On 31/10/06 17:52, "Jules Richardson" <julesrichardsonuk at yahoo.co.uk>
Adrian Graham wrote:
Tandy TRS80 M1: 199
Apple ][ and ][e: 1209/1270
Osborne 1: 1430
Commodore 4016: 632
Apple ///: 2418
Apple Lisa: 7500
DEC Rainbow 100: 2300
HH Tiger: 2700
IBM PC: 2390
N* Advantage/Horizon: 2300/2295
ACT Sirius 1 (Victor 9000): 2754
Intertec Superbrain II: 2100
You know, I never would have guessed that the Apple /// cost more than an IBM
PC! I would have thought it was fairly close, but still a couple of hundred or
so less.
What can I say, it's what was published at the time!
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