test-drb April 2002

  • 280 participants
  • 1162 discussions

Micro$oft Biz'droid Lusers (was: OT email response format)
by blacklord@telstra.com
22 years, 10 months

New Museum Finds for the Week
by jrkeys@concentric.net
22 years, 10 months

Micro$oft Biz'droid Lusers (was: OT email response format)
by csmith@amdocs.com
22 years, 10 months

Altos 580 and CP/M-MP/M Again.
by doc@mdrconsult.com
22 years, 10 months

Shiva Fastpath files and documentation
by nemesis-lists@icequake.net
22 years, 10 months

Micro$oft Biz'droid Lusers (was: OT email response format)
by csmith@amdocs.com
22 years, 10 months

Micro$oft Biz'droid Lusers (was: OT email response format)
by dquebbeman@acm.org
22 years, 10 months

3.5" floppy drive specs?
by rigdonj@cfl.rr.com
22 years, 10 months

TFE - C64 Ethernet Cartridge (fwd)
by bpope@wordstock.com
22 years, 10 months

suggestions on BBC Micro, voltage converter, PAL monitor (in US)?
by nemesis-lists@icequake.net
22 years, 10 months
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