test-drb November 2018

  • 150 participants
  • 133 discussions

mainframes and other stuff
by sales@elecplus.com
6 years

How to refurbish plotter pens?
by mattislind@gmail.com
6 years

Documation card readers for sale
by ball.of.john@gmail.com
6 years, 2 months

Documation TM200 card reader - pinch roller restoration
by guykd@optusnet.com.au
6 years, 2 months

GCC for pdp11
by paulkoning@comcast.net
6 years, 2 months

Documation TM200 card reader - pinch roller restoration
by guykd@optusnet.com.au
6 years, 2 months

George Keremedjiev
by aek@bitsavers.org
6 years, 2 months

RS6k 7012/320H woes
by ce.murillosanchez@gmail.com
6 years, 2 months

SPARCstation 20 with SCSI2SD
by kylevowen@gmail.com
6 years, 2 months

Text encoding Babel. Was Re: George Keremedjiev
by guykd@optusnet.com.au
6 years, 2 months
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