A Friends of Library organization where I volunteer has a small bunch
of non-English-language Sybex books, early 1980s vintage. They're
wondering, "do folks in Europe have more interest in this sort of
thing?" Not so much a value thing as a not wanting to throw them out
if there's interest. They're unusual to us, maybe more usual over in
Europe, we don't know. Though, we don't see the English editions as
much as we used to.
Some are shrink-wrapped, some are spotted or water-damaged. It's a
Author, title, year of publication, ISBN, the latter two where I could
get 'em (sometimes the shrink-wrap made that hard):
"Le Beux","Introduction au BASIC","1980","2902414161"
"Lamoitier","Le BASIC Par La Pratique","1981","2902414315"
"Laurent","Programmez en BASIC sur TRS-80 Tome 2","1983","290241451X"
"Laurent","Programmez en BASIC sur TRS-80 Tome 1","1983","2902414501"
"Hergert","Sinclair ZX Spectrum BASIC Handbuch","1983","3887450272"
"Hergert","BASIC fu:r den Kaufmann","1983","3887450264"
"Zaks","Les Microprocesseurs","1980","290241417X"
"Grant","Introduction au p-System UCSD","1983","2902414579"
"Gourlay","Jeux en BASIC sur VIC 20","1983","2902414773"
"Shaw","Jeux en BASIC sur Spectrum","1983","2902414765"
"Charlton","Jeux en BASIC sur ZX81","1983","2902414757"
"Bunn","Jeux en BASIC sur Atari","1983","290241482X"
"Glatzer","Introduction au Traitement de Texte","1983","2902414439"
"Gee","Programmez en BASIC sur Spectrum","1983","2902414528"
"Hamann","Programmes en BASIC sur VIC 20 Tome 1","1983","2902414447"
"Lhoir","Decouvrez le Sharp PC-1500 et le TRS-80 PC-2 Tome 1: l'Ordinateur","1983","2902414617"
"Le Beux","Introduction au BASIC","1980","2902414161"
"Naiman","Einfu:hrung in Wordstar","1983","3887450191"
"Glatzer","Einfu:hrung in die Textverarbeitung","1983","3887450183"
"Lamoitier","Basic U:bungen fu:r den IBM Personal Computer","","388745023X"
"Hergert","Mein Sinclair ZX81","","3887450213"
"Bui","Planen + Entscheiden mit BASIC","","3887450256"
"Trost","Programm-Sammlung zum IBM Personal Computer","","3887450248"
"Hergert","Sinclair ZX81 BASIC Handbuch","","388745028"
"Mateosian","La programmazione dello Z-8000","",""
"Hergert","Erfolg mit VisiCalc","","3887450302"
"Hergert","Commodore 64 BASIC Handbuch","","3887450485"
"Hartnell","Sinclair ZX Spectrum Programme zum Lernen und Spielen","","3887450221"
"Schmidt","Spielen, Lernen, Arbeiten mit dem TI-994A","","3887450396"
"Black","Farbspiele mit dem Commodore 64","",""
"Zaks","Introduction aux Microprocesseurs","1976",""
-Frank McConnell
I hit the recycler today and found some cool looking old circuit boards from an old oscilloscope. One has Copyright 1969 Tektronix, inc and is a readout system board and a smaller board with just a part number. What caught my eye was the hand laid traces (curvy pre CAD), and the chips on it all had gold/copper leads and were socketed. Most of the chips are Tektronics made (there is a ti sn7402n), I assume the chips are just logic chips.
Are they worth anything?
> A while back I joined at the most basic membership level of Encompass
> just to get access to VMS hobbyist licences as I was not really
> interested in any other benefits. This used to be a free
> membership. Am I right that now you need to pay $50 a year to be able
> to get a hobbyist licence? Is there some way to avoid this charge?
DECUServe is a chapter now, and registration is free.
A while back I joined at the most basic membership level of Encompass just
to get access to VMS hobbyist licences as I was not really interested in any
other benefits. This used to be a free membership. Am I right that now you
need to pay $50 a year to be able to get a hobbyist licence? Is there some
way to avoid this charge?
Rob Jarratt wrote:
> I agree, I thought 30A was a bit ridiculous, but I typed what I saw, and
> with the noise it makes 30A might not be too far out :-).
> It is back in the machine now so I can't check at the moment to see if there
> was actually a faint decimal point before the "3", but I am sure there must
> be. In fact someone sent me a picture of a similar one which does show a
> clear leading decimal point.
No you have wrong! 1 amp fans when you have a 30 amp CPU.
30 amp fan when have a 1 amp micro-chip!
> Regards
> Rob
In any case use a bigger fan. :)
William, (not I), has a few systems to give away:
TRS-80 Coco
Zenith Data Systems portable from 1987 - a ZFL-161-93
Zenith Data Systems Z-Sport from 1990.
Zenith Data Systems Z-Noteflex, complete with port replicator from 1994.
PCMCIA-based ZPlayer (CD Player) from Zenith Data System from 1994.
Contact *him* for more info!
William Lidster
williamlidster at gmail.com
Anchorage, Alaska
Of course, everyone knows the most important computer war was between Acorn and Sinclair.
Thanks to pompous Sir Clive's fallout with his ex-sidekick, the cigarette-chuffing Chris Curry, the UK got to enjoy a continual dust-up between the two biggest home computer companies of the early 80s.
Acorn vs Sinclair had the lot: 6502 vs Z80; elistism vs affordability; skunk-works development vs glossy buildings; establishmentism vs the underdog.
And into the bargain they introduced not only the earliest home computers using gate array chips; a generation of UK games programmers, but also the preeminent mobile RISC cpu: the Advanced Risc Machine.
In comparison, Commodore vs Atari are just tiffs between best buddies ;-)
-cheers from julz @P
In short, I'd really like to have one of these:
It's an adapter that turns the expansion port on an amiga 500 into a zorro 2
slot like those in the amiga 2000.
They're rare enough to almost never show up on ebay. But they look really
easy to construct. Assuming the card edge connectors were available, I bet
someone with more hardware knowledge than me could make a batch of these for
While you're at it, there's a few designs floating around for IDE adapters
for amigas that wedge between the 68000 and the motherboard. A batch of
those would sell out quickly as well.
I don't know if "collect" is the proper term, but I have an untested, M
40-50C. I use it as a table, it looks to have been stripped of the
drives and such.
> Hi,
> Anyone out there collect Tricord Servers? I used to install and
> work on these back around 95', did work on a couple of ES7000 and ES8000
> systems at Newsday and Scherring-Plough. I was just remembering them
> today, and figured I'd see if anyone had any of them. They are fairly
> big sized units, about 3-4' tall, 19" wide styled cabinet, their
> motherboards were rather unique and in a sense, weird too, like how the
> card cage was accessed via the back and underneath the mainboard and such...
> Let me know if anyone collects these, thanks.
> Curt