I have two IBM 3420 tape drives and a 3803 controller for sale. Asking
price is $3,000 for the entire set but is negotiable. Inquire directly
if interested.
Happy new year!
Sellam Abraham VintageTech
International Man of Intrigue and Danger http://www.vintagetech.com
Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. The truth is always simple.
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There seems to be in this world a hungering for what?s new: witness
the gazillion smart phones sold; untold number of iPads(tablets) and
their ilk; and plug-n-play computers. What seems to be forgotten is
what came before; what interests us ? vintage/classic computers.
Whether in the grand scheme of things it really matters whether we
call it classic computing, this website?s name protected by
copyright(internet ?laws?), retro-computing; vintage computing;
golden-age computing or just plain old-computing era, nevertheless
helps us to immeasurably enjoy our hobby. And yet there is a hunger,
maybe less so for old computers as historical oddities don?t seem to
attract a large following, for what came before. The new year
hopefully expands our community: wishing all classic computer
enthusiasts a wonderful New Year?s and all your wishes come true in
Happy computing, Murray :)
Hi Guys!
I have just sent off an email to the silk screeners and
will talk to them later.
Like most of the UK they have been shut down from 18th December until
When they shutdown they had put the black layer on the back of all of
the panels and they were in the drier
Moving to the front of the panel. In the first batch I shipped. The
front had the normal shiny perspex finish. Somebody noticed the real
old panels had a sort of matt black finish on the front. Actually it was
a translucent sort of gray layer to diffuse the lamps and had the side
effect of making the front surface look as if it was matt black. It
isn't but it sure looks like it. Its some kind of transmissive optical
OK so they go and get an ink to do the above. While they had the panels
in the drier they did a test piece.
Black on the back and translucent clear diffuser on the front. For some
reason they were not happy with the result.
At that point Christmas intervenes.
To-day, what I have requested is not to mess around with the special ink
if they dont like the results.
They should just put a real but thin layer of matt black on the front.
The result should be the same.
More news as it comes in
I've managed to edit klh10 to talk to my new USB Panda Display, but I'm
quite sure it's not displaying things correctly. What can I run to get it
to display a recognizable pattern? I'm thinking of whatever is causing
the parallel display at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_LcQ5apODg to do
what it's doing.
To make a quick and dirty USB Panda Display, wire up an atmega328
according to the schematics at
To start playing with this, first clone
https://github.com/DavidGriffith/panda-display. You don't need Kicad at
this point. Just open up panda-sch.pdf and wire up an atmega328 (maybe at
atmega8 will do) with a 20MHz crystal. Other crystals can be used if you
alter the Makefile accordingly. Use a max7219 matrix LED module. It's a
board with an 8x8 matrix of LEDs and a max7219. You'll also need a AVR
ISP breakout board and a USB-B breakout board.
A Unix environment is assumed here. Set your AVR programmer (edit
makefile to match yours) such that it _DOES_NOT_ supply power to the
circuit. Connect the programmer to the board and to your computer. Then
connect a USB cable from your computer to the circuit. Go into the
firmware directory, type "make hex" to build the firmware. Then "make
program" to program the AVR. The circuit should reset itself and then
display an X. Now type "make ptest" to build a test program with which
you can send bytes to the Panda Display and see them immediately. Use it
like this "./ptest 0x23, 0xff, 0x9a" and so on.
Once you're happy with that, move on to klh10. Get my patched version at
https://github.com/DavidGriffith/klh10 and build it like usual. I used
the base-kl target and the klt20.ini config file from Mark Crispin's Panda
distribution. Start the emulator and before you type "GO", type "lights
on". You should be told that the Panda Display was initialized. Type
"GO" and get things going. The LED matrix will then start blinking. I
don't know how it's supposed to look at this point. The RUN light appears
to be at the bottom left of the matrix given that it blinks at 1 Hz.
Here's a udev rule that will work for the Panda Display:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idProduct}=="05df", ATTRS{idVendor}=="16c0",
MODE="0770", ATTRS{product}=="Panda Display", GROUP="plugdev"
Please play around with this and let me know what you think. Again,
please tell me how I can get a predictable pattern going so I can get the
LEDs lit correctly.
David Griffith
dave at 661.org
A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
I previously mentioned that the ethernet interface on my HP 16702A is
not working. After a lot of messing around, I discovered that the
10baseT interface actually works fine if I log in as root (after
jailbreaking it), and manually configure the interface.
The problem seems to be with the /etc/rc.config.d/netconf file, which
was trying to configure the lan1 interface, which doesn't exist. It
should configure lan0. I edited the file to use lan0, and now when I
boot the analyzer, it still reports errors, and still won't let me do
the GUI lan configuration, but the interface actually works.
Could someone with a 16700A or 16702A please make available a copy of
their /etc/rc.config.d/netconf file for comparison?
As a final diagnostic on the PDP-12 we tried to run FOCAL-69, but it
started executing instructions in non existent memory. FOCAL initializes
lots of peripherals and then tries different instructions to determine what
processor it is running on. It executed what it thought was a TC01 DECtape
IOT, but DEC had recycled the 6762 instruction for the KF12 Automatic
Priority Interrupt controller. This caused the KF12 to execute a hardware
PUSH instruction to save the processor state and then jump into memory
field 2. Since we only have 8k of core it executed 7777 instructions and
hung. Replacing the 6762 instruction at 4376 with a 7000 NOP let FOCAL
initialize and run OK.
Michael Thompson
Has any of you took one of them old choose your own adventurer books and
coded it into a text RPG in basic? if so how well did it work as soon as
I get all my Commodore 64 setup on CHRISTmas day that is the first thing
that I am going to start working on. The one I am doing is *" THE DRAGON
OF DOOM "* I have been brushing up on my coding skills with old books
like BASIC COMPUTER GAMES AND SUCH... So wirh me luck and if any of you
have done this brfotr please let me know how it ernt? The only Major
things I have forgotten are...
1. Clear the screen for the next page!
2, doing the page jumps like in the book it will say if your want top
enter turn to page 356 ot
if you want to keep walking turn to page 17 that is the code I have
forgoten But I am sure you all will be able to help me make this game
the best it can be. I wish I fould add hiypointd and damage points find
gold but I guess when I get to that Ill ask only after I dearch th net
for awncers. thanks yall GOD BLESS AND MERRY CHRISTmas!