test-drb October 2021

  • 100 participants
  • 69 discussions

AlphaServer 2100s available
by a.carlini@ntlworld.com
2 years, 11 months

H7821 power supply in MicroVAX 3100, SCSI disk enclosures and others
by cctalk@beyondthepale.ie
3 years, 2 months

Apple I auction
by shumaker@att.net
3 years, 2 months

FTGH: FH disk drives (and one HH) - Toronto
by toby@telegraphics.com.au
3 years, 4 months

Anyone out there with a working Victor 9000 (US only)?
by david4602@gmail.com
3 years, 4 months

Overclocked TI Silent 703 at 1200 bauds?
by charlesmorris800@centurytel.net
3 years, 4 months

Overclocked TI Silent 703 at 1200 bauds?
by curiousmarc3@gmail.com
3 years, 4 months

LINCtape images
by cc@informatik.uni-stuttgart.de
3 years, 4 months

Terminal Emulator for Android
by dj.taylor4@comcast.net
3 years, 4 months

Mystery 1702A(?) EPROM Programmer
by deramp5113@yahoo.com
3 years, 4 months
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