I'm thinking of doing a little write-up/summary on the
emulation/exploration of classic mainframe and minicomputer platforms
and I was wondering what all is available to folks both in terms of
host platforms (emulators and affordable real iron) and software. I
know that DEC stuff (especially PDP-8, PDP-10, PDP-11 and VAX stuff)
is widely available, as is a lot of early IBM stuff (360 and early 370
era) and even there's even a little bit available for things like the
Interdata minis, the HP 2100 and (if you know the right people) the
CDC 6x00/Cyber x70 systems. In addition, I've heard that a whole bunch
of Data General software has been authorized for release to hobbyists,
but work on that project is rather slow. Apart from what I've
mentioned, is there anything else that's either available or "in the
pipeline" or have I got it all?
And another item to go:
an RS232 to/from GPIB interface
Small metal box, 220V supply, contains a minimal 8085 system with the expected gpib interface IC's
Etched on the PCB is "Hopp systems", no further info available.
I have already decided not to bother with GPIB anymore, so off it goes.
Do not know how or if it works. Those who want tp pay something for this get preference, but other may apply also !
( + shipping from Switezerland of course..)
Once more cleaning up, I came across 1300 sheets of fanfold thermal paper, which I will never use, since I do not have the thermal printer it is intended for.Am I right in believing that this paper is getting rare ?
For the (rounded up,,,) cost of shipping from Switzerland it is yours.
Jos Dreesen
> Has anyone ever seen the MINC BASIC system? It wsa essentally an
> interpreted BASIC with routines to do thigns like generate and display
> (on a VT105) a historgram of pulse heights, things like that. I don't
> have it myself, I think I have some of the manuals for it.
I got it with my mini-MINC, essentially a PDT-150. But it came without
the VT-105, so no graphics. Later I got a VT-125, which should emulate a
VT-105, but apparantly not seamless.
The images of the disks are here:
http://electrickery.xs4all.nl/comp/miniminc/floppyImages/info.html. I
also have the manual set, but scanned the mini-MINC specific parts only
so far (http://electrickery.xs4all.nl/comp/miniminc/doc/).
> -tony
Fred Jan
PDP-11/34 - $100 (Kitsap)
Date: 2010-09-04, 10:42AM PDT
Reply to: sale-szusu-1936500683 at craigslist.org<sale-szusu-1936500683 at craigslist.org?subject=PDP-11%2F34%20%20-%20%24100%20(Kitsap)&body=%0A%0Ahttp%3A%2F%2Fseattle.craigslist.org%2Fkit%2Fsys%2F1936500683.html%0A>
[Errors when replying to
This is a piece of history. Extrended memory, Floating Point card, Vt50
terminal, (2) RLO2's, (1) RLO1, (2) 500 Mb Eagles, including platters,
manuals. If you know what this is, then you remember washing machine sized
computing in the labs. Load with UCC APT NC programming software. Call for
details. Merle, at 360-[see ad]. It was running when I last used it in 1991.
This is not a laptop or a desktop! LOL.
- Location: Kitsap
- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial
PostingID: 1936500683
Next Saturday (11th September 2010) there is an HPCC mini-conference in
London. This is not a classic computing event really (which is why it's
OT), but it is somewhat traditional for one of the talks to cover a
classic HP computer or calculator, and anyway, there will be older
machines to look at...
Non-members of HPCC are welcome to attend, but please let a member of the
committee (e.g. me) know if you are likely to come. More details are on
the hpcc web site, http://www.hpcc.org/
I was looking for other things in the IBM area, and stumbled across a
store with a lot of cheap (by classic computing standards) stuff.
this Adaptec SCSI to Qic-36 is $24 + 10 shipping, as an example 330221339704
If you have a lot of time, there a lot of parts such as some PS2
controller, and so forth if you look thru the entire store. I made it 4
pages (800 items) before I got tired tonight, but will look at more.
The PS2 to QIC was $5 bucks for instance.
If anyone has dealt with the vendor, post here if you like good or bad.
I'm local to the place and may track them down and see if they will let
the public noodle thru their pile.