test-drb September 1999

  • 160 participants
  • 610 discussions

Classical Computing software?
by ToddJ@symresources.com
25 years, 2 months

Small parts request
by af-list@lafleur.wfi-inc.com
25 years, 2 months

floppy controller IC (was Re: Fixing a PET?)
by Glenatacme@aol.com
25 years, 2 months

old INTEL documents
by edick@idcomm.com
25 years, 2 months

Off for a few days!
by kyrrin@bluefeathertech.com
25 years, 2 months

IBM System/34 disk squeal?
by rws@enteract.com
25 years, 2 months

Media interchange sillinesss (Was: floppy controller IC (was Re:
by Glenatacme@aol.com
25 years, 2 months

floppy controller IC (was Re: Fixing a PET?)
by Glenatacme@aol.com
25 years, 2 months

RCA 1861, NTSC and a DEC VR-201
by pete@dunnington.u-net.com
25 years, 2 months

RCA 1861, NTSC and a DEC VR-201
by pete@dunnington.u-net.com
25 years, 2 months
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