test-drb March 2021

  • 138 participants
  • 84 discussions

AlphaServer 2100s available
by a.carlini@ntlworld.com
2 years, 11 months

H7821 power supply in MicroVAX 3100, SCSI disk enclosures and others
by cctalk@beyondthepale.ie
3 years, 2 months

PDP-11/05 microcode dump?
by jnc@mercury.lcs.mit.edu
3 years, 8 months

Sovier/Russian 132-pin PGA Ceramic IC Packaging
by pbirkel@gmail.com
3 years, 9 months

RSX11D disks on EBAY- anyone interested?
by lee.gleason@comcast.net
3 years, 11 months

DEC H8575-A DB25 to MMJ
by idinc@swcp.com
3 years, 11 months

DEC pin
by kylevowen@gmail.com
3 years, 11 months

DEC RX50 disks with mystery content
by david4602@gmail.com
3 years, 11 months

head alignment tape
by jos.dreesen@bluewin.ch
3 years, 11 months

Pro350/"XT" pre-release documents
by mark@matlockfamily.com
3 years, 11 months
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