I'm hoping that someone knows something about some of this stuff and/or
can use some of it. Not free but really reasonable IF you can come to
Roanoke, VA and load it up.
HP 3000 Series III mainframe [a couple of racks worth, but some vandal
hauled ALL the cards to a recycler prior to my finding it]
HP 3000 system 30 cute little R2D2 sized mainframe [no cards]
HP Tape Drives 7970 several variations
HP disk drives, big and heavy 7920's & 25's
HP keyboards & terminals 2640,2645, maybe some 2649's
non HP stuff:
CDC PA5N1 harddrives--also heavy!
Bunch of NCR minis running VRX or VRX/E, also got a couple of
controlers and a PS or two from the same series
pile of TRS-80 series III
Not cheap but lots of them:
HP 1000 E&F series minis
HP 21MX series minis
HP "A" series minis
This is a serious size pile--probably 2-3 tons of stuff in really good
condition. My storage runneth over. Craig
On June 11, John R. Keys Jr. wrote:
> The bad news is I found a System/36 model 5362 (complete) for $50 at a
> thrift in Houston and I paid the folks for it and asked if I could pick
> it up the next day as I would need a truck to carry it. They said ok
> and when I came back to pick it up someone had trashed the machine by
> taking out 5 cards and breaking them up on the floor next to the unit.
> I asked the store manager to adjusted the price I had paid for it but
> they said I had purchased it "AS IS" and said it was not trashed when I
> purchased it the day before. They did agree to lower the price on a Mac
> 145B powerbook that I found sitting on the shelf there as a way to
> settle my problem. I have never had anything like this happen before.
Wow, that *sucks*. Sounds like somebody needs some broken fingers.
Sorry to hear that, man.
-Dave McGuire
Well, thanks to a clever guy on c.s.a2, I got the IIgs to network boot.
It involved going into the Control Panel, setting slot 2 to AppleTalk, and
setting the startup slot to AppleTalk. It magically found Steve, the Mac,
and was able to connect and boot ProDOS 8. BASIC.SYSTEM came up without a
hitch, and I was able to use the Mac as a fileshare without problem. Neat!
Thanks for all the help, folks!
It had some trouble booting GS/OS from the Mac, however. It showed the
"Welcome to the IIgs" box, and got about half-way through (at the bottom,
an AppleTalk share icon eventually showed up), but then abruptly bombed
out and dropped back to the AppleShare client. GS/OS then wouldn't come
up at all until I rebooted the machine. Corrupt copy or not enough memory?
Someone on c.s.a2 said it should at least boot with 1MB, even if it
couldn't run much.
Later today I'm going to build those GS/OS disks and see if starting it
up from the floppy drive makes any difference.
----------------------------- personal page: http://www.armory.com/~spectre/ --
Cameron Kaiser * Point Loma Nazarene University * ckaiser(a)ptloma.edu
-- Good-bye. I am leaving because I am bored. -- George Saunders' dying words -
For those of us that have QIC tape drives, this fellow has a bunch
of DC6525 tapes, most of them still in their shrink wrap.
Please contact him directly if interested.
-=-=- <snip> -=-=-
In article <3942FDF3.2D13(a)worldnet.att.net>, you say...
> Subject: Last chance for tapes
> From: Jack LaBrecque <JITB(a)worldnet.att.net>
> Reply-To: JITB(a)postoffice.worldnet.att.net
> Newsgroups: comp.sys.ncr, comp.sys.att, comp.periphs.scsi
> SONY QD6525N (Same as DC6525 from 3M) & 3M DDS-90 4mm. I have 50-100 of
> each. Most are brand new and still in wrappers. Make me an offer or
> they go to the dump.
> --
> Semper Fi
> Jack L
> JITB's Home Page:
> http://home.att.net/~jitb/
> JITB's USMC Page:
> http://home.att.net/~jitb/usmc/usmc.htm
> PFC Edward A. Peterson:
> http://home.att.net/~jitb/ed/pete.htm
Bruce Lane, Owner/Head Honcho,
Blue Feather Technologies (http://www.bluefeathertech.com)
kyrrin [a-t] bluefeathertech {d=o=t} com
"I'll get a life when someone demonstrates that it would be
superior to what I have now..." (Gym Z. Quirk)
>::I personally used my SE/30 to generate the required GS/OS disks from
>::Apple's Disk Copy images, so it does work.
>Okay, I'll give it a shot. Where can I get Disk Copy 4.2 from? Is this
>on the Apple FTP site?
Apple Prototypes, Clones, & Hacks - The obscure, unusual, & exceptional.
On June 10, R. D. Davis wrote:
> > I agree 100%. Though I must point out that it has nothing at all to
> > do with "older" or "newer" systems...it's primarily a "windows" or
> > "non-windows" issue.
> Hmmm, so this is an operating systems vs. a pseudo operating system
> issue. Thanks for the explanation.
Well, pretty much, yes.
-Dave McGuire
Does anybody know what the asking price for a GRiDCase 3 is?
I would love to ad this to my collection one of these days.
A bit of trivia: If anybody has seen the *long* version of the movie
"Aliens" , the computers that the marines use to control the motion
controlled smart guns are GRiDCases, I'm not sure which model. My guess is
that they are GRiDCase 3's.
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-----Original Message-----
From: Dave McGuire <mcguire(a)neurotica.com>
> I agree 100%. Though I must point out that it has nothing at all to
>do with "older" or "newer" systems...it's primarily a "windows" or
>"non-windows" issue.
It's not that either. It's lazy or just plain lack of knowledge. outlook
and be told to use plain text (not rtf or html) and far as I know I'm doing
that from a NT4 system.
It annoying to me as a NT/OE user as RTF and html will alter termprorary
settings for fonts and all when I don't want that all due to someone who
does not know.
> > Is
> > the lack of security on the Internet possibly a well designed feature
> > disguised as a flaw?
> No, it is because much of it is Unix oriented. And Unix
> security is just not that good.
This isn't quite right, but does explain why Internet security
has not improved.
First and foremost, like most other ARPA projects (such as
Multics), the ARPAnet was meant to be a prototype for what
a network could be. One of the base-level assumptions was
that it would provide information sharing between a small
number of trusted and trusting sites.
However, from my own personal experience, I have never
succeeded in creating a prototype of a system to show to
management that management didn't say "a few more tweaks
and we're done". Although prototypes, both Multics and
ARPAnet were rushed into production because no one wanted
to take the time to stop and do it over again, better the
second time.
-doug quebbeman
>Delivered-To: cmcmanis(a)mcmanis.com
>From: Jack Olson <jacko(a)dilog.com>
>To: "'cmcmanis(a)mcmanis.com'" <cmcmanis(a)mcmanis.com>
>Subject: FW: DLI MOVE
>Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 09:27:09 -0700
>From: Jack Olsen
>Sent: Tuesday, May 30, 2000 11:35 AM
>To: Jack Olsen
>Subject: DLI MOVE
>If you've tried to reach us in the last couple of months, you probably
>sense that there is something going on. Well you're right. The facility
>that we have been occupying in Irvine for the last eight years was sold to
>a church. So we had to relocate.
>We found the perfect site only 3 miles away in the city of Tustin and
>proceeded to make what was supposed to be a seamless move to our
>new digs the first week in March. Well, it wasn't so seamless. The first
>problem was that even though we are close to the old place, the new one
>was in a different area code, so we had to change telephone and fax
>OK, the telephone company will take care of referrals from the old to
>the new number. However, a good amount of our communications with
>our customers was via email. Now you have to understand our internal
>network and connections. We have a Novel system for file, print, email
>and Internet access. the Novel is connected to a Linux firewall Internet
>gateway. The Linux accesses the Internet every 15 minutes during the
>day to retrieve and send email for the company, then delivers it to our
>desk with Microsoft exchange. Nice working system.
>No problem. Just disconnect the parts at the old place, and reconnect at
>the new, plug into the wall and run. Right? - - Wrong. The Novel
>systems disk decided that it didn't like the climate at it's new home and
>proceeded to show its displeasure with a series of strange metal against
>metal sounds. No problem, we have a Libra library backup system and
>are fully backed up. Put on the new disk and restore the Novel system.
>Well, the Libra is one of the first ever made and has been chugging
>away everyday since we originally installed it. The DAT drive went on
>strike and had to be replaced. Once that was done we found out how
>important it is to remember where one packs the backup tape set.
>OK its now late March, the Novel server is up and running, but the
>building Ethernet wiring is not correct. Emails are being received
>sporadically. Bob gets the building wiring squared away and all is
>looking well when we receive a registered letter from Concentric, our
>Internet service provider telling us that they are discontinuing our dial-
>up account on Apr. 24.
>Time to enter the 21st century - we proceed to order an enhanced DSL
>service. They can't install until May 1. Call Concentric and see if they
>will stretch our disconnect date until then. Officially they cannot agree
>to do this. Unofficially it is done - Thank You Concentric. On May 1,
>our DSL is installed - but we are given the wrong network connection
>card to the Linux system. Got the correct card - DSL works - WOW -
>real time mail delivery.
>So now we're here in our new facility with a fully operational LAN and
>If you had some trouble reaching us, we apologize. We are here for you
>and are now fully accessible via phone - at our new number, fax - at our
>new number, or email and web page at the same number.
>Phone 714-508-1040, fax 714-508-1050,
>email info(a)dilog.com, www.dilog.com.
>So remember, same great products for Qbus and Unibus, -
>Same support, -
>New digs. -
>Give us a call.
>The DLI crew