Dennis Boone drb at wrote:
> > "I was thinking of using vtserver to transfer the image over a serial
> > line, but the 'copy' program is not compatible with my PDP-11/05 (it
> > uses the 'mul' and 'div' instructions which is not available on my
> > PDP-11/10)."
> I haven't exhaustively searched for such instructions, but a sample
> multiplication found in the C source didn't turn into a mul
> instruction. You sure this is the cause?
> De
Looking at the source for vtserver v2.3, the srt0.s file contains the
'mul' instructions. The copy program is aware of the I&D space. It
appears the primary purpose of vtserver is to allow the
installation/copy of early Unix versions onto RK05's. The source to
vtserver appears to be implemented using the early unix version, so it
is not really what I need since I cannot modify it to work on my
The initial vtboot portion of vtserver does work properly on my
PDP-11/10. I am able to have the 'copy' program transferred over to
the /10 but the processor halts soon after execution begins.
The source for vtboot does look like it should work on most machines.
I updated the code slightly to make it position independent.
I am thinking I will need to write something that will allow me to
transfer the disk image over a serial port. I just don't want to
re-invent the wheel ;-)
My needs are to take a disk image on a host machine and get it
transferred over to a PDP-11 via a serial port to be scribbled onto a
RK05 disk. Does anyone know of another tool that can do this? I am
aware of the TU58 emulator, but that only helps getting something into
memory on the PDP-11, but does not help in getting the data onto the
Thank you so much for the information to date! I really appreciate
the pointers and discussion.
Anyone here use an Extech multimeter? This thing seems to get confused
with certain capacitors. In particular, a new 10uF electrolytic register
randomly from 1 to 8 nF whereas a 1-year-old 1uF electrolytic registers
David Griffith
dgriffi at
A: Because it fouls the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
A: Top-posting.
Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail?
Why would the crypto guys want anything portable way back then? Common sense says it's easier to send the data to the computer than the computer to the data!
Lauren found her dream laptop. Find the PC that?s right for you.
Paul Anderson <useddec at> wrote:
> I always used a M930 in the 11/40 and older machines, and the M9300 in the
> 11/34 and newer machines. I have no way to check on the differences
> now. now. Also, there may be a trick using MOS in an 11/40.
I can't remember that there should be any functional difference between
a M930 and a M9300. The later is just an improved design.
As for the original posters problems. When you get a stuck machine when
the terminator is in, but a somewhat more functional machine when the
bus terminator is out, you have a problem on the bus. Most likely a bus
grant or NPR grant. A third possibility is a problem in the CPU with the
logic related to these signals.
I'd go over the bus grants once more. Check that they *really* are the
right way, since it's so easy to put them in the wrong way, and there is
basically no visible clue to which way they should go.
Look at some other card to get help. They will also have connections on
the same places the BG cards have, except they will likely run them up
to the priority plug. If you have some Unibus memory, they are nice,
since they have the BG lines wired straight through, just like the BG cards.
I would have started by removing *all* cards from the Unibus (with the
exception of some memory), and make sure all bus grants and NPRs were
in, the terminator was in place and that all power supplies were
delivering the right voltage. Also check that all cards in the CPU box
are in place, and are firmly seated.
Johnny Billquist || "I'm on a bus
|| on a psychedelic trip
email: bqt at || Reading murder books
pdp is alive! || tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol
I am finally ready to load a disk image onto a RK05 disk for my
PDP-11/10. I have RK05 disk images for RSTS-11 (my goal).
What is the easiest way to load the disk image onto a RK05 cartridge?
I was thinking of using vtserver to transfer the image over a serial
line, but the 'copy' program is not compatible with my PDP-11/05 (it
uses the 'mul' and 'div' instructions which is not available on my
Here is what I have available:
PDP-11/10 with 32kw core memory
serial connection (max 2400 baud)
RK05 (non-bootable cartridge but does load properly)
external dual TU58 DecTapeII drive
Many thanks for any information. I am really looking for a nudge in
the right direction. ;-)
Henk has sent a care package from the Netherlands to LA, Ca with the
most useful 10 kilo's of parts from a 100X he was scrapping out.
Just wanted to relay thanks to him for a really long distance scrounge
via the group.
I just reorganized the stash with one of the most serviceable of my
drives, so it will be interesting to compare the parts with my drive
revision when they get here.
I prioritized the selection to take the parts with the most likely to
degrade first, then the motion control and read/write boards, then a
variety of other sensors and power supply boards.
The entire drive would have been prohibitive to ship.
Anyone else had to distill a large unit and what were the priorities or
choices made to scrounge? Did they pay off yet (have you ever raided
your stash and actually fixed one of your units or someone else's?)
Hi! Is anyone interested in an S-100 home brew project? I am thinking
build a system using the principles in the Libes and Bursky books. A group
project where everyone builds the boards on prototyping boards as we go.
For example, an 8080A or Z80 CPU board, a SRAM/ROM board, a serial board,
etc. Keep the boards relatively simple and low chip count -- nothing
Thanks and have a nice day!
Andrew Lynch
I'm trying to replace a Xebec S1410A SASI controller with a Data Technology
Corp. DTC-510B or DTC-510A, for a old homebrew computer
The problem is that, even if the controllers should be "almost" compatible,
the DTC-510A/B doesn't work (while the Xebec works fine).
I'm not able to find any manual about it, only some dipswitch settings.
Perhaps has someone a user manual for DTC-510B (and DTC-510A) so that I can
compare commands, configurations, etc. with Xebec S1410A?
Thank you very much.
Roberto Bazzano
> Date: Sun, 7 Jun 2009 21:47:05 -0500
> From: Brian Lanning <brianlanning at>
> On Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 9:41 PM, Cameron Kaiser<spectre at>
> wrote:
>>> > Quadra 700
> I could easily be wrong. It might be 4 4s instead of 4 1s.
The Q700 has 4 MB soldered to the logic board and four 30-pin SIMM
sockets. So the minimum RAM is 4 MB unless someone has been stealing
chips off of the thing. With four SIMMs installed, it should have at
least 8 MB, although if 256KB SIMMs were supported it could be as low as 5
MB. I don't remember if they were.
It supports up to 16 MB SIMMs, so the maximum RAM possible is 68 MB.
Its big brother, the Quadra 900, supports up to 256 MB of RAM with sixteen
30-pin SIMM sockets. Pretty good for a computer from 1991.
Jeff Walther