test-drb July 2010

  • 162 participants
  • 213 discussions

For free : Apple Performa 6320 PowerPC
by stephane.tsacas@gmail.com
14 years, 5 months

Trying to find information on an old IBM system
by shoppa@trailing-edge.com
14 years, 5 months

DSSI Terminator
by robert.jarratt@ntlworld.com
14 years, 5 months

VCF in the UK
by c.murray.mccullough@gmail.com
14 years, 5 months

the beginning of the end for floppies
by jlobocki@gmail.com
14 years, 5 months

Apple Lisa 1 for sale
by pippo@bert8.it
14 years, 5 months

picture of GEC CPSE?
by pete@dunnington.plus.com
14 years, 5 months

DEC RQZX1 and KDJ11-E boot problem?
by nigel.d.williams@gmail.com
14 years, 5 months

Trying to find information on an old IBM system
by sspurling@gmail.com
14 years, 5 months

Fwd: Don Maslin - Death of Winnie Maslin
by evan@snarc.net
14 years, 5 months
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