Well, I had planned to do this next month, as I'm not *really* ready for
it yet, but I was just informed that our sublet is going thru on Oct 1st.
So... provided the hurricane doesn't hit this weekend (Sept 20,21) I'm
having an open house for anyone that wants to stop in and pick thru what
I have to get rid of. Not everything you will see is available, but a
very large portion of it is (if you want it, ask). And most of what is
available is either really really cheap, or totally free. I have to have
it all out before the last week of September.
A small sample of what I have:
IBM System 23's
small IDE drives (less than 500 MB)
5.25 floppy drives (1.2's and 360's)
CGA monitors
VGA monitors (640x480 only)
Leading Edge PCs
Ads ViewPoint terminals
cables, cables, cables
AT Keyboards
Mac ADB keyboards
68k Macs (desktop and All-In-One)
Assorted cards (ISA, MCA, sound, maynard, risers, token ring, et al)
A/V equipment (tape decks mostly)
ASR 33 Teletype
AT&T Unix machines (63?? runs System V and has some kind of DOS card in
IBM PCjr with parallel side car (PCjr, screen, keyboard, power brick)
Some software and manuals
Some Apple II odds and ends (drive, IIe logic board, other stuff)
Printers (Dot Matrix, Ink Jet, Laser)
And lots and lots of other assorted computer and A/V stuff (as well as
some general office furniture) that I haven't mentioned.
Lots of it is probably worth money, which I have zero of right now, so
if you want something and you know its worth money, feel free to be nice
and pay me for it. I lack the time to try and sell any of it, so if you
aren't nice, I'm getting exactly what I would get for it if you don't
take it... NOTHING! I'm already pissed at how much of the stuff I spent
money on, and is now going to be thrown out before I got to play with it.
A good chunk of the stuff is still untested. Could be good, could be bad.
Anything known good is labeled as such, but I've spent the last month
testing and haven't made much of a dent. (limited testing will be
available on site, it will depend on what it is that needs to be tested)
The open house is at my office in Ridgwood New Jersey (07450). Email me
for directions and any questions. Time is flexible, I'll probably be here
most of the weekend anyway, but chances are I'll be the only one, so
please let me know in advance if you want to stop in so I can leave doors
unlocked and notes as where to find me.
In the event that Hurricane Isabelle hits this weekend, I'll postpone
until during the week... but there is a very good chance I can't keep
things until the following weekend. Of course, anyone that wants to stop
in before or after this weekend, that's fine too... first come first
I don't have the time to ship anything, so if there is something you know
I have, and you want it shipped, you better be able to make it worth my
time ($$$). Nothing will be held for later pickup. If you can't take it
when you are here, then someone else can, or you'd better be back before
it hits the dumpster.
Sorry to seem like a PITA about this, but my deadline came faster than I
expected, and right in the middle of me doing other jobs I can't put off.
If I don't have things cleared out before the end of the month, it will
be done for me, which means EVERYTHING will be thrown out (and there is
some stuff I need to keep, so I'm fighting a fast moving clock).
Can anyone help this person? I am forwarding this message from a fido
mailing list gateway. Any responses I will forward to the fidoclassic
mailing list.
Bryan Pope
And thusly Mike Luther spake:
> Subject sorta says it all!
> A friend was still keeping tons of correspondence on a Brother Word Processor
> even up until a year or so, until the Windows Genie showed up. You know, one of
> the ones with the old fashioned LCD screen and so on, the integrated
> Brotherhood! Grin. You know, the one which only stored whatever you wrote on
> floppy disks, I think 3-1/2 inch stuff if my memory is correct.
> Well, the Great God of Fire settled on the building into which she had taken
> refuge up in Idaho, not too long ago. And with it .. to wherever good Brothers
> go when consumed, went the Brother Word Processor. So now she is faced with a
> whole box full of floppy disks with all the correspondence. The consumate
> backup, if you will. And as luck would have it, she needs .. for tax purposes,
> copies of some of the letters that were all put together on this ingenious
> all-in-one member of the Order of the Benevolent Infiniture of Brothers!
> Sigh .. What now?
> Does anyone here know about operating system, word processing format, any of
> this for this Order? I've nver seen anything about how the scribes stored this
> stuff. Heck, I don't even know if I can mount one of these diskettes on my OS/2
> Warp MCP2 level system, much less translate the dialect? Heck, it might be an
> evil byte of an Apple clone for all I know!
> Ideas?
> --> Sleep well; OS/2's still awake! ;)
> Mike @ 1:117/3001
> _______________________________________________
> FidoClassic mailing list
> FidoClassic(a)videocam.net.au
> http://lists.videocam.net.au/mailman/listinfo/fidoclassic
I'm looking to buy early issues of PC Week and InfoWorld, specifically
>from the 1983-1986 timeframe but any time before that time period would
also be good.
If you've got some taking up space then please get back to me.
Sellam Ismail Vintage Computer Festival
International Man of Intrigue and Danger http://www.vintage.org
[ Old computing resources for business || Buy/Sell/Trade Vintage Computers ]
[ and academia at www.VintageTech.com || at http://marketplace.vintage.org ]
I am not sure it's the correct version but I have a converter for "Brother
Typewriter" disks to Word format
As I am not allowed to make large attachments here, I've put it on the web.
I hope it helps you...
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: cctalk-admin(a)classiccmp.org
[mailto:cctalk-admin@classiccmp.org]Namens Bryan Pope
Verzonden: dinsdag 16 september 2003 13:54
Aan: cctalk(a)classiccmp.org
CC: FidoClassic(a)videocam.net.au
Onderwerp: Help for a Brother! (fwd)
Can anyone help this person? I am forwarding this message from a fido
mailing list gateway. Any responses I will forward to the fidoclassic
mailing list.
Bryan Pope
And thusly Mike Luther spake:
> Subject sorta says it all!
> A friend was still keeping tons of correspondence on a Brother Word
> even up until a year or so, until the Windows Genie showed up. You know,
one of
> the ones with the old fashioned LCD screen and so on, the integrated
> Brotherhood! Grin. You know, the one which only stored whatever you
wrote on
> floppy disks, I think 3-1/2 inch stuff if my memory is correct.
> Well, the Great God of Fire settled on the building into which she had
> refuge up in Idaho, not too long ago. And with it .. to wherever good
> go when consumed, went the Brother Word Processor. So now she is faced
with a
> whole box full of floppy disks with all the correspondence. The consumate
> backup, if you will. And as luck would have it, she needs .. for tax
> copies of some of the letters that were all put together on this ingenious
> all-in-one member of the Order of the Benevolent Infiniture of Brothers!
> Sigh .. What now?
> Does anyone here know about operating system, word processing format, any
> this for this Order? I've nver seen anything about how the scribes stored
> stuff. Heck, I don't even know if I can mount one of these diskettes on
my OS/2
> Warp MCP2 level system, much less translate the dialect? Heck, it might
be an
> evil byte of an Apple clone for all I know!
> Ideas?
> --> Sleep well; OS/2's still awake! ;)
> Mike @ 1:117/3001
> _______________________________________________
> FidoClassic mailing list
> FidoClassic(a)videocam.net.au
> http://lists.videocam.net.au/mailman/listinfo/fidoclassic
Otay, I need a little personal help, and help for a couple of friends, so
I'll lump them all into a single message, to minimize the s:n ratio...
1) For me: This may actually be on-topic, but if not, it's close. I have a
from-scratch linux installation, and I'm trying to find the source code for
the (original) X-windows solitare game of Spider. I don't have Gnome or KDE
running (Actually, it's FVWM2... ;-) and so many of the newer games won't
compile unless I add .5G of libraries... which I'm unwilling to add for 1
frelling game. Anyone have the source tarball on an ancient linux distro
somewhere? (I tried all mine, and couldn't find it... :-( )
2) Off-topic, but hackerdom-based... I have a friend that has an AMD
"Super-Socket-7" pentium based motherboard - model: Micronics C200. It has
a fragged BIOS. He gave me the "correct" .bin file that I burned onto a
provided EEPROM - but it 1) wasn't the right file, or 2) wasn't the right
format for burning. Does anyone have that board that could get me a
workable BIOS dump?
3) Off-topic, but it's for a *really* good friend of mine... he an Agfa
Snapscan 1236 SCSI scanner, and would like the transparency / slide add-on
gizmo for it. I've googled & ebayed... no useful hits... :-( Anyone here
know where to get one for sale?
As always, all replies offlist, please, and thanks for any and all help
anyone could provide...
Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger -- sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
What do you do when Life gives you lemons,
and you don't *like* lemonade?????????????
Waw, I checked the DSM images on a PDP11 simulator and it runs like in the
good old days...
Even the automatic hardware detection is working during sysgen.
I 'll give those who want to play with it a few programs:
To stop the system in a civilized manner:
To configure the system:
>D ^%UTL
To copy tapes if you have 2 tape drives
To build a new distribution tape:
A very quick introduction to M(umps)
M is an interpreter so you can enter commands in immediate mode if you don't
start with a TAB
syntax is: <COMMAND><SPACE><ARG1>,<ARG2>,...
there must be a space between the command and the arguments. You can have as
many commands on a line as you want if you separate them with a space.
Most commands can be abbrev. to the first letter (there are less then 26
commands in M)
so WRITE "HELLO" and W "HELLO" are identical. Commands without arguments
must be separated from the next command by 2 spaces.
All variables types are string (no panic you can do math on it)and does not
exist by default as in basic.
so W X give an error but SET X=3 W X is fine.
the READ command reads from stdio (=current terminal) unless otherwise
defined so
R X W !,X reads from the keyboard and prints it back on the screen after you
push enter. (the ! mark give a CRLF on the screen)
the DO command starts execution of a program. The ^ indicates that the
program is to be loaded from disk
so D ^%UTL loads program %UTL from disk and starts execution at the first
P(RINT) without arguments lists the program in memory (it's an interpreter
so all code is visible)
W(RITE) without arguments lists all variables in memory
to load a program without executing it just use ZL(OAD) programname ex.: ZL
loads the program SYTOTAPE in memory and lists it on the console device.
If you want to have the listing on a printer and you have a LP11 in your
system, you can redirect the output to this printer. The first LP11 device
has port number 3 in DSM so typing: O(PEN) 3 U(SE) 3 P C(LOSE) 3 - notice 2
spaces between the P and the C as P has no arguments! Don't forget this C
command or your I/O is redirected to the printer and the console looks dead
(you can solve this by typing Ctl C)
And finally for this first intro: to have a directory listing of all the
programs on disk:
D ^%RD (in M a program is called a routine and %RD means routinedirectory
I was doing some searching for Pro-Log manuals on the internet, and I ran
across this web page from ADVANCED VEHICLE TECHNOLOGIES, Inc.
where they have some books and manuals that they didn't want to throw out,
so they are giving some of it away, or selling some of it very inexpensively
I've already gotten just the two Pro-Log manuals.
They also have some surplus hardware for sale. Some of it is inexpensive.
Best Regards
Well, several people are interested in a few different items. The best advice I've gotten from some people is to get someone else to dispose of the stuff on eBay. I think this is the route that I'm going to take. Or at least I'll try it out and see how it works.
OTOH, if someone offers sufficient money for a significant chunk of the collection and comes with a large truck to pick it up, I'll sell it to them. So if there is something you really want, why risk eBay, just offer a huge pile of cash for my collection :^)
| Zane H. Healy | UNIX Systems Administrator |
| healyzh(a)aracnet.com (primary) | OpenVMS Enthusiast |
| | Classic Computer Collector |
| Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing, |
| PDP-10 Emulation and Zane's Computer Museum. |
| http://www.aracnet.com/~healyzh/ |
Maybe not really classic computers, but one need a good oscillioscope to fix
problems in old computers...
My HP54615B has a dead powersupply. It just ticks once a second or so. The
fan just rotates slowly.
Does anyone has an idea what component has failed? I have checked som
transistores and diodes, they all seem to be fine. I am about to replace som
capacitors now.
Maybe there are someone out there that has the schematic for this scope???
/Mattis Lind