. It is a very nice looking VT100, with only a few minor signs of wear. The keyboard is
clean and appears to work O.K. (tested via Setup).
4. The price is $150 (as opposed to the $50 previously posted to CCLIST). It still seems
reasonable for such a clean VT100.
If you are local and coming to WS, it is located slightly to the right of the front
Lyle Bickley, AF6WS
Bickley Consulting West Inc.
"Black holes are where God is dividing by zero"