On Dec 22, 1:16, Ben Franchuk wrote:
> CLeyson(a)aol.com wrote:
> <snip>
> > Here is the code from Numerical Recipies for an insertion sort (Fortran
and C)
> <snip>
> Do they have the "Small C Compiler" for the 6502? I know you can get a
> Z80 or 8080
> compiler under CP/M. Note the version #1 does not have for or &&
> instructions.
It wouldn't really be fair to use a compiler for the code to compare
processors. You'd end up testing the relative merits of two compilers as
much as testing the processors.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
On Dec 22, 18:06, CLeyson(a)aol.com wrote:
> Neil Cherry writes:
> > I really like the Dataman S4, my friends use it pretty heavily in a
> > very unfriendly environment.
> When the battery goes flat so does the processor so to speak and you
> turn on the battery charge electronics ! You have to take the case apart
> "hot wire" the battery. I've always thought of the Dataman as an
> toy.
I've used S4's quite a lot, and I seem to recall there's a way to deal with
that without opening it up. I've certainly recharged them from totally
flat/won't turn on. As for price, they're about the same as other
comparble devices, at least in the UK. And they can do PALs GALs serial
PROMs and other mildly exotic things.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
I've managed to acquire a few Multitech Micro-Professor printers and I'd
like to know just how the heck to use them. I've managed to partially
decipher the schematic, but I can't get the *ing ROM to dump. I've got it
hooked up to a 74HC4040 12-bit binary counter and a Microchip PIC16F874
microcontroller. The hex data the PIC snaffled from the ROM contains some
instructions, but most of it is filled with zeroes. Anyone got a ROM dump
>from the "PRT-MPF" or "PRT-MPF-IP" boards? All my boards appear to be
later-version ones, with Fujitsu 2732 EPROMs onboard.
Also, has anyone got scanned copies of the MPF-IP (Micro-Professor
mainboard) user's guide, monitor ROM dump, memory map, schematics, etc? I'd
love to try my hand at writing an MPF emulator, but I don't have an MPF in
my collection.
I'd also like to get hold of one of each of the following:
Synertek SYM-1
Rockwell AIM-65 (with printer)
Ideally, I'd also like the manuals, but if they're AWOL it doesn't matter
too much - I'll just snaffle them from Rich Cini's webpage and print them
off :-)
BTW, the MPF printers seem to be quite plentiful - Greenweld UK appear to
have plenty in stock. I've also got the Technical Reference for the Seiko
Instruments MTP201-20B printer module that Multitech used on the MPF
printer - just in case anyone's interested :-).
There's only one minor thing about them - do NOT, under ANY circumstances,
activate the head for longer than 1.5mS - it WILL burn out.
Just out of interest, what sort of printer mech does the AIM-65 use? I'm not
condoning the destruction of a perfectly good AIM-65 just to find this out,
but I would like to know (in case anyone has a parts list for the AIM).
Thanks again.
I've fixed it.
On Dec 20, 19:36, Tony Duell wrote:
> Pete wrote:
> > Now I'm really puzzled. After spending the evening playing with my
> > serial board, and armed with the pinouts this time, I still have an
> > interrupt problem.
> Be warned DEC can be confusing here. For example on the schematics, pin 8
> of the FF is shown as Q and pin 9 as Q/. But that's because the D input
> on pin 12 has an inverting 'bubble'. And of course the Set and Reset pins
> are therefore the other way round to what you'd expect.
The confusion comes mostly from the Maintenance Manual. Thanks to David
Gesswien for scanning the KL8-E printset, and Tony's description of the
pinout labelling, I worked out what should be happening.
> That's the problem, I think. DEC's data bus is active low. Or that's how
> it appears to me.
Indeed, and that's what I expected. The Handbook doesn't show the data bus
signals as active low, whereas it does secifically show 'L' after other
active-low signals. Nevertheless, like most other open-collector type
busses, the Omnibus is active low.
> > Should I just swap the connections to the SET and CLR, and Q and not-Q
> > the 7474? Or am I missing something?
> No (!). It worked once as it is now, so it can work again. Find out if
> you can ever make the Q/ output of that FF low, and if not, why not. Are
> you getting a pulse on the clock pin when you execute a KIE instruction?
> What is the D pin doing?
They all seemed to be doing something, just not necessarily the *right*
something, when I first mailed the list. I wasn't sure it actually *had*
worked properly; I wondered if there could be an ECO missing. Certainly it
hadn't worked for a long time, and presumably that was why someone had cut
the INT RQST L track a long time ago.
However the fault, for those who're still reading, wasn't really the M8650
itself. There were two problems. At some point, I had unplugged the
serial cable from the Berg connector, so there was noise on the serial
input, which upset the diagnostics. The second problem was that the PSU
+5V was down to about 4.5V, which isn't great for TTL. I'd checked the
voltage when I reassembled the machine, but it didn't have a full
complement of boards in it at that time, and the additional load made it
droop due to several not-too-tight connections between PSU, power cables,
and backplane. I've since cleaned them up extra carefully, and tightened
the connections, and readjusted the PSU to give 4.9V on the front backplane
and just over 5V on the rear one (the difference is due to different loads
on the two parts).
Now KIE with AC11=0 turns interrupts off, as does CAF and the CLEAR switch,
and KIE with AC11=1 turns them on, and it passes all the diagnostics.
Oh, and FOCAL 69 runs fine :-) Now onward to OS/8 and some RX01s...
Thanks to everyone whose suggestions or websites helped me get this far:
David, Kevin, Tony, Allison, Ethan, Doug, Zane, the other Kevin, and Nabil.
And probably others I've forgotten.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Neil Cherry writes:
> I really like the Dataman S4, my friends use it pretty heavily in a
> very unfriendly environment.
When the battery goes flat so does the processor so to speak and you can't
turn on the battery charge electronics ! You have to take the case apart and
"hot wire" the battery. I've always thought of the Dataman as an overpriced
Chris Leyson
On December 21, Christopher Smith wrote:
> I've been thinking recently that I should possibly get a ROM reader/writer
> so that I can preserve the ROMs out of all my old parts, and I was wondering
> whether anyone had some experiences (good or bad) with any different
> programmers?
> Which programmers are good, which aren't so good, and why?
If you're serious about programmable devices, Data I/O is the only
real choice in my opinion. The company's policies leaves a bit to be
desired...their software updates are prohibitively expensive, and it's
nearly impossible to use their earlier programmers without docs
because you need to translate chip part numbers to "device numbers" to
enter into the programmer...but other than that the boxes are great.
I have a Data I/O 2900 that I adore. I highly recommend that model,
or its big brother, the 3900.
> Where is the best place to get one, and which is the best to get on a tight
> budget?
eBay. Sure, everyone here poo-poos eBay, but face it...it's where you
can get anything you want, any time you want.
> What about making your own? (Note that I think this may be an interesting
> project, but I'd really rather put my time into other things right now, so
> this is near the bottom on my list of options...)
It's fun, and certainly practical...See early literature by Steve
Ciarcia for examples of some simple ones.
> One called "Leaper 3" interests me because of its ability to copy one ROM to
> another without any kind of computer hookup, which I imagine might be
> useful, but I know nothing else about it.
Ahh, a "real" device programmer. :-) I despise those dumb things that
can't do anything unless connected to a PeeCee running
Windows...totally useless to those of us who use real computers and
don't allow Windows boxes in our homes.
Dave McGuire
St. Petersburg, FL "Less talk. More synthohol." --Lt. Worf
I don't know what it's worth, but I'm posting it in case it's a decent deal.
From: "Bill" <WVIVERETTE(a)houston.SPAMrr.com>
Newsgroups: houston.forsale,houston.wanted,austin.forsale,
Subject: F/S: Atari Model CX-2600 and More
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2001 21:51:11 GMT
Vintage 1978 Video Computer System by Atari
Model CX-2600
Serial Number 8150545
Woodgrain 6-switch model
Good Working Condition
Original Box
8 games (4 with manuals)
4 Joysticks (2 work fine, 2 work some)
3 Paddle Wheel Sets (6 paddles - 3 work, 3 don't)
AC Power Adapter
TV RF Connector
1981 Atari Game Catalog
Looks from e-Bay that it should bring $50-$70
Also, another entire 4-switch System if you want TWO!
E-mail if interested. Pictures available.
Available in Houston, TX
Will ship if buyer pays shipping and insurance
The shop I buy a lot of custom stuff from gave me (not free, on spec)
some 80-pin RAM modules. Mel thought they would run in the VS4000/60,
and the form-factor is identical. They seat perfectly in the memory
slots, and the locator-pin holes are right.
Except the Vax won't boot at all with that memory installed. I've
looked around on the web, and can't identify them.
There are 2 paper labels:
a QC label with 2 lines, the first line varies, the second line is the
same on all:
and a small label with what looks like a DEC/Compaq part number:
Does anybody know what those are? and/or need them?
When you get over it...
Talking about 20mhz 65C02s and other "fast" parts that didn't exist when
even the z180 (orginally 64180) was introduced is equally bogus.
A Pentuim anything running a Z80 emulator is still emulation and not
native silicon.
Now cut the crap.
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Erlacher <edick(a)idcomm.com>
To: classiccmp(a)classiccmp.org <classiccmp(a)classiccmp.org>
Date: Friday, December 21, 2001 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: 6502/Z80 speed comparison (was MITS 2SIO serial chip?)
>We went through all this a couple of years back under the same heading.
If the
>Z235980 at 234 THz is code compatible then, if I understand you
correctly, it IS
>a Z80, right? Even though the Z180 won't fit in a Z80 socket, you'd
sell it as
>a Z80 anyway, right? Even though it didn't even exist back when it
>you still insist it's a Z80, right?
>My Pentium executes the Z80 code just fine at about 75x the speed of of
a Z80.
>Does that mean it's a Z-80?
>We're comparing CHIPS, not philosophical constructs. If it IS a Z80, or
>3480, or something else EXACTLY a Z80, i.e. built under the license,
>pin-compatible, code-compatible, etc. then MAYBE it's germane to this
>discussion. No chip that isn't a pin-compatible substitute commonly
referred to
>as a Z80 back in the days when the Z80 mattered is germane to this
topic. If it
>won't plug into the socket of a Z80, FORGET IT, because it's not a Z80.
>that's too difficult for you, then please ask an adult why a 47-ohm
>isn't the same thing as a 75-ohm resistor.
>I'm sure glad you're not trying to sell parts any more, Allison. I'd
hate to
>have to argue with you that the choke you're trying to pitch isn't a
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "ajp166" <ajp166(a)bellatlantic.net>
>To: <classiccmp(a)classiccmp.org>
>Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 4:24 PM
>Subject: Re: 6502/Z80 speed comparison (was MITS 2SIO serial chip?)
>> From: Richard Erlacher <edick(a)idcomm.com>
>> >There are lots of things that you could compare, but the first things
>> you've got
>> >to leave out are the ones that aren't a Z80, which immediately
>> the Z180,
>> >and Z280. The Z80 is not around any more than the 6502 is around.
>> There are
>> Why? they are still z80 core and code compatable. While they add
>> like
>> serial IO, timers and MMU they are Z80, maybe more so than 65C02.
>> Allison