...Header pretty much says it all. Just nabbed a Dranetz 626 recording
power disturbance monitor and got no docs with it...
jimw(a)computergarage.org || jimw(a)agora.rdrop.com
The Computer Garage - http://www.computergarage.org
Computer Garage Fax - (503) 646-0174
Ia there anyone out there who has a NorthStar HD controller and/or
compatible drive they are willing to part with? I have been looking to add
one to my Horizon but haven't found anything. I have a fair number of S-100
boards and other goodies I'm illing to trade. I would even (shudder!) pay
cash if I had to.
Bob Stek
Saver of Lost SOLs
> > Louisville, Kentucky, is an ideal site for any convention. We are
> > located in the heart of United States, we have ample convention
> > facilities (but don't choose the weekend where we have the
> > Future Farmers, NHRA Nationals, etc). We have great entertainment
> > facilities (food, music, horse racing), a riverboat casino within
> > a 20-minute drive, a Deja Vu (and plenty of similar facilties),
> > scenic riverboat cruises (these without gambling), a bridge that
> > goes nowhere but stimulates endless debate.
> KFC ?
> Kentucky Festival of ol' Computers ?
> :)) (I know it's a lamer, I just cundn't relist ... low willpower)
Better than Kentucky Fried Computers... but we have those, too. 8D
> Is there no snow in January ?
> If yes, please go ahead and start organizeing.
Doug, having previously thought he was standing in a row
of assembled veterans of olf hardware, suddenly finds
everyone has taken a strategic step backwards, leaving
him the leader!
I could help with some logisitic details, but organizing
something like this is currently beyond my 43-year old
To answer the other question, we had snow in January 2000,
the first in quite some time. Usually it just rains all
winter. It also snowed on Christmas Day, again, the first
since perhaps 1977/78.
I will make inquiries to the convention & tourism bureau
as to the schedule of other conventions.
Horse Racing is on vacation in January, however, in case
anyone had their heart set on it.
-doug q
(I apologize if this breaks the 10-year rule; I *think* this
box is about as old as a SS1, or darn close to it - couldnt
find a date of mfg..)
I've got a barebones (no HD, no RAM, no kb/mouse)
HP/Apollo 715/33 available in Austin, Texas.
You can find specifics on it at
Nice little PA-RISC box; however, I just have no use
at all for any HP stuff.
Will trade for anything DEC/VAX related (literally, anything -
make a halfway serious offer, you might be surprised) or will
even possibly give it away if someone has a good enough
need/reason why I should. I just need it out of the way.
I'm looking for VAXstation (3100, 4000-VLC, etc) machines and
hardware, BTW.
| Bill Bradford | Austin, Texas |
| mrbill(a)sunhelp.org | mrbill(a)mrbill.net |
Is it possible to use a DECmate III from a terminal if one has no monitor
or keyboard for it? Since it's in the PDP-8 family, can it run OS/8?
BTW, Does anyone have any stories of favorite PDP-8 or Decmate hacks,
and, has anyone here used a DECmate for any music or sound synthesis
R. D. Davis
I get an allowance. All of my computer-related purchases
come out of that, except if it's something for my wife's
machine, in which case it comes out of our general budget
(which doesn't really exist, but we pretend).
I'm not aquiring many systems these days; I'm trying to
concentrate on getting the systems I have now in some
decent shape-- so mostly parts and docs, and junk.
Since most of the systems I have are not considered
'investment grade', I can still get most of what I need
pretty cheaply (MFM drives-- $1, for example).
It gets expensive when I have to buy a part that's
still used alot in the 'mainstream' (SCSI CD-ROM's,
for example).
Almost all of my machines occupy my basement-- the rest
occupy a small corner of my otherwise full garage.
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On June 16, William Donzelli wrote:
> > Don't care about the 99% anyway, and what you're saying is, that I need
> > a 2 GHz Strontium, running Winblows to talk to this group tomorrow ?
> No, not at all. The question I posed is if anyone is writing mailers for
> the older systems so they can handle HTML properly.
Again, is this a blanket statement that anything that isn't an Intel
box running Windows is an "older system"?
As to the question...yes, many modern mailers for non-Windows
systems (old systems and new systems alike) deal with HTML just
fine. I think the animosity toward HTMLized email (at least for me)
comes from these points:
1) It's just not necessary for effective communications.
2) It's a waste of bandwidth and system resources.
3) Technical people generally want genuine functionality to
prevail over "flash"...which is why many (most) technical people
in the industry (Visual Basic programmers don't count) don't
have Windows boxes on their desks if they have anything to say
about it.
4) It's a clear outgrowth of the overcommercialization of the Internet,
in which uneducated users think the World Wide Web *IS* the
Internet, thus they try to cram the World Wide Web into
everything they do, and conversely, cram everything they do into
the World Wide Web.
-Dave McGuire
I don't really want to start another "ebay good/ebay bad" argument, but
did everybody see that an ADM-3A just sold on ebay for $355 US!?!?
I have two in good working and cosmetic condition that I got from a
bank some years ago, including the little panels and screws that cover
the option dip switches. I alos have docs. How many more are out there,
just on this list?