Hi David,
I don't type very well, but I can talk you through this on the phone. Is
there a good time to call you or would you prefer to call me? It won't matter to
my phone bill.
Thanks, Paul
>Subject: Re: VCF 8.0 Pictures
> From: Doc Shipley <doc at mdrconsult.com>
> Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 16:33:21 -0500
> To: General at mdrconsult.com, "Discussion at mdrconsult.com":On-Topic and Off-Topic
> Posts <cctalk at classiccmp.org>
>Allison wrote:
>> Well for one, I insist that you also have a supply of beefcake
>> for us geeky girls. Fair is fair! ;)
> Ahem. Aging, bald, bespectacled, spreading geek men aren't beefcake
>enough for ya?
> Doc
Well, you old farts look at the girls. What's ya think us girls are doin?
>From: ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk
>> CR408 is a 1A 400V diode (1n4006 should do)
>Is there any reaosn not to use a 1N4007 here as well? I generally don't
>buy the other IN400x's as I've yet to find an application where too high
>a PIV is a problem.
The only issue I know of is slightly slower
commutation time. Not even noticeable for 50Hz
or 60Hz.
>Subject: RE: VCF 8.0 Pictures
> From: "Hans Franke" <Hans.Franke at siemens.com>
> Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 16:10:46 +0100
> To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at classiccmp.org>
>Am 10 Nov 2005 15:52 meinte Gooijen, Henk:
>> > Am 10 Nov 2005 9:09 meinte Gooijen, Henk:
>> > > There is a second picture of the "hot geeky blond girl"
>> > > which promotes her to "hot geeky blond 'nice legs' girl" :-)
>> > > If I ever go to a VCF (in Germany), I must hire one of those
>> > > girls you see on the bonnet at car shows. It will not matter
>> > > what old stuff I exhibit, *my* stand will be visited most! :-)
>> > I have to see that ... your booth at VCFe 6.0 is reserved :)
>> Yes, I am giving it serious thoughts!
>> Do you provide the girlz, Hans? Would be an BIG incentive! :-)
>Well, we usualy employ one official hootie for VCFe, although
>I'm not shure for next year.
Well for one, I insist that you also have a supply of beefcake
for us geeky girls. Fair is fair! ;)
>> On display I can have:
>> 2) Homebrew pdp8/e running (slow) OS/8 or DMS
Howbout a 6120 homebrew running OS8? The trick was real DEC style
IO rather than PIEs and cruft that leads up to os78 and os278.
>> 3) PDP-11/03, a real one for a change :-) decoding HAM radio RTTY
I've used the -11 for RTTY display. You only need a modem to decode
the tones though having spilt screen, upper for incomming and lower
for outgoing text.
I'd like to see PSK31 software for the -11.
>Subject: RE: Discharging a VT100 CRT
> From: "Julian Wolfe" <fireflyst at earthlink.net>
> Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 00:13:50 -0600
> To: "'General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts'" <cctalk at classiccmp.org>
>Well Well Well.
>On closer inspection, it is very clear that the cap is what blew (it's
>exploded and blackened on one end) is at C439, and the diode is CR408. The
>diode description in the maintenance print is aggravatingly overwritten by
>the entry above it as it ran over.
>The cap is a 75MFD, 6V, +75-10% Electrolytic cap
>Where should I go from here?
Well thats a horse of a differnt color.
CR408 is a 1A 400V diode (1n4006 should do)
the cap is what it is. and should be replaced.
The easy test is replace the diode and cap and see if it works.
if cr408 or R478 get hot (not warm) then other problems exist.
Tony wrote:
> > just a short question, I have seen so much that I start doubting
> > everything :-( After you pressed the CLR key on the 11/34
> > console (to get a clear start point), if you *only* press the
> > CNTRL key, nothing should happen, right?
> Right. The CNTRL key is a bit like a shift key, and should do
> nothing on its own.
> To answere one of your other posts, I would expect data to be
> written ot the display latch quite frequently (of the order of ms)
> _but_ the write pulse will be narrow (a few us at most), and if
> you've got the analyser set up to sample for long enough to display
> several display scans, you might well miss some of the write pulses
> because they occur between analyser samples. I think the K100D has
> 'gltich capture' for just this sort of problem, try selecting it for
> the input you use for the write pulse.
> -tony
Ok, so the CNTRL key behaviour analysis is a good point to start with.
Yesterday evening I checked the latch that gives the NUM 1-2-3
signals, and the buffer that is behind it. The in- and output signals
are OK, although it is *constantly* '110', which matches the display
value "666666". On the LA (set to sample at 1 msec) I did see *one*
pulse on the CLK pin of the latch. My guess yesterday evening was,
that is not correct as just *one* pulse in 1000 msec is way to low
for a good refresh rate, just as you say Tony. It did not occur to me
that the single pulse was "by luck" detected by the LA. If the LA sees
*one*, I should see more, I'd guess. I do remember that I had to turn
up the brightness control of the scope to see the thin CLK pulses ...
I will put a picture on the webpage tomorrow.
The battery of the camera is recharging.
Your initial remark about a failing RAM chip is still in the picture,
as the value to display is taken from the first 3 locations of the
RAM. BTW, the operator/maintenance manual has an error in the memory
allocation. It shows that the first byte is for the display, but it
is actually the first 3 bytes. So the rest of the picture can not be
correct either ... The assembler source listing proves this. Every
time a digit must be set on the output port, the 3 memory locations
are shifted 3 bits. That means with 6 digits, that at the end the
total shifted bit count is 18. The code corrects the value in the
3 memory locations by shifting 6 bit positions when the complete
6 digit number is sent to the output port.
I am getting tempted to install the totally dead M7859, and have a
look at it, with the new knowledge build up from this module. May be
its is just a defective 8008, but I am afraid that if I get the dead
M7859 working, this weird defective one will end up on the pile of
things "I must do, when I get the time" ...
But I will first inspect the two RAM chips! 4-bit data in, 4-bit data
out, 4 address bits, one select pin and one clock pin (the WE* pin
is tied to GND). Should be possible to see it all with the 16 channels
and make a conclusion of the RAM's condition. You might have been
correct from the beginning, Tony!
- Henk, PA8PDP.
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>Subject: Re: Ultrix for DECstations
> From: Adrian Graham <witchy at binarydinosaurs.co.uk>
> Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 19:02:27 +0000
> To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at classiccmp.org>
>(The only load media on this big-iron VAX is a TZ887 tape library so I'm
>going to install VMS onto the boot disk by plugging it into a VAX 3100-90
>with a BA350 storage shelf then all I have to do is put that disk into the
>6660's HSJ50-powered storage array and boot it......try doing THAT on any
>other OS :oD VMS is VMS is VMS.....)
I've done that for years using RD54s and then SCSI disks, easiest way to do
a VMS install for 20 systems. Do it once then clone the drive, doent matter
what the system varient was so long as it can interface to the drive.
Beat the tar or hackup out of using TK50.
>Subject: Re: Software find
> From: Adrian Graham <witchy at binarydinosaurs.co.uk>
> Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 19:14:10 +0000
> To: "General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" <cctalk at classiccmp.org>
>On 9/11/05 23:04, "Dan Williams" <williams.dan at gmail.com> wrote:
>> For the 380z Sbas, bcpl (4 disks), txed, zasm, cp/m 2.2 and 1.4 and Wordstar.
>> For the Nimbus Windows 1.01 (Which I've never seen), write 2.0,
>> various version of RM basic and Msdos 3.05.
>> I'd like to see windows booted up the earliest version I've seen is
>> 2.x (can't remember).
>I've got 2 Nimbus' but no monitor for either of them, though there's another
>machine plus a monitor waiting for me in north wales if I can ever get over
>there to pick it up (or Lee D. can if I can get the address :o))
>Wouldn't mind seeing windows 101 myself, though it's just a glorified
>DOSSHELL running on top of DOS 5. 'ugly' doesn't do it justice!
Then again so was V3.11. It was dos.