Subject says it all, I am looking for a Depraz mouse, a.k.a. swiss mouse.
It is a very early mouse, around 1982, with straigth quadrature output
and three Shadow switches for mouse buttons
Jos Dreesen has two DEC lineprinters listed in Houston if anyone
is interested..
item 212610 Digital LG01
item 212614 Digital LG02
back to lurking now...
>Subject: Re: Unknows S-100 System
> From: "Chuck Guzis" <cclist at>
> Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2007 01:43:29 -0700
> To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at>
>On 23 Sep 2007 at 9:12, Allison wrote:
>>> What I wrote something similar I used the word "most" as I knew
>there was
>> some CP/M software that required z80. However from a business user
>> perspective most of the deireable and likely used software like word
>> preocessors, spreadsheets and databases 8080 was just fine save for
>> speed and the 8085 solved that. Also the 8085 was more of a bridge
>> than the ultimate application cpu.
>We ran into a few vertical apps that required Z80--and I think one of
>the better word processors (maybe a late Spellbinder?) required a
>Z80. BASIC dialects were different enough back then (and today) that
>an application written with a specific Z80 BASIC in mind would get
>you into trouble with an 8085.
Never said there weren't Z80 apps, there wer lots of them some very good.
It was more suprizing that the core stuff stayed with the 8080 model.
It was the early adoptors that had and use dmuch of the 8080 stuff and
where the z80 stuff was used they were alrady looking for 16bit cpus
as they'd grown out of it. So like I said the 8085 was "enough" to run
CP/M allow porting stuff to 8086 and keeping 8085 or even z80 stuff
running as at best an interum thing as teh goal was to get off 8bit
>It wasn't enough to make us consider developing a Z80 card, since we
>were marketing our own OS and applications anyway. But I'm certain
>that the lack of a Z80 cost a few sales.
No kidding. One thing was certain while the 8085 was ok cpu the market
had decided that anything less than Z80 was not going to fly on the 8bit
CPU alone.
These are totally uninteresting to me, but perhaps someone here finds them
worthy of preservation?
They a 1980s-1990s era 68000-based beasts as far as I'm told. Not in the
best condition. Parts is probably the best description.
Contact Jerry <theskyrider at> for details.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger
[ Old computing resources for business || Buy/Sell/Trade Vintage Computers ]
[ and academia at || at ]
I am de-cluttering in advance of a move to the bay area... and need to
give away some excess classic hardware.
Available is a full-sized Printronix line printer. In pretty good
shape; with extra ribbons. Works pretty well given it's ~25 yrs old.
Please contact me via email ONLY. This printer is in the Huntington,
LI area, and for pickup only. You'll need
a small truck or a pickup, it will NOT fit into a station-wagon or SUV.
David HM Spector
spector (at) zeitgeist (dot) com
~ ~ ~
"New and stirring things are belittled because if they are not
belittled, the
humiliating question arises, 'Why then are you not taking part in
. G. Wells
Hi. ?Does anyone own any of these boards and can send me a ROM dump? The
documentation speaks of multiple versions supporting various FDC boards so I
would like to include as many as possible with the documentation bundle.
I recently bought a "Quick and Timely" (Q&T) Single Board Computer (SBC) 2/4
for the S-100 bus. ?Fortunately it came with documentation because there
does not appear to be any at the usual S-100 documentation archives like, Howard Harte's, or Majzel's.
So I have scanned the documentation which came with the card and will send
it to the archives for them to include. The problem is my board did not
come with a monitor ROM as mentioned in the documentation. ?This is not a
huge problem as I can probably just write one or modify the Dave Dunfield
RAMless monitor, burn an EPROM, and plug it in.
However, if anyone has one of these boards and would be so kind as to send
me a hex dump of their ROM or better yet, a commented assembler source, I
will include it in the documentation I am preparing for the archives. ?I
would just as soon use the one which came with the Q&T SBC rather than
re-invent another one.
Andrew Lynch
>Subject: Re: Unknows S-100 System
> From: "Roy J. Tellason" <rtellason at>
> Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2007 12:35:38 -0400
> To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at>
>> What irritated me was that Intel never documented the additional 8085
>> instructions, even though they seemed to be present on every version
>> of the chip Intel (and second sources) ever produced. Because they
>> weren't "officially" documented, we adopted a policy that they should
>> not be used to avoid possible future "surprises".
>What are these? I remember some stuff in the magazines early on (probably
>Byte, in its first year of publication or so) and have run across some stuff
>on the 'net about undocumented z80 opcodes, most of which don't seem to be
>terribly useful, but this is the first I've heard of undocumented 8085
>from my compendium of acient history and useful junk:
Hex 8085 Meaning
10 RRHL ;Rotate HL right. 16-bit rotation, flags unchanged.
10 Shift right HL
18 RLDE Rotate DE left. Bit 15 to Carry. No other flags.
18 Rotate right DE
28bb ADI HL,bb ;Add 00bb immediate to HL, setting flags.
28 Add HL and Immidiate nnnn into DE
38bb ADI SP,bb ;As above but to Stack Pointer.
38 Add SP and Immidiate nnnn into DE
CB RSTV8 ;RST 8 (to 0040) if the V flag is set.
CB ReSTart on Overflow(V) to 0040h
D9 Load [DE] from HL
DDaaaa JNK aaaa ;Jump to location aaaa if K flag is reset.
DD Jump on 'Not X5'
ED Load Hl from [DE]
FDaaaa JK aaaa ;Jump to location aaaa if K flag is set.
FD Jump on 'X5'
bit 8085
7(MSB) S sign
6 Z Zero
5 X5
4 AC aux carry
3 0
2 P parity
1 V overflow
0(LSB) C carry
Intel did not further specify the undocumented 8085 instructions.
This however means that other assemblers might use different mnemonics for the same function.
DSUB 08 10cy HL <- HL - BC
Instruction : DSUB [reg] (DSB BC)
Function : HL HL - reg (double subtract)
Flags : CY, S, X5, AC, Z, V, P
Arguments : reg = B for BC (optional)
ARHL 10 7cy HL <- HL/2, CY <- L0
Instruction : ARHL (SHRL)
Function : HL,CY HL >> 1 (arithmetc right shift)
Flags : CY
Argument : none
RDEL 18 10cy DE <- DE*2, E0 <- CY, CY <- D7
Instruction : RDEL (SLDE)
Function : CY,DE DE << 1 (arithmetic right shift)
Flags : CY, V
Arguments : none
LDHI imm 28 dd 10cy DE <- HL + imm
Instruction : LDHI d8 (LRI HL,D8)
Function : DE HL + d8 (HL + 8bit >DE)
Flags : none
Arguments : d8 = 8-bit constant
LDSI imm 38 dd 10cy DE <- SP + imm
Instruction : LDSI d8 (LRI SP,D8)
Function : DE SP + d8 (SP+ D8 >DE
Flags : none
Arguments : d8 = 8-bit constant
RSTV CB 6/12cy if(V) push PC, PC <- 40H
Instruction : RST flag (RSTV)
Function : restart to 40h if flag=1
Flags : none
Arguments : flag = V
SHLX D9 10cy (DE) <- HL
Instruction : SHLX DE
Function : DE < [HL]
Flags : none
Arguments : reg = DE
LHLX ED 10cy HL <- (DE)
Instruction : LHLX DE
Function : [DE] > HL
Flags : none
Arguments : reg = DE
JNX5 addr DD al ah 7/10cy if(!X5) PC <- addr
Instruction : JNX5 addr
Function : jump to addr if X5=0
Flags : none
Arguments : addr = absolute 16-bit address
JX5 addr FD al ah 7/10cy if(X5) PC <- addr
Instruction : JX5 addr
Function : jump to addr if X5=1
Flags : none
Arguments : addr = absolute 16-bit address
X5 is the otherwise unused bit 5 in the PSW register
>Subject: Re: Unknown S100 system
> From: "Roy J. Tellason" <rtellason at>
> Date: Sun, 23 Sep 2007 12:56:42 -0400
> To: cctech at
>On Saturday 22 September 2007 08:29, Allison wrote:
>> >With regard to what little programming I've done, the thing I like most
>> > about the z80 is relative jumps, which makes relocatable code easy to
>> > do. The other big deal is the alternate register set and the index
>> > registers, which I really haven't used all that much.
>> The items that make z80 desireable for programming to me are the repeat
>> instructions (LDIR) and the loop (DJNZ)
>Aside from making source a bit more compact, those seemed to, like a lot of
>other stuff, require the use of particular registers, etc. that I might
>have other uses for at the time. And didn't seem to offer that much of a
>speed advantage. I never got into them all that much.
They made the source easier to read as well. As to use of registers
for block moves in 8080 your likely to use the same set and the same way
so no biggie. In balance I like Z80 and it does add some nice expansions.
>> plus some of the smaller instructions that make the CPU more symetrical. It
>> always bugged me that 8080 can load the SP but storing it required clearing
>> the HL and adding SP to HL.
>Yes! It also bugged me that you could swap HL and DE easily enough, but not
>HL and BC, or DE and BC. That being a single-byte instruction that executed
>fairly quickly, as I recall...
Yep, 8080 was very lopsided but I'd guess leaving out some fo the instructions
simplified matters back when it meant something.
>> 8088/86, hardware around it was easy, hated programming it. Always felt
>> it was an 8080 with a bag on the side and borrowed the worst z80 features.
>> It's big cache was it's was 16bit and had the ability to address 1mb.
>That approach to things struck me as an abomination the first time I looked at
>it, and I never really got all that interested in doing much of anything
>with it at the assembler level -- if I need to program something that has one
>of those in it I'll do it in c or whatever, so I don't have to be bothered
>with all those messy details. It's unfortunate that this is the chip family
>that the industry seems to have settled on, mostly.
Any 808x or 80x86 I program in high enough level language as to totally
obscure the crap underneath. Lowest being database stuff like SQL or maybe
Pascal. PC hardware I code for only when people are paying.
>I feel the same way about a lot of the intel-type (and similar) peripheral
>chips -- write-only registers? WTH? I suppose that some aspect or other of
>chip design pushed things in that direction, but looking at it from just the
>perspective of programming the things, I don't see where I/O address space
>was all that scarce a resource, really.
Write only makes sense when you consider it saves addreses and logic in there
and likely most will never read it. Some the write is one register and read
is another but they share a common address. All in all I've seen better and
I've come across an ISA 16-bit extender card, JDR Microdevices model
Is this worth anything to anyone on the list?
702. [Intelligence] The intellect is not a serious thing, and never has been.
It is an instrument on which one plays, that is all. --Oscar Wilde
--... ...-- -.. . -. ----. --.- --.- -...
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WAN/LAN/Telcom Analyst, Tech Writer, MCP, CCNA, Registered Linux User 385531
Hi Chuck,
I have a lot of interest, do You still have it?.
Please continue with email mnusa2 at
>Under the heading of "where did *that* come from?", I've stumbled on >a loose leaf binder from Motorola titled "MVME121 System Hardware >Manual". There are several publications within, but the bulk of the >binder's taken up by a document called "MVME319 Intelligent Disk/Tape >Controller User's Manual", which contains all sorts of detail, >including principles of operation, command layouts and schematics. >Circa 1986.>>A customer must've sent it to me; I have no use for it. Anyone want >it for the cost of shipping?>>Cheers,>Chuck
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