The new rack I am building into has locks on the back doors. I have a pretty
large ring of HP keys, and none of them fit. All the HP racks I have thus
far use the same back door key, except this one. I believe the lock is
marked 2097. Any chance someone may have a key for this and could get me a
copy? This key appears to be the kind where the "main channel" on the key is
down the center, not on one side.
Thanks in advance!
Jay West
Eprom is all done. I burned two of them onto TMS27c128 28 pin chips.
verified fine. Just need a ship to address.
Joe Heck (trash3 at splab . cas . neu . edu)
Anybody has a good Source for them ?
My hardrive crashed, and I got the machine with the OS installed :(
Checking ebay already regularly, but no luck there :(
cheers & thanks
----- Original Message -----
> Message: 18
> Date: Sun, 14 Sep 2003 16:07:32 +0200
> Organization:
> From: "Pierre Gebhardt" <cheri-post(a)>
> To: cctech(a)
> Subject: specifications for IBM XT-286
> Reply-To: cctalk(a)
> Hi all,
> can anybody tell me, what harddrive and disk drives (modelnumber and
company) are built in a IBM XT-286 ?
> I found such a machine 2 months ago. Unfortunately, all the drives are
> The machine itself semms to be in a godd condition.
> Thanks alot in advance for your help!
> Pierre
> 38xTestsieger - WEB.DE FreeMail - Deutschlands beste E-Mail
> Jeden Monat mit 10% mehr Leistung!
> --__--__--
Here are 2 links concerning the XT-286.
Hope this helps.
I've got a 9121D floppy subsystem that fails to pass POST. Drives wink
on power up, fan turns, fuses check out ok, but indicator LED on circuit
board never comes on and drives remain invisible to IB controller (1630G
logic analyzer). I've blown out the dust, reseated cables and the one
socketed PROM and that's all I can figure out to do. Nothing seems
obviously damaged or smoked.
I didn't have the unit a couple of months ago when people were tossing
these things into dumpsters, but hopefully someone still has a known (or
possibly) good cabinet/circuit board sitting on the shelf at some
reasonable price. I guess I'd also consider buying another complete
subsystem if necessary.
Obviously, service data or trouble-shooting ideas would be welcome
Jack Rubin
Wilmette, Illinois
MacOS 8.1 and 7.6 cheaply. They might also have 8.6
and 9.x, though I haven't checked recently.
> Subject: MacOS 8.6 or 9.1
> Anybody has a good Source for them ?
> My hardrive crashed, and I got the machine with the
> OS installed :(
> Checking ebay already regularly, but no luck there
> :(
> cheers & thanks
This is not UNIX man ;)
The factory default UCI (user class identifier) is MGR and this should be
follwed by a semicolon and the name of the program to execute or, in your
case the PAC code (programmer access code) - this code was asked during
sysgen and is by default XXX
So you enter ....UCI:MGR:XXX <CR> and should be in.
at the prompt you type:
>w "Hello World",! <CR>
So, the V4.1 was OK, after being for 15 years in my "blockhaus" in the
The V3.3 I got from a friend - het got it for the same number of years in a
drawer of his desk???
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: cctalk-admin(a)
[]Namens Fred N. van Kempen
Verzonden: maandag 15 september 2003 17:46
Aan: cctalk(a)
Onderwerp: RE: DSM-11 (Digital Std MUMPS) info needed
On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Luc Vande Velde wrote:
> Fred and all other DSM lovers,
> First of all a tiny little correction: the name is Luc Vande Velde ;)
> I 'll contact my ex-colleages to see if if I can find the original DEC
Whoooops. Sowwy!
> sysgen. On every question asked you can type ? to get a bit more info.
Heh, and then... it asks me for a UIC. I dont have one, and the
silly system doesn't understand 'root' either... :)
But: they're saved. Yay!
Luc: the V3.3 tape is *bad* ... took me 3 hours and many cycles of
cleaning, rewinding and retrying to get it "in" ...
I got this application on my 286 AT. It's running fine with a
color-monitor connected, but when I try to start Works on a monochrome
monitor, I get the warning: "Non-valid or missing Monitor-Driver-File"
(originally in German).
Can this obstacle be overcome and what exactly should I look for?
Thanks for caring! Steff