I'm looking for guide rails for the 5.25" drive bays for Chenbro cases
(many use the
same rails, mine is an SR20969 case.... I rescued this system from being
(2 dual core Opterons), however it is missing the front plastics and the
guide rails....
You can find a p/n and buy the front plastic... but I can't find a part
number for these
rails (seems a shame to scrap a decent chassis over lack of device guide
Sorry this isn't a classic box... but I'm not having any luck finding
these and was hoping
maybe someone out there has something in there local scrap pile....
-- Curt
I hear all kids these days are using the Twitters, so I went and set
up an account for VCF Midwest. Those not able to make it can enjoy
some "live tweeting" of the, er, "action" and attendees can get
last-minute updates on setup times and other logistical issues. So if
you're a Twitterererer, point your device our way:
Folks of the more old-school persuasion can also join us on IRC at
#vcfmw on the freenode servers.
Hope to see everyone there!
Hi all --
I am one step closer to having a "useful" IMSAI 8080; thanks to a kind
listmember I now have more spare 2147s than I know what to do with, and
have used them to repopulate my 32K static RAM board. That brings me up
to 48K of working RAM, which seems like more than enough to play with.
Now I'd like to get the IMSAI talking to the world. Or at least a
terminal. (Gotta start somewhere.)
Were there ever any standards for serial I/O in the IMSAI/Altair/S-100
world (ports, interrupt settings, etc)? I have an IMSAI MIO board that
I'd like to use. It has more configuration options than one can shake a
stick at, and the (185 page) manual makes mention of several port
address configurations, referring to them as "IMSAI SIO," "Processor
Tech 3P+S," "Altair SIO." Did one of these emerge as a de facto
standard at any point?
My _eventual_ goal is to run CP/M at which point (hopefully) I assemble
a CBIOS for whatever serial configuration I end up with and it's all
taken care of; for now I'd be happy to get some paper-tape software to
run. (Altair BASIC might be nice.) So I'm trying to work out a serial
configuration that will work with a fair amount of archived software --
what would you recommend? Is the MIO board a decent serial board, or
should I find something else?
Thanks as always,
Does anyone have some info in the Texas Instruments SN75413 ? I am
trying to restore the front panel controls of an early Tandy Radio Shack
hard disk (8 MByte!), but cannot find this chip info. The reverse
engineered diagram is at
http://www.xs4all.nl/~fjkraan/comp/trs80m2/driverboard.png, but as I do
not have the pin functions, I cannot connect the lamp and switch part
(this bit is missing) to the board.
There is some info on Radio Shack hard disks online, but not for this
old model. For some more context of the board see
Fred Jan
A recent hamfest yielded a beautiful AMD LabPro Digelec PLD programmer,
along with PALASM software and several pounds of programmable devices. The
only thing lacking are docs for operating the programmer. It's reasonably
self explanatory in local mode but I'd like to figure out how to connect
with a PC to allow file transfers to and from the device. Anybody have the
docs or experience with this device?
On 9/2/10, Dave McGuire <mcguire at neurotica.com> wrote:
> A MINC is a lot more than just a PDP-11!
While that's certainly true, has anyone on the list ever done anything
with the Lab I/O stuff on a MINC? I got one years ago with all the
docs and software (everything, really, except for the cart, which the
lab kept for something else). Mine only has one or two modules - a
clock board and one of the input boards (I'd have to check the exact
types), but since I didn't have much, I've only ever booted RT-11 and
noodled around on the VT105. ISTR the CPU bay is stuffed with a
KDF-11, 256K of memory, an RXV21, a DLV11J, and an IBV11.
Over the years, I've been given plenty of Qbus parts, but I've never
run across any loose MINC modules. I'm curious if anyone else ever
got a MINC loaded enough to do something fun with it.
We have been working to establish some sort of I/O, preferably RS232 with a
PDP 11/05
After spending many hours on the problem we came up empty.
The computer itself appears to be OK, the continuity cards are in the right
places, the core RAM works, simple test programs function properly. For
example entering code from 177700: 000240 000777 the computer will set the
lowest address bit to 0-1-0-1 continuously.
The current configuration is
UNIBUS bridge
We don't have a device for 20ma current loop-ing so we're trying to use the
M7856 for RS232 communications. We're not sure what ports to use with the
M7856 while a M9970 is also installed, does a conflict exist?
We have found the following resources and worked through what info was
provided there
If anyone on this list can assist with diagnostic steps it would be greatly
appreciated. For example an octal listing for a character echo program.
Please contact me directly. We're not sure what port to use for RS232, the
default teletype port seems to be 60. I think we're close, and it's also
possible that there is a problem with the card. The switch settings appear
to be OK.
Bill Degnan
I've been looking for this case for years. And I stumbled upon it on
ebay. Here's the listing. The price is also has some comedy value.
I'm interested in the full heigh 5.25" case to the right in the photos
with what looks like a floppy drive and a half height hard drive. Is
there a name or model number for this case? And would anyone be
willing to part with one?
Morning folks,
Slightly less panic now, I almost accidentally fell over a house just
half a mile away with enough storage and land for everything I already
have that's less money than I'm currently paying - result!
I'm still going to try and shift the vast majority of the DEC stuff
though, particularly since the terms of the let on the new place are
only for 2 years then I have to move again. I now have a chance to
find related software etc for those of you who've asked for machines
and bits and attempt to ebay the rest.
I'm guessing there's no interest at all in my Grey Wall given the
online availability of docs and CDs etc, I've dragged it all between
houses for 10 years now, maybe it's time to hit the recycler and give
some of those trees back :)
I've also found 3 more DEC monitors - VRT21 (heavy trinitron model)
plus a 17" and 21" workstation monitor, can't remember its designator
but it has all the BNC connectors (r/g/b/h/v) and VGA inputs.
I also doubt I'll ever do anything with most of the big TRS80 stuff on
my Tandy page (http://www.binarydinosaurs.co.uk/Museum/Tandy/) like
the model 2/3/4 and all-in-one model 1 (2nd one on the list - came
with a LOT of books and docs). Any interest?
I take it nobody wants the MINC-11? I'm not surprised to be honest
though, it IS big.
Owner of Binary Dinosaurs, the UK's biggest home computer collection?