> My experience is that all the second processors -- no, make that
>all the 'cheese wedgrs' -- are rear.
It's a shame I never got one when I picked up my other "wedges". It was
always on my "list" of things to get, but they used to be reasonably easy to
find at radio rallies and I always ended up finding something more
interesting and leaving it for "next time".... :-(
> I think you've forgotten the 'TUbe ULA' That's a 40 pin custom chip
>that handles the communication between the Beeb and the second....
I certainly had. Bit of a show stopper that really.... ;-)
<grin> I was just trying to remember where I'd stored that wirewrapping
stuff I haven't touched for 15 years too.</grin>
> The Torch Z80 board did, indeed, use only sandard chips.
Changing the subject slightly, IIRC the original "Acorn 6502 Second
Processor" cheese-wedge was just that, a faster 6502?
Did Acorn ever release a "cheese-wedge" 65c02 or 65816? Also, is it possible
to replace the 6502 in one of these with a 65c02; not that I'd actually try
it, unless the 6502 was socketed, but I recall having BIG problems (in fact,
total failure IIRC?) when I tried running a 65c02 in a Model B sometime in
the early 90's?
TTFN - Pete.
Right now I am attempting to configure my Everex EV-833 tape controller card
with my old 386 system and I am stuck at setting the dip switches and the
jumper blocks.
I usually find configuration settings here...
...but they don't have any info on this card. does anybody here know the
configuration settings or does anyone know where I can find the
configuration settings?
Here's a photograph:
Win a webcam! Nominate your friend?s Windows Live Space in the Windows Live
Spaces Sweetest Space Contest and you both could win!
> Has anyone else noticed that ftp search services like archie seem to
> have disappeared
The web as subsumed all of this, in an inferior fashion, IMHO.
You will notice that bitsavers looks exactly the same as it did as
an anonymous ftp site on its previous host.
> Should we be working to archive large FTP software repositories?
Absolutely! And try to find old backups that you have.
Make sure to use something that can preserve file dates of the files.
The old recursive ftp programs didn't do this.
> It's still commercial software, and it's still possible to buy
> licenses.
> I assume you're looking at mentec.com, that hasn't been the place to
> look for several years.
> Zane
mentec-inc used to be the place for the commercial stuff, but it seems
to be no longer around.
My question, however, was regarding the non-commercial PDP-11 stuff. At
this point, I'm not interested in the commercial stuff- it just isn't
worth it. (before you grab the torches and pitchforks I don't find
Windows "worth it" enough to walk across campus and pick up the
all-but-free disks either). I was looking into emulators (never touched
the VAX's little brother or O/S SW yet), and came across some disk
images with the following licensing:
"Whereas, MENTEC owns the rights to the following PDP-11 Operating
Systems and associated layered products (RT-11 V5.3 or prior, RSTS/E
V9.6 or prior, RSX-11M V4.3 or prior, RSX-11M PLUS V3.0 or prior)
(SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY) and is prepared to grant a non-exclusive license
to use such
SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY for personal, non-commercial purposes;"
"SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY shall mean the binary versions of the PDP-11
Operating Systems (RT-11 V5.3 or prior, RSTS/E V9.6 or prior, RSX-11M
V4.3 or prior, RSX-11M PLUS V3.0 or prior), and associated utilities
and layered products that run on PDP-11 computers.
but somewhat cryptically also
"EMULATOR shall mean software owned by Digital Equipment Corporation
that emulates the operation of a PDP-11 processor and allows PDP-11
programs and operating systems to run on non-PDP-11 systems.
MENTEC grants to CUSTOMER a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free
license under MENTEC's INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS to use and copy the
SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY solely for personal, non-commercial uses in
conjunction with the EMULATOR."
So, in short, is this only valid for emulators in which DEC or it's
successors in interest (HP?) own the copyright, or is it only valid for
systems where DEC or (...) hold RTU licenses for a PDP-11 emulator on?
If the prior, what is the connection to SIMH? If it is valid for
currently obtainable emulators and (as it seems to at face value)
include RSX-11, why no RSX-11 images? I suppose RSTS/E is the easy way
out, (provided licensing is good), but RSX-11 has the advantages of
some commonality with VMS (DCL).
> I hope everyone came through alright. Is anyone on the list from
> Folkestone?
Not Folkestone but I felt it just West of Ashford. The joints in the
timber framed upper floor made a lot of noise, but nobody downstairs
(which is brick built) noticed anything. I had to turn the TV on to
confirm it was an earthquake. I'd felt one or two when I was in
Cupertino years ago but never expected to feel one in Kent. I think
the same 'quake in California would not even get a mention in the
news, but our buildings are not designed for them here.
> There are quite a number of versions of Utek (@&^!&^ Outlook won't let
> me capitalize the "t"). The first versions were for the National 320xx
> CPUs. This ran on the 6205's, 6130, and 4132. Later, a Motorola
> 68000-based verson was released.
FWIW, there was a V7 based system called TNIX which shipped on the 8560
development systems (11/23 and 11/73 based). Would be nice to find the
8" diag and release floppies for this (I have a couple of them).
> I 'only' have the HP150-II. It's in a larger case, with a 12"
>CRT, an optional touchscreen (which is fitted on mine)....
I have one of these too, though without the touchscreen or any expansion
cards (it's even missing the rear plastic cover).
Seems like an interesting machine, one of these days I must get it set up;
I've only had it 9 years, LOL! How difficult are HP/IB hard drives to come
by for them (I've got the dual floppy drive unit)?
Always hankered after an original 150 though, it's a really cool shape! :-)
TTFN - Pete.
Probably an extremely frequently asked question, but searching didn't
seem to bring anything up.
What is the current status of PDP-11 O/S software? USENET seems to
indicate that there is no non-commercial license, yet the simh website
has some of them available for download, with the license file having a
clause that states that it is valid for emulators owned by DEC (??),
and also seems to indicate that RSX-11 is covered, yet RSX-11 isn't
Mentec's site isn't very helpful, all they talk about are Windows
programs and it is so full of features as to be practically unusable on
Any quick rundowns on the status anywhere?
Scott Quinn
I obtained one of these at a computer show yesterday.
I was told that the 3" disks are still available in
the UK. Is this so?
This page: http://www.seasip.demon.co.uk/Unix/Joyce/
states that there is a "hideous hybrid" of an upgrade
that effectively turns it into an PEECEE/AT. I demand
to know where I can find one.
And I was aware that Mallard as in Mallard BASIC was
a reference to a steam engine, cuz I'm shmott. I
almost got my fingers on a "TT scale" version in kit
form, but I decided not to because it wasn't after all
real TT scale, but rather a decadent hideous hybrid.
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