I have a chart of paper tape hole patterns for all 128 characters, and it
shows the LSB (bit zero, although the chart numbers them 1-8) as the edge
hole on the 3-hole side, with the bits in order 0 to 7 (or 1 to 8).
However, one question, this chart shows the high-order bit (parity bit)
punched for every character, no exceptions. Was that a standard convention
in sending ascii files to paper tape?
Tony Duell wrote:
> 'This edition may be sold only in those countries to which it is
> consigned by Prentice Hall International. It is not to be re-exported
> it is not for sale in the USA, Mexico or Canada'
> No idea why not.
> -tony
It is an "International Student Edition". Some publishing companies
offer these paperback editions in poorer countries where people couldn't
possibly afford the hard back edition. Some are even translated
to other languages (even mandarin).
Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez email: carlos_murillo at ieee.org
Dean of Engineering, Universidad Autonoma de Manizales, Manizales, Colombia
"Western civilization... thought like the greek, organized itself like
the romans and believed in itself like the hebrew." -- Ortega y Gasset.
A few years back, I was lucky enought to get the
opportunity to exchange an (equally rare) Unix
workstation for a Sun-1. The Sun-1 was in great
shape, with everything intact, except it is missing
the CPU card.
This is 100U, so its not the very first Sun-1 with
a 68000, rather it uses the later 68010 board which
was common in lots of other systems (Sun-2, etc).
Despite all this, and having looked for a few years
now - I'm still unable to track down a multibus Sun
CPU card.
So if anyone out there has a spare, or a board that
needs repair, etc. Let me know! Any 68010 multibus
Sun card would do.
Many thanks
Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005
Anybody want a 1975 H-P Electronics Instruments and Systems
catalog? 572 pages, hard cover, mostly test equipment with abt
25 pages of calculators, computers (HP 21MX & 2000 series)
& peripherals. Pictures, model numbers, descriptions & prices.
$20. + S&H
I saw this keyboard kit on eBay today. Any idea exactly what it is?
Is it a serial/parallel keyboard kit or is it a Ham Radio-type item? I'm
totally ignorant of Heath items and I used to have an old catalog but I
can't find it.
Rich Cini
Collector of classic computers
Build Master for the Altair32 Emulation Project
Web site: http://highgate.comm.sfu.ca/~rcini/classiccmp/
A local ( Zurich, Switzerland ) shopping centre is holding an
exhibition on the development of the computer.
Not very big, but some real nice hardware is on display. Among then are
- Straight pdp-8
-ETH / Diser Lilith modula2 machine
- Altair, Imsai,
- HP IPC, HP110,HP150
- hp9100, hp67, hp01, Wang 700, Friden
-IBM360 ( console only )
And a whole slew of lesser machines and calculators.
Also some mechanical calculators ( Curta etc )
Shopping center is Letzipark www.letzipark.ch
I noticed a fair bit of interest of the people doing their weekly
Jos Dreesen
forsooth! A HALF-FAMISHED JACKDAW seated himself on a fig-tree, which had
LPVXVACerIaAmIvoAnLbAizGaIiLtaRxUeIracA MnS 3,35 1,20 3,70 http://www.geocities.com/AngviHenslBli/
The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner the fable, so conspicuous in the great Greek fabulist. The exact to meet special circumstances, are so admirably constructed as to
>Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 15:41:28 -0500
>From: "Teo Zenios" <teoz at neo.rr.com>
>Subject: How exactly do PAL chips get programmed?
>As some of you might recall I was looking for drivers for my Tokamac II FX
>PDS card on my mac IIfx. Well I found the drivers from the original company
>founder. I read in Macworld (and had it confirmed from the company contact)
>that you need a PAL chip on the IIfx reprogrammed (or replaced?) because
>Apple screwed up BUS mastering on the IIfx and nobody caught on at the time
>because those types of cards were rare.
>Well I have found another person who has the same card AND the PAL chip
>needed on his unit but is having other problems getting his setup to work.
>What I want to know is are PAL chips somewhat like eprons in getting
>programmed or is there some other process involved? Does anybody know of a
>way to get a pre programmed chip dumped so it can be duplicated or do you
>need the original chip (or code) to do this? If I can be duplicated does
>anybody here have equipment to do it?
PAL chips require a programming machine that supports them in order
to program them. Many of the PROM programming machines also support
Tony already covered the facts about reading out an existing PAL.
But, since you were able to contact the company founder regarding the
software, is there any chance he could supply you with the revised
PAL code? That would be much simpler than desoldering the other
fellow's PAL and trying to read it out.
I have a Needham EMP-30. It will program Lattice GALs and AMD PALs
>from 16V8 up to 22V10. Anything more complicated than that and my
machine doesn't support it, I think. I'm willling to help and am in
Austin, TX.
What package is the PAL in? Probably PLCC or DIP, and I'm betting
PLCC. Whoever helps you with the programming will need the
appropriate adapter for the PAL you are using. DIP is no problem as
the programmers come with a large DIP ZIF socket. However, PLCC will
require an adapter or the building of an adapter.
>Does anybody here have any experience with a IIfx running a Tokamac II FX
>upgrade processor?
No experience with that setup. I'm still working on my IIfx 16 MB
SIMM project. It's slow at the moment because I need to do an 8" X
11" panel of PCB for economical reasons, and my layout software
doesn't copy and paste traces, just other board features. Very
Jeff Walther
>From: "Scott Stevens" <chenmel at earthlink.net>
>On Tue, 15 Nov 2005 11:34:22 -0800
>"Chuck Guzis" <cclist at sydex.com> wrote:
>> So what's an 8008 chip worth? I've got one that I don't need. I'll
>> entertain reasonable offers.
>If you look on eBay you'll discover people seem to be willing to pay quite a
bit for them.
>Nearly three figures in some instances.
There is some variation based on the date code as well.
Some are worth more than others.