Would you buy the new Commodore 64 ? ? ?
>From PC-World
The new Commodore 64 <http://www.commodoreusa.net/CUSA_C64.aspx> is,
like the old 64, an entire system inside a (rather thick) keyboard. The
old Commodore 64
originally cost $595 and featured an MOS Technology 6510
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOS_Technology_6510> microprocessor, an
impressive 64KB of RAM, and VIC-II
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOS_Technology_VIC-II> graphics that
supported a screen resolution of 320 by 200 pixels.
The new system, which also starts at $595, is a little more modern: it's
got a Dual Core 525 Atom processor, an Nvidia Ion2 graphics chipset, 2GB
of RAM (upgradeable to 4GB), a 160GB hard drive, and built-in Wi-Fi. On
the left side of the keyboard there's a slot or tray-load DVD
(upgradeable to Blu-ray), and on the right side there's a multi-format
card reader, along with a USB 2.0 port. The rear features four
additional USB 2.0 ports; mouse and keyboard PS/2 ports; DVI, VGA, and
HDMI ports; Ethernet; and support for 6-channel HD audio. It runs Linux,
but you can install Windows if you like.
Pretty cool for a computer that looks like it's from the 80's. Of
course, if you just want the look--and you want to throw your own stuff
inside--you can also order the "Barebones" package on the new Commodore
64 Website. The Barebones package costs $250 and gets you the case,
chassis, keyboard, and multi-format card reader with USB 2.0 port. On
the other hand, if you'd like to go all out, there's also an $895
"Ultimate" package that includes a Blu-ray drive and a 1TB hard drive.
The new Commodore 64 begins shipping at the end of this month, but you
can order yours now
<http://www.commodoreusa.net/CUSA_C64Select.aspx>--go get your BASIC
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodore_BASIC> on! "
I myself am going to buy one just for a collector sake. The new
Commodore phone seemes to be selling like hotcakes from the research I
have done on it. There is also a switch in the back to boot the original
C-64 I think It will be a fun computer to 0wn.
What are your thoughts I will be wait a year or so because 545.00 is a
bit much for me to spend on it but anyway Like I said what are your
thoughts on it Ill post a youtube link below with the newC-64 review...
Video Link here -------> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7Lo9Q0RiX0
Went to Starwars last night. Oh boy did they get it right this time!!
Look and feel of the original 1977 version. Really good new actors.
In a way it was like a retelling of history but in a completly new way.
The bombing runs up the trench used the same sighting system as thirty
odd years ago.
Added to that several scenes were filmed at the former US Airbase at
Greenham Common.
Its a mile from where I live and I passed within 50yards of where the
filming took place on my way to the cinema.
The bunkers are in a natural hollow in the ground and surrounded by
triple fences with watch towers.
In the film you can see the typical camoflarge netting in the back
ground. - Nothing to do with the film.
They were trying to hide the set from passing aircraft.
They managed to keep it a secret until one day a guy was passing in his
microlight and spotted the MF
(or at least most of it) parked by the old cruise missile bunkers.. He
was not a fan but his son was.
He calls his son up on his mobile and says:
You know that spaceship you got for Christmas years ago. Well there's
a big one at Greenham Common.
The answer is not repeatable here but he ended by saying I'm on my way
to your landing strip - pick me up.
It was true and it made the local paper before Lucasfilm could do
anything about it.
This Abrams guy really understood what people wanted.
Considering how unwell Carrie Fisher is she gave a really good performance.
She gets my special "The show must go on" award.
Disney must be so pleased and if I know them they will keep the faith.
Today we posted the videos from East 5.0. Playlist:
In the past week or two, we also posted the videos from East 6.0 and 9(.1).
Videos from 7.0 and 10.0 will be ready soon.
East 8.0 is in the hopper, and we're trying to see if we have the
footage from 3.0 and 4.0.
After that, we hope to process the VCF West videos (and East 1.0/2.0,
which were run by Sellam out west).
I have a mint copy with all the passwords if you need a copy of the
passwords let me know I am going to have to type them in because they
are printed on DARK brown paper with black text you cant scan it I tried
so let me know if any of ya need them...
Also it surprisingly has pretty good graphics for the first version of
Castlevaina or I think it is...
On Thu, 12/31/15, Fred Cisin <cisin at xenosoft.com> wrote:
> One quick [non-spoiler?] question:? Is it a remake?? Or is it
> another in the "series"?? (if so, earlier? later?)
It's in the series, specifically Episode 7, taking place sometime
after Revenge of the Jedi.
There seems to be in this world a hungering for what?s new: witness
the gazillion smart phones sold; untold number of iPads(tablets) and
their ilk; and plug-n-play computers. What seems to be forgotten is
what came before; what interests us ? vintage/classic computers.
Whether in the grand scheme of things it really matters whether we
call it classic computing, this website?s name protected by
copyright(internet ?laws?), retro-computing; vintage computing;
golden-age computing or just plain old-computing era, nevertheless
helps us to immeasurably enjoy our hobby. And yet there is a hunger,
maybe less so for old computers as historical oddities don?t seem to
attract a large following, for what came before. The new year
hopefully expands our community: wishing all classic computer
enthusiasts a wonderful New Year?s and all your wishes come true in
Happy computing.
Murray :)