To the best of my knowledge, no IBM machine has *ever* contained such a
feature.. I've worked with RS/6000's, System/36's, AS/400's, and a 4381, and
none contain such a feature... Hell the AS/400's had been kicked out the
backdoor of the building into the parking lot, and they work fine.. so file
that under urban legend...
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Perhaps the most entertaining thing is where the US imports the majority of
its imported petroleum from: Canada.
Will J
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I took the 8002 that I got from Joe (Thanks Joe) and hooked it up to a
terminal but couldn't get them to talk to each other. Seems the 8002 has a
bad -12V power supply so the comm wouldn't work. I didn't get any further
than that so, I'm not sure if there are other problems with the system or
I removed the PS and it's not that complex so, it should possible to fix it
without TOO much work. If I was really inspired, I could probably fix it in
a few hours. It's probably something as simple as the Voltage Regulator IC
or a fried bypass transistor. Of course, I could substitute another PS but,
I'd prefer to keep everything original.
Since I don't have the TEKDOS disks or any other software, this project has
been really low on my priority list. If those TEKDOS disks are still
available, I could certainly use them.
Not sure about the disk format. Does any one know if they can be duplicated
on another system?
The box that I have has a Z80 POD and assembler. The Z80 happens to be my
preferred microprocessor and it'd be very cool to have a "real" z80
development system.
>From: joe <rigdonj(a)>
>Reply-To: classiccmp(a)
>To: classiccmp(a)
>CC: Steve Robertson <steven_j_robertson(a)>
>Subject: Re: Who wants a Tektronix 8002A uProcessor Lab?
>Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2001 11:25:23 -0400
>Hi Joel,
> I'm very interested in Tektronix computers. I never set out to collect
>them but they just seem to find me. I have a loaded 4051, Tek 31
>claculator, several 4041s and an 8170. I picked up an 8002 about a year
>ago. I didn't have room to keep it or the time to fool with it so I
>finally gave it to Steve Robertson. I also had some manuals that I had
>picked up somewhere. I gave them to Steve also. Somewhere I have some Tek
>DOS disks also and I plan on giving them to Steve when I find them. I
>don't know if the disks that I have are the right ones for this 8002 and I
>know that there are manuals that I'm missing so if no one else claims this
>stuff, I will claim it on Steve's behalf. I'll also take some of the
>hardware but I won't be able to take it all since it would cost a fortune
>to ship. (I'm in Orlando, Florida.) Still, between the two of them we
>should be able to make a complete and operational system.
> Joe
>At 09:33 PM 7/10/01 -0600, you wrote:
>>Hi all...
>>Buried away in my company's cold storage I some time ago found a Tektronix
>>8002A uProcessor Lab. I made one inquiry about this earlier, and got a
>>telling me it was an interesting find. Sorry but I don't recall the fellow
>>who sent that email. The 8002A was apparently used to develop software and
>>operating systems for 8080 and 6800 based devices. Our company used it to
>>develop the software for RTU's (Remote Terminal Units), which are commonly
>>used in the oil & gas business at remote sites to control and monitor
>>equipment on the site (such as pumps, valves, pressure transmitters).
>>I've gone back out and made a partial list of everything that's included,
>>which follows. I've also asked the boss what he thinks, and he just wants
>>GONE - that means FREE! So, have a look below and if this intrigues you
>>me know. The main problem will be shipping, as the total package probably
>>weighs 200 pounds. The equipment is located in central Alberta (yes that
>>Canada), so you might want to think twice about the shipping costs.
>> Tektronix 8002A uProcessor Lab
>> - 2 PROM burner sockets on front panel
>>2 Tektronix Flexible Disc Units
>> - 2 8" floppy drives each
>>2 Emulator Processors with probes
>> (external black boxes on ribbon cables, & DIP plug)
>> 8080A Emulator Processor
>> 8080A Assembler & Editor User's Manual
>> 6800 Emulator Processor
>> 6800 Assembler & Editor User's Manual
>>3 TekDOS System Reference Booklets
>> Command Reference Cards for various processors
>>NUMEROUS 8" floppies which seem to include...
>> TekDOS
>> Fortran
>> Pascal
>> RTU Development Disks (many)
>>Depending on interest I may run this notice another time or two, to make
>>sure nobody who might be interested misses it....
>>Joel A. Weder
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At 10:10 AM 7/11/01 -0700, you wrote:
> > >(sorry - seeing that post about DAK making a comeback has obviously done
> > >strange things to my brain)
> > And the invention of "eDAKonians" makes my eyes bleed.
>If you look at the page info, ...
> and it's subsidiary pages, was put up in June 2000, and ahsn't
>been changed since. Would that indicate a "false start"?
If you read the web page carefully, you'll see that Drew is helping a
bank setup this new DAK. It doesn't sound like it's going to be his company
or that he's going to run it. So I doubt it will be as good as the old
DAK. :-(
Hi. Two questions:
First of all, can the mounting platform of the VAXstation 3100 be
transplanted into a DECstation 3100?
Second, does anyone have any mounting rails for a DECstation 3100?
Peace... Sridhar
> I'm intrigued. What are you doing with this hypercube?
> Peace... Sridhar
Arthur Clarke once wrote a story about some Tibetan (or
nearby) Buddhist monks using a computer to iterate all
the names of God, so that they could bring the world to
an end. Or maybe it was bradbury, but it seems I recall
Once good application would be to create an intelligent
filter for the ClassicCmp mailing list, to keep all the
off-topic discussions out of my mailbox.
Yeah, they bug me too, but OTOH I wouldn't want the flow
censored *for* me, only *by* me...
I've got a Tek model 453 'scope on the way. Opinions/comments
on this model? Anybody got a manual they can photocopy for me?
Bill Bradford
Austin, TX
I found two DEC DF108-RM units. They appear to be a modem pool or
communication unit of
some sort.
What are they worth? IS there any interest in them?
I found them at one of my regular haunts. The sticker states "make
offer." Let me know if there
is any interest.
> Interesting you should mention Lab-Volt. I just picked up one of the four
> position workstations/benches along with the installed test equipment, etc.
> with all the student test assemblies. It has four sets of logic trainers,
> motor experiments, and radio parts along with one set of student manuals. I
> didn't realize they also made a microcomputer trainer, but now I'll have to
> dig around and see if I can find one :).
Our high school science labs had Lab-Volt power supplies at each
two-person workstation. Klunky looking but we never had a failure...
A long time ago I posed an interesting mystery to the folks on both the
classiccmp and port-vax lists. That mystery was this, "What cable do I need
to connect the KA660 in the BA400 cabinet to the DSSI bus?"
I asked the question because the KA660, like the KA640, has a DSSI
interface on the CPU card. Further that interface comes out to a 50 pin IDC
plug that is next to the 50 pin plug for the memory bus (just like the
KA640). Further, in the right most slot of the BA400 series chassis with
the Q/CD back plane is a board, M9715, that has a high density Honda
connector and it plugs into the DSSI backplane. I reasoned that there was a
DEC cable that went from the 50 pin IDC connector to the Honda connector
and this provided the internal path to the DSSI bus.
I discovered later that the CD connectors on the far right of the Q/CD
backplane in the BA440 are connected to the DSSI drives, and further that
the KA660 routes the DSSI interface there so just plugging it in connected
it to the DSSI backplane. And I never figured out what went in the M9715
until now ...
DEC Part #17-02704-01 which is a replacement cover plate for the board, and
has a DSSI connector on it and a cable that plugs into the Honda connector!
This came off an B400X which had the Qbus extension in it and this
cover/cable combination allows you to plug into the DSSI chain! Mystery solved!