Hi list,
Would anyone know if I could get a 10.6445MHz crystal for a Dick Smith
System-80 in Australia? This evening I decided to power up mine for the
first time in ages, but the crystal pins were corroded through and it
fell off.
Alexis K.
> From: Roe Peterson
> I need a wire wrap tool for qbus/unibus. What size for those pins?
None of my current DEC backplanes have wire-wrap pins (these are all PCBs),
_but_ I just measured some wire-wrap configuration pins on QBUS boards, which
look to be about the same size as I recall UNIBUS backplane pins being, and
those are .7mm / .025".
Doesn't the tool also depend on the wire gauge?
> From: Jay West
> I just assumed there was only was size.....
Some of the older machines (I specifically remember it being either the PDP-6
or KA-10, but I forget which) used pins (and wire) which was significantly
larger than those in the PDP-11. But I think all the -11's (both busses) used
pins of the same size. (I don't recall ever seeing one different, I'm pretty
> From: Paul Koning
> On Sep 21, 2014, at 6:31 PM, Noel Chiappa wrote:
>> I have found this page:
>> http://wiki.xtronics.com/index.php/Capacitor_Codes
>> very helpful in deciphering capacitor markings.
> That address doesn't work for me.
I did notice that at one point, it only worked for me with some browsers
(e.g. Firefox, IIRC), but not others (e.g IE, IIRC), for reasons I didn't
fully understand.
(As in, it's not that it came up but looks wrong, the page just refused to
load at all. I have noticed that a number of sites, especially ones using
HTTPS, don't work with all my browsers - again, total failure. Chrome gives
me an error message for the HTTPS ones about 'can't match certificate', or
some such, which leads me to believe that my local ISP is doing some sort of
HTTP caching which is messing up with some secure sites. Or something like
that... :-)
But I just tried again, and now that site works with all of them. Odd.
I just picked up an HP 9635C, found it on craigslist about a 1.5 hour
drive from here. Rescued for a friend in upstate NY, I cant get it
to boot off any of the disks that it came with, it reads then gives I/O
error. Also is it easy to make boot disks for this thing and is there
a source of images??, Id really like to get this thing operational
before I hand it off to him
Ooops, just realized this went to both the list, and me:
> From: Chris Osborn
> On Sep 21, 2014, at 3:39 PM, Noel Chiappa wrote:
>> Epsilon. ("Wasau.=94)
> Will it fit on a 360k floppy?
Well, it depends on what OS you're talking about, and which version of
The one I use (which is circa 1996) is Version 8, which is for Windows 95 and
later, and the .exe file is 261KB, so yes - sort of. You also need a 'state
file', which is all the settings, pre-loaded interpreted code, etc (most of
the 'editor' is actually interpreted code - the .exe file just provides a
system with underlying primitives useful for writing an editor, e.g. support
for buffers, windows, etc), and that's another 180K+. So if you have two
floppy drives, yes. One... not so sure...
I haven't ever tried to run it without a state file, to see what it's like,
but it's probably unusable. But you might be able to make a stripped-down
version whose state file would be small enough to fit on a 360K floppy along
with the .exe. It also has the ability to demand-load code (e.g. if you have a
rarely-used function attached to C-A-^, you can cause that code to be loaded
only the first time you hit C-A-^ - makes the basic state file smaller, and
faster to load), and you could use that to put the code for a lot (all, if you
wanted, I suppose) of the commands on a second floppy.
They did make much earlier ones (I started using it under DOS, back in '87 or
so), and that version is probably smaller, but I don't know how much smaller
(and don't have the ability to go check - I think those files are on 5.25"
floppies, and I don't have a working 5.25" drive at the moment - one more
thing on the to-do list, sigh).
As far as I'm concerned, it really is the bee's knees - I can't say enough
good things about it.
Hi there,
I have a floating point processor (FPP) on a currently unused 11/23 CPU
M8186 card (KDF-11A). From the manual, looks like this is a KEF11-A.
Also, in my working 11/23+ with KDF-11BA, I have no FPP. Makes it hard to
use Fortran-77. The KDF-11BA manual refers to a KEF-11AA FPP.
Does anyone know if the FPP unit is compatible from the 11/23 to the 11/23+
- i.e., can I transplant the FPP chip from the 11/23 to the 11/23+ CPU
card? Could it be that simple? :-)
Please be gentle if this is a stupid question. I've used my best Google-fu
and RTFMing to find the answer (and learned some new things about these
cards in the process).
- Earl
I have a Sparc Station 5 that I am intending to get up and running
with SunOS 4.1.4 on one disk and OpenStep 4.2 on the other. The last
remaining hurdle is video. The CG-3 card that is in it either is not
able to push the 1024x768x77 it's supposed to or not able to talk to
any of my monitors.
I'm deep in the heart of flyover in Hayward WI so trying a to find
another video card is easier than a different monitor.
I'm looking for an S-Bus CG6 of the TGX or TGX+ versions or a Sparc
Station 5 specific S24 24 bit video card. The TGX cards are supposed
to be able to push a resolution of 1024x768x60 that should be able to
be used by generic SVGA monitors.
Thanks for your time and any assistance.
Live like you will never die, love like you've never been hurt, dance
like no-one is watching.
Alex White
"Brian L. Stuart" <blstuart at bellsouth.net> wrote:
> > The CG-3 card that is in it either is not
> > able to push the 1024x768x77 it's supposed to or not able to
> > talk to any of my monitors.
> My recollection is that the CG3 (and the CG6 as well) is a fixed
> rate card for 1152x900x8 at 66Hz.
Depends a lot on the actual implementation methinks. What may be true for the original sbus card may well have changed with more modern, integrated versions.
Like I said, the cg3 in a SPARCclassic natively supports at least 1152x900 at 66 and 76 Hz and 1024x768 at 60, 70 and 77 - I don't know for the SS5, but when you navigate to the framebuffer node in the OBP prompt (like /iommu at 0,1000000/sbus at 0,10001000/cgthree at 3,0) and do "words" there, anything starting with "r" followed by a mode description should be a supported mode that you can specify for output-device (like screen:r1024x768x60, which is what I would try)
Beyond that, there is always the opportunity of hacking an unsupported resolution in by computing the corresponding numbers and generating a resolution setup word by yourself. They basically just contain a mode line like " 08,02,37,37,08,155,21,04,39,169,0,7,60,1024,768" (for 1024x768x60) which is a bunch of setup values that are poked into registers on the framebuffer by the setup FCode.
Would anyone here be interested in purchasing a 1052? I acquired two of them a while back, and since I just recently moved, could use the space more than the museum piece. I assume it's in non-working condition, but it's complete, and it's a 1052... :)
I'm posting this on behalf of someone not on the list. I didn't want to just
open them up to tons of replies, so figured I'd just post it for him and
relay any responses back. Can anyone solve his issue?
He wrote..
I'm trying to get some code that was written in 1977 working again. I've
gotten a PDP-11 emulator working but the version of BASIC that is on it
doesn't know the 'FILE #1="DNG1' command. I've been digging through BASIC
manuals for BASIC-11 and BASIC-Plus but so far they either don't have an
file reading or their file reading commands don't match that syntax.
Googling has led me to a few other versions of BASIC that were on the PDP-11
but I can't find manuals for them.
Can you point me in the right direction?
(The full code is here;
(And it is part of this contest; https://www.shroudoftheavatar.com/?p=39149)
00010 LET J4=1
00030 PRINT
00100 BASE 0
00110 LET X=0
00120 LET J=0
00130 LET K=0
00140 X1=0
00150 LET X3=0
00160 LET J9=RND(CLK(J9))
00170 DIM C(7),C$(7),W(100),D(50,50),P(100),I$(100),B(100,6),B$(100)
00180 DIM E(100),F(100),X5(100),X6(100),X2(100),X4(100)
00190 LET G=INT(RND(0)*24+2)
00200 LET H=INT(RND(0)*24+2)
00210 FILE #1="DNG1"
00220 FILE #2="DNG2",#3="DNG3",#4="DNG4",#5="DNG5",#6="DNG6"
00230 RESTORE #4
00240 FILE #7="GMSTR"
00245 RESTORE #7
00250 RESTORE #1
00260 RESTORE #2
00261 RESTORE #3
00262 RESTORE #4
00263 RESTORE #5
00264 RESTORE #6