test-drb June 2000

  • 160 participants
  • 580 discussions

AppleTalk on the hoof
by paulrsm@ameritech.net
24 years, 7 months

If classic computers were cars...
by pete@dunnington.u-net.com
24 years, 7 months

If classic computers were cars...
by pete@dunnington.u-net.com
24 years, 7 months

Looking inside before you buy etc.
by rhudson@ix.netcom.com
24 years, 7 months

If classic computers were cars...
by pete@dunnington.u-net.com
24 years, 7 months

Mac 800K floppy support (was Re: AppleTalk on the hoof)
by mark_k@iname.com
24 years, 7 months

DG MicroNova Available
by kyrrin@bluefeathertech.com
24 years, 7 months

New find: HP 1000 E series
by cem14@cornell.edu
24 years, 7 months

TI Professional Computer
by rigdonj@intellistar.net
24 years, 7 months

OT Ranting (blather blather blather) Re: In defense of NASA: was Re: Wirin' up blinkenlights
by ethan_dicks@yahoo.com
24 years, 7 months
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