>X-Sender: jfmjfm(a)srvr5.engin.umich.edu (Unverified)
>Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 09:14:36 -0400
>To: microscopy(a)sparc5.microscopy.com
>From: "John F. Mansfield" <jfmjfm(a)engin.umich.edu>
>Subject: Surplus Equipment going cheap (not free).
>I have the following surplus equipment that is destined for the
>recycle dumpster if no-one is interested.
>1. Two Tracor TN5500 XEDS systems.
> a. One system has a 30Meg hard disk drive, two 5.25 Syquest
>removable hard disks (both failed) and two floppy disks one 5.25" and
>one 8". There are actually two 5.25" disks and two 8" disks in a
>separate subsystem, but the hard ware only supports two floppies at
>one time and so we have one of each set up. A standard Tracor
>keyboard with keypad and monitor is supplied. The system does not
>have a printer. We modified it so it would run without a printer and
>if we need print out we have a couple of switch boxes that directs
>the print out to a Mac (PC can be substituted). We also have the HP
>plot software and this is directed to a program on the Mac that can
>then send the plot to a laser printer or can save it for pasting into
>word processing documents.
>The system has the imaging package that will allow the computer to
>control the microscope (it is setup for a JEOL 2000FX) and record
>STEM and SEM images and XEDS maps. The software includes SMTF and
>SQMTF. The system has an almost new refurbished light element
>detector (detects down to C). System also has a license for RT-11,
>the DEC operating system and it can run an FTP server for removal of
>spectra and images to a remote computer. Make an offer.
> b. The second system is floppy based and also has imaging
>which is setup for an SEM whose manufacturer evades my memory, but if
>anyone is interested I will obviously find out for you. This system
>has a Be window XEDS detector with it. Make an offer.
>2. Liquid nitrogen cold stage for JEOL 2000 FX Gatan double tilt (old
>model 613 upgraded to double tilt). Sample airlock pumps dewar jacket.
>Make an offer.
>3. A Perkin Elmer 5400 data acquisition computer (6809 chip running IDRIS).
>I also have a Be window XEDS detector that is non functional that
>fits the high angle port of a JEOL 2000FX
>In each case the buyer pays shipping.
>Dr. John Mansfield CPhys MInstP
>North Campus Electron Microbeam Analysis Laboratory
>417 SRB, University of Michigan
>2455 Hayward, Ann Arbor MI 48109-2143
>Phone: (734) 936-3352 FAX (734) 763-2282
>Cellular Phone: (734) 358-7555
>(Leaving a phone message at 936-3352 is preferable to 358-7555)
>Email: jfmjfm(a)engin.umich.edu
>URL: http://emalwww.engin.umich.edu/people/jfmjfm/jfmjfm.html
>Location: Lat. 42? 16' 48" Long. 83? 43' 48"
> Although I believe a later edition of the Guide that fell through a
> temporal vortex described the Marketing Department of the Sirius
> Cybernetics Corporation as "a bunch of mindless jerks who
> _were_ the first
> up against the wall when the revolution came".
> Now where did I leave my Peril Sensitive Sunglasses?
Right next to your SEP field generator.... :-)
> *heh* I think it was the marketing department at the Cirrus
> Cybernetics
> company who were a bunch of mindless jerks who would be first
> up against the
> wall when the revolution comes.
> Killing all the lawyers comes from Shakespeare.
Richard III
> I forget the actual words, and who said it, but there is a
> saying that goes
> something like this. "Those who are willing to trade thier
> freedom for a
> little safety deserve neither freedom OR safety."
Ben Franklin:
The man who would trade a bit of liberty
for a bit of security deserves neither
liberty nor security
Probably still not exactly correct, it may have
been "a little" instead of "a bit". Only certain
source I can think of is the musical "1776" and
they probably mangled the original line to make
it more stage-worthy.
-doug q
(who would trade all the security he has for more liberty)
The former pay IHS Caps datasheet service is now available for
free from http://www.freetradezone.com. It has a good collection
of datasheets for obsolete components not available from manufacturer sites.
You do have to register and enter a company name. I used the pay CD based
system when my work had it but have not done much with the online
David Gesswein
I just heard about this:
> It's a 6540 I think. About 4ft wide, 3ft deep and 6ft high. 3-phase
> power, plus tape unit, console, etc. BIG motherfucker. You'd need
> to find transport...
If you're interested, I'll give you this guy's email address
Good Lord, Joe, where do you store it all???
Joe Rigdon wrote:
> Here's a list of just SOME of the stuff that I've picked up in the last
> two weeks: SIX Cromemco Z2-D S-100 systems with dual floppy drives and
> hard drives, HP 9825B (loaded), FIVE various HP 9825 interfaces, HP 1000
> A600 computer, HP 1000 E series computer, TWO HP 9895 dual 8" floppy
> drives, TWO HP 9885 single 8" floppy drives, two HP 987? printers, HP 7906
> fixed drive, TWO HP 6940 Multiprogrammers (loaded) and a HP ??
> Multiprogrammer Interface, TI Professional computer in like new condition
> with original monitor and keyboard and a National Instruments HP-IB card,
> and last night, a IBM AT with an 8" floppy drive controller card. That's
> in addition to OVER 320 memory SIMMS, numerous cards, keyboards and other
> bits and pieces. Does that sound like the kind of stuff that should be
> left as scrap because I can't test it first?
> Joe
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Strickland <jim(a)calico.litterbox.com>
To: classiccmp(a)classiccmp.org <classiccmp(a)classiccmp.org>
Date: Tuesday, June 13, 2000 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: OT Now: Re: TI Professional Computer
>*heh* I think it was the marketing department at the Cirrus Cybernetics
>company who were a bunch of mindless jerks who would be first up against
>wall when the revolution comes.
Although I believe a later edition of the Guide that fell through a
temporal vortex described the Marketing Department of the Sirius
Cybernetics Corporation as "a bunch of mindless jerks who _were_ the first
up against the wall when the revolution came".
Now where did I leave my Peril Sensitive Sunglasses?
Mark "Ford Prefect" Gregory
This is semi-OT, since the IIsi has two years to go before it's on topic :-)
For a Commodore nut, I sure seem to be doing a steady traffic in Apples.
>From the same place I got the SE/30 and the IIgs ROM 3, I also picked up a
IIsi. After some cursing because it was set up with At UnEase, I rigged a
boot disk, trashed AE and started poking around.
It's an '030 with 5MB RAM running System 7.1. I'm finally seeing value in
the tuition I pay to Loma Linda University, since I basically went to the
System Folder on all their System 7 Macs and grabbed all the extensions and
control panels. Surprisingly, at least to me (the systems in question were
7.5 or later), this seemed to work EXCEPT for OpenTransport. PC Exchange
purrs like a kitten and I'm able to handle ProDOS and DOS like a pro. (By
the way, what files does ProDOS 8 need to have on the disk for it to be
bootable?) But the IIsi simply refuses to mount OT.
I downloaded 1.0.8 from the Apple support site and tried that, but it simply
said it could not be installed on this particular model and gave no further
explanation. The readme asserts that it will run on '030s and 7.1, though,
for all the versions available from asu.info.apple.com. However, they appear
to be updates, not installs (except for 1.0.8, the 1.1.x versions say that
1.1 must be installed already).
Simply copying the libraries and the Shared Library Manager into the
Extensions folder doesn't work. It just ignores them, and when I try to
start the TCP/IP or AppleTalk control panels, it whines that OT is not
running. Copying fresh ones from the "uninstallable" install disk doesn't
do any good either.
Any suggestions? I'm really hoping to avoid having to make the monster (for
this poor thing) download of 7.5+ from the Apple support site if I can avoid
it. I don't mind System 7.1 at all, really.
----------------------------- personal page: http://www.armory.com/~spectre/ --
Cameron Kaiser * Point Loma Nazarene University * ckaiser(a)ptloma.edu
-- Dalai Lama to hotdog vendor: "Make me one with everything." ----------------